How did he do it? If Nixon was so unpopular how did he utterly BTFO the democrats?

how did he do it? If Nixon was so unpopular how did he utterly BTFO the democrats?

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Watergate was later you dingus.

even before then, hippies and boomers never shut up about how much he was hated.

If he was going to win so handily it makes you wonder why he did Watergate at all, or if it was... all a setup...

he didnt even do it. His fan club Committee for the Re-Election of the President or CRP (thats why they were called CREEP)did and Nixon got in trouble because he tried to cover it up.

Nixon was never really *that* unpopular. Hippies and college kids made a lot of noise but the silent majority was real.

Also McGovern ran a shitty campaign.

Everyone who isn't a Democrat is the direct reincarnation of Hitler himself.

Watergate was nothing. Few guys broke into a hotel room to peek at the Demorat convention schedule. That's it.

Obama uses a fake dossier written by Clinton campaign people in collusion with an ex-british spy to get HUNDREDS of FISA warrants to spy on the GOP.

Makes Watergate look like a little boy peeping through a gym door keyhole.

>Obama uses a fake dossier written by Clinton campaign people in collusion with an ex-british spy to get HUNDREDS of FISA warrants to spy on the GOP.

Yes, but how were the Jews were involved?

Nixon was running as a Republican. Republican before Nixon meant fully liberal.

However Nixon was also banking on the southern Democrat's who would switch to Republican party. Why? Because Nixon was using anti-black rhetorics in the South.

So while the rest of the country thought Nixon would be a liberal republican, Nixon was instead going the conservative Republican route. Once the country found out what was happening, the Republican party was being taken over by conservative racists. That left the southern democratic leadership with no voters. So they switched their party ideals. Instead of being the racist/conservative they had been for the last 50 or so years, they change to champion civil rights movement, rights of minorities, women, environmentalism, anti-war, etc.

tl;dr confusion cased by southern strategy.

Should have said they were working for the Russians. Hell, it was the cold war, they probably were

Wasn’t him, it was the (((Soviets))) who set him up desu. Didn’t like that America was getting cozy with (((China))) and perhaps opening them to capitalism so they staged the whole thing. The (((Soviets))) has been working with the (((Democrats))) for a long time to impeach him, in fact they were the ones who worked with (((LBJ))) to assassinate Kennedy.

Nixon wasn't unpopular until after Watergate, and it took literally years of nonstop media shilling to make him unpopular.
Watergate itself wasn't even that bad, compare it to all the Clinton and Bush scandals that people just ignored.

yeah, I really dont get boomers who think nixon was the devil but love obama

Donated the $10,000,000 to Clinton's campaign to pay Perkins Cole.

Boomers, AKA the immediate postwar generation grew up in the 1950s believing literally everything they've seen on TV. They thought TV cannot lie. This is how Vietnam war became so unpopular despite being a much tamer conflict than WW2, CBS was showing American soldiers in bodybags and interviewing black conscripts saying they don't want to be there on the regular, and the adolescent/young adult boomers swallowed it completely.
It wasn't until the 1980s when people started realizing that TV might actually be lying to them.

Google the Weathermen. Democrats were playing too close to the house hip with a literal terrorist organization

Nixon was a cunt. In the '68 election he was in contact with the South Vietnamese government and talked them into backing out of a peace conference because he claimed, if elected, he could negotiate a better deal for them.

>he claimed, if elected, he could negotiate a better deal for them
But that's exactly what happened. He got elected and negotiated a better deal.

He did sign a peace deal though, it just wasn't enforced by the subsequent administration.

Yeah, this too. There were something like 2500 bombings in 1971 and 1972.

Have retarded electoral system, get retarded results. Go figure.

He won the popular vote in 48 states, how is that retarded?

Howard Hughes' paranoia Dicked Dick.
Hughes' ordered Watergate, backfired.

jfK, rfK, mlK; those 3 also.

Hughes' Texas Theatre (1)
Hang the PanAm, bye (2)
Hell's Angel's @ King (3)

Popular Dick

>Nothing to see here, goy