Why do Catholics worship Mary and idols?
Why do Catholics worship Mary and idols?
Cause they are smarter than you.
Mommy issues.
Pagans gotta do what pagans gotta do.
Because their lord and god the pope said so
Why did Teutons worship mary?
Read the canons of the 2nd council of niceae to understand what the iconoclast heresy is and what religious images are used for which do not go against the commandement against idolatry.
>It's not idolatry when we do it.
because the C*tholics deviate from the holy scripture
No. Having religious images and paying respect to the person the image represents is not idolaltry which is worship given to anything which is not God. Religious images within the religion of God were used by the ancient israelites in the construction of solomons temple. Again read the canons of the councils teachings.
More protestants deviate from the teachings of scripture in the area of religious images. They would condemn God who ordered statues of cherubim to be made for the temple.
>t. Never been to a church never had religion in his life
You don't "pray to Mary", that's something you learn when you are a child. You ask Mary or saints or whatever to pray for you, the same way you can pray to Christ to intercede with God the father for you or whatever. All prayer gets to God because he is the only God
Its easier to worship something that exists than make believe thats why religions always had idols or statues to their gods.
Something to do with syncretism between christian and indigenous beliefs.
>idolatry is ok when the p*pe says to
Why not just pray directly to God?
Why do you need anyone to intercede on your behalf?
Keep kidding yourself. Say a few more "Hail Mary's" to the "Queen of Heaven" and "Mother of God".
>They would condemn God who ordered statues of cherubim to be made for the temple.
Nobody prayed to the fucking things. There was no "Hail Cherub!" prayer.
Only pagans pray to idols, papist, and you're an idolater whether you like it or not.
>You don't "pray to Mary", ... You ask Mary
The stupid. It burns.
They have no relationship with God. Only their pope, and they think, Mary and the "saints".
Is there any actual point to this thread? What evidence would you NOT dismiss out of hand? What are you hoping to learn?
Why ask your friend a favour when you can do it yourself?
Christianity is false, so they bring in reasonable practices to even it out.
The less a Christian sect adheres to the bible the better for its intellectual legitimacy desu.
Do Catholics think God is omnipotent, omnipresent?
Then why do you need saints? What purpose do they serve?
Exemplars of virtue, interesting that you only bring up this issue pertaining to Catholics and not Anglicans or Orthodox
Catholics come over from 8ch to troll Veeky Forums by creating bait threads in an effort to trigger protestants or atheists... I really don't think its a good idea to stoop to their level. If the fools think they can pray to idols and summon Christ into a snack let them believe that.
I understand the virtue part, what about the interceding? I can't rationalise it.
Mary is the mother of God, not even Protestants argue that. As for the "Queen of Heaven", I've never heard of something even remotely similar
>Be god
>Have mother
Because us sinners have no right to ask God for anything. Doing so could be considered vanity, so we ask more righteous people (Mary and the Saints) to intercede in our behalf. I think that makes more sense than trying to be best buddies with our Lord Almighty, like some branches of protestantism does.
Why do people pray for relatives with cancer? It's the same thing
Because God may be more willing to do something for their sake instead of your own
Show me in the bible where Mary is called the "Mother of God".
I'll wait.
You literally worship the Queen of Heaven, Babylonian Semiramis, in your Roman pagan cult and you don't even know her title?
I don't believe you.
Because Christians do not pray to dead people.
Intercession is among the living, not the dead.
Mary is the mother of Jesus, true God and true man. Of course Mary is not the mother of God Father, but the title "mother of God" is used to put emphasis on the fact that she was the perfect vessel, born without sin, for God to come to Earth.
>Because us sinners have no right to ask God for anything
Why not? Does it say anywhere we can't? It's my right to ask God for things, he can answer or not. It's not my place to think of such things.
Interceding is pure idolatry spun into something vaguely rational.
>papists literally and unironically pray to a woman
>be muslim
>Be Jew
Pray direct to God. What did they get so right?
Look, you're obviously not very bright, and obviously not a very deep thinker, but did it ever occur to you that God is Father, Son and Spirit?
And that Mary did not give birth to the Father or the Spirit?
So call Mary, the real Mary, not the one you have an idol of, the Mother of Jesus, or the Mother of the Messiah.
By calling her the Mother of God, you are literally saying that Mary is God.
Read the bible, for once. Look where Jesus claimed to be the Son of God, and each and every time the Jews picked up rocks to kill him for blasphemy.
You're blaspheming in the exact same way by calling Mary the Mother of God.
>Be Muslim
>Be Jew
>Live in constant fear of being blown up in your holy land
I don't know user, you tell me
My fault, I didn't explain myself. The title "mother of God" doesn't mean that Mary was literally the mother of God, the same way that saying that Jesus was "the lamb of God" doesn't make him a literal lamb. It's a way of showing that Mary was a truly pure woman, born witout sin, and the perfect vessel for the coming of God to Earth, for we acknowledge that Jesus was God and man.
Yes, all of which are abominations and blasphemies.
Mary was not born sinless.
Mary did not live a sinless life.
Mary was not the perfect vessel for God to enter the earth; she was imperfect, flawed, a sinner.
Your church calls Mary the Mother of God, and it is one of the abominations it speaks while it drinks from a cup full of the blood of the saints and the martyrs.
Real saints and martyrs, not Romanists.
>born without sin
[citation needed]
The vast majority of saints and martyrs were Catholic though dipshit, what would a pentecostal saint even be? Some "faith healer"?
All saints and martyrs belong to the Universal Church however Romanists do not because they are pagans.
I see your point, but I just can't help but feel a little ashamed of myself when thinking about asking God to give me things. It just feels unearned. I guess it's just different for protestants.
How can they be saints if they followed a pagan church? You fucking dolt
Maybe if you actually studied what Jesus said your feelings wouldn't be so out of touch with reality.
>Whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give you.
So let me get this straight.
God is divine, omnipotent, omnipresent and most forgiving - but he won't accept your pleas for forgiveness if you do it yourself since he doesn't want anything to do with sinful scum, instead he'll only accept prayers if they're done through intermediaries?
God doesn't need anyone to intercede for you. He understand every fiber of your being, he knows exactly how sincere you're being when you ask for forgiveness. Going through a 3rd party to intercede on your behalf shows you don't have faith in God's forgiveness.
If we accept the fact that the original sin existed before Jesus, and that He was at least to some extent human, the only way for him to be free of sin (because He is the perfect lamb of God) is being born from a sinless woman.
Because catholics and orthodox don't have personal god relationship and need middle men (cough church cough).
No person voted a saint by the RCC is necessarily a saint.
Read the bible.
Every single believer is called a saint.
It's because you have no personal relationship with the living God.
And who did he say that to?
And why do you think you're included in that audience?
Jesus hates the beliefs and ways of the nicolaitans; people who put clergy over the laity.
Nothing existed before Jesus, and by that, I mean that Jesus is eternal, not that there was a "time" when "nothing" existed, and then Jesus came along.
Why would we need Jesus to absolve us from original sin if Mary was without sin already?
Only The Father knows whose names are written in the Book of Life and although outward appearances deceive men, God cannot be deceived. I do not doubt that many people who the Romanists called saints are in Hell and many people who they condemned are in Heaven.
Jesus was born free from sin because that was the will of the Almighty. Only a pagan would think that it is not within God's power to directly conceive a sinless child. Romanist fanfiction that attempts to explain the miraculous is nothing more than mental masturbation which would at least be somewhat tolerable except for the fact that they have the arrogance to insist if people don't swallow their fantasies they forfeit their salvation!
Most catholics actually pray to God for something important (Strength to endure suffering or to resist sin, for example), but we pray to saints and Mary for things we deem selfish (health, our well-being or the wellbeing of our loved ones...).
Jesus forgave mankind of all of its sins, but for Unbelief, the unpardonable sin.
Don't listen to pagan nonsense; it makes no sense.
As sin is from FATHER to SON, no, it would have to be the case where Jesus was born to a sinless FATHER, who would be the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
You pagans are not only lost, but damned.
God has never heard a single Catholic prayer that was not a prayer of surrender to him.
>I know how God thinks
Careful user, starting to sound a little blasphemous there
By jesus I meant the resurrection of Jesus
God does not hear the prayers of the wicked, only the prayers of his children.
And Catholics are not His children.
So, if the sin is from FATHER to SON, the daughters would be free of sin from the start, which means Mary was in fact sinless.
And I ripped your asinine feminine deity theory a new one here.
You really don't read the bible, do you.
Women are not mentioned unless something very special happens to one of them.
Mary inherited Heli's sins.
>Proddies are unironically this stupid and heretical
He said it to His disciples and those who have been baptized in His name are part of that audience.
>we pray to saints and Mary for things we deem selfish (health, our well-being or the wellbeing of our loved ones...).
So you think God is not concerned with those things and you are bothering God by asking Him about them? Is the God of the papists short on time or something? This madness would be amusing were not so many souls lead astray by it.
>Mary is the mother of God,
Blasphemy, God has no mother nor father he always existed.
When you are cast into eternal hellfire, I hope your last words are "dammit, they were right all along."
God is our Lord and Creator, not our dad.
He said it to his apostles. It cannot be inferred to have been promised to anyone else.
That's the maddening part; not only are the Catholics themselves lost, but they scour the world looking for converts and when they find one, he's twice the son of hell as he was before.
Mary was nothing but a tool to make Jesus you really think Yahweh has her propped up as some holier than thou spirit? Get real.
>call her mother of Jesus, not mother of God
So you deny that Christ is God, my Muslim friend.
Romans 8:15 For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.”
He is Father to me, not to all human beings. Most human beings have the devil as their spiritual father.
Mary is the mother of Jesus, the mother of the messiah, the mother of my Lord. I can back all of those with scripture.
Mary is not the mother of YHWH, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
>t. I hate reading the Bible
Yes God is not our father he is our creator.
You have the same understanding of the triune nature of God that they do. None.
If all God is to you is your creator, then he will also be your judge, jury, and executioner.
Trinity is horseshit God is God and Jesus and Jesus and there is no fucking holy spirit thats a term for angelic intervention.
So yes, you confirm that you are not a Christian by denying that Christ is God.
>the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Why are Protestatns so fucking obsessed with the Torah?
Okay, Mehmet, calm down.
Ananias and Sephira lied to the Holy Spirit and got dropped dead on the spot. We are told not to grieve the Holy Spirit, or blaspheme Him.
The Holy Spirit is as much God as the Father is God, and the Son is God.
>Trinity is horseshit
Jesus is God.
Jesus existed before Mary. Jesus existed an eternity before Mary. Jesus' existence did not depend on Mary.
God is a triune being. Father is God, SON IS GOD, and Spirit is God.
Mary is not the mother of the Father or the Spirit of God, and not the "Mother of God", which would make her GOD.
You nerds actually paid attention at bible studies? Lmao.
Because we care about God, and not some wop in a funky hat.
They lied to an angel not a holy spirit, there is no holy spirit you fucking retard. I guess Joseph met the holy spirit or Ezekiel met the holy spirit.
You'll wish you had.
Acts 5:3 But Peter said, “Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back part of the price of the land for yourself?
Its an angel user not a holy spirit. Jews call any angelic event with no visible sign of an angel "holy spirit".
Joseph met Gabriel.
Do you eat pork?