Was Japan always like this?
Was Japan always like this?
yes, also
>no neetbro enclave to gather and snuggle your waifu with
>the jews are responsibl-
inb4 "WWII caused anime"
Why does Veeky Forums think a subculture is a reflection of the nation as a whole?
I ask the same thing about people believing all of China is represented by Beijing.
no, americans introduced soy into the japanese diet after wii.
Don't you realize that these "people" are seen as just as pathetic to the rest of Japan as they are to us?
>look mom i posted it again ahhahahahahaha
just like german lmao
To be fair, nobody is breeding in Japan and romantic relationships are the most toxic shitshows I have ever seen. It's not because of anime though, obviously.
Source: I live here.
soy based diets so yeah
>and romantic relationships are the most toxic shitshows I have ever seen
Oh come it sometimes works out. Sometimes.
Yeah but they've always eaten that bean so it's clearly not that. Hell the country was vegetarian by imperial mandate for like 1200 years before the Restoration, and in that time period they had one of the most brutal civil wars in human history.
Honestly when you think about it... its true all memes aside.
Western society don't have soy based diets, but yet you become even worse, and intentionally spreading such a social cancer worldwide .
When is "soy" going to be globally autofiltered?
It's a shame a lot of Jomon features seem to have been wiped out of the major areas (probably due to the war) and only really exist in the countryside
Radiation is a hell of a drug
Reminder that Hitler was a vegetarian and great proponent of soy
Yep. Always had shit taste.
I use Japan as an example whenever I need to talk about some negative social or demograhic trend.
I'm sorry, user.
what do you think about about weebs who think japan is some sort of mono race utopia?
go back to /pol/ and worship your fucking soy fuck leader
I just wish they could live and work here for a few months. It feels absolutely Orwellian sometimes, and there's genuinely 2nd world areas of the country.
Hitler was a soyboy haha
Anime predates WWII though.
Only Britain is close to being Orwellian
>mono race
What are burakumin?
What are Ainu?
What are Zainichi Koreans?
Don't forget Ryukyuans
Alll of their bravest died in battle
None of them are different races, and the first isn't even a different ethnicity
So does tentacle porn.
oy vey
It actually did.
Anime wouldve never been possible under the conservative stick-in-the-butt prudishness of traditional Japanese society that defeat in WWII BTFO so badly.
>the same as Yamato
I bet you work for the Japanese government, sly Wajin
>same as Norwegian
Ooops, I guess "white" isn't a race either :^)
No, before they crashed into battle ships
Someone please source those pictures, the first three I mean, no way this is real.
i thought traditional Japanese society died with the Meiji restoration. Banning samurais etc.
Yes. Japan has always been a nation of art, advanced when compared to the rest of the world. Heian period aristocrats spent their entire days with games, literature and poetry. Japan always attracted the attention of Western artists and art connoisseurs, including Van Gogh, Teddy Roosevelt and the Rockefeller family. If you study enough Japanese history and you look past the dumb stereotypes, you'll see that this modern culture of anime, videogames, cosplay, conventions and so many others are just the continuation of the Japanese traditions in art. Whatever happens 500 years from now, everyone will look back and ask themselves how come Japan was still a mecha of art and culture when the rest of the world was calling pieces of turd "art".
Yayoi were in greater number than the Jomon, so the latter were assimilated (modern Yamato are 15% to 30% Jomon). The areas where the Yayoi couldn't reach (such as the countryside) had their Jomon inhabitants "preserved".
You can find many Jomon features in certain parts of Hokkaido and Okinawa.
USA is not a western country
But that's what enables hentai. If you want to censor art, the policy must be fuzzy, which is impossible in Japan. They do it with exact policy, not very effective.
Not always minimum.
How do you feel about Japanese influence in the geopolitical sphere of the future?
Will the society stand the test of time or will they fracture?
Not user, but:
>Will the society stand the test of time
All populations normalize to a birth rate of 2. As long as we keep protecting them until it normalizes, it will stand.
>will they fracture?
Chinks typically don't engage in subversion because corporate espionage is more profitable.
I don't think it's likely.
>How do you feel about Japanese influence in the geopolitical sphere of the future?
They have the best cultural exports in the world.
t. Weeb
Ghana theater is too crude.
Indian cultural exports are literal shit.
American cultural exports have been shit since at least 1990. Granted games and independent creators are pulling us up, but leftism still has us in the hole.
German cultural exports ended in 1945 if you ignore bibi hendl.
English cultural exports are new old stock and just bad.
French cultural exports are state mandated words.
Chinese cultural exports don't come from china.
>a mecha of art
Here you go: acj.sblo.jp
Hope you can read japanese. Basically the pictures come from the ship newspaper. People that knew how to draw would often contribute to a little "comic page". As you can see from the pictures, that often included pretty girls. Long times at sea, with only other men for company makes one long for the warm bosom of a woman and all that. The last picture, of the three boys is interesting as they are supposed to be a kind of mascot for the ship Nagato. While this page does not show the specific picture in that screenshot, I think we can conclude that their existence is highly probable, if not certain.
Here is a site claiming the anthropomorphisations are from 1937: akankore.doorblog.jp
Here is one in english, about japanese ships: kancolle-news.com
These three ships were passenger liners, but were transferred to the navy and became Taiyo-class carriers.