Why is rape considered so much worse than violence? Im not saying it shouldn't be, in fact I completely understand being more afraid of being raped than being beaten, but I would like to know why this is. Obviously I'm guessing it has something to do with the humiliation factor but what about sex is do people find so inherently humiliating, and then why more so than a beating? Is it something that arose from human culture in history, or is it an innate instinct built into people? For example why is a beating considered an acceptable way to punish someone or discourage an action(obviously it's considered bad but people at least understand it especially in a historically context) but rape is considered universally out of line?
Why is rape considered so much worse than violence? Im not saying it shouldn't be...
you can get preggo from doing the fuck.
this. bearing and rearing a child is life-altering in a way that very few things can compare to. having it forced upon you unwillingly is horrifying, not just for that act alone, but also for the fact that the perpetrator of the violence has his DNA inside that child.
it's also a perversion of the natural version of sex, which is potentially the most intimate and trust-dependent thing you can do with another human, so having someone breach that ground can feel especially violating on a deep psychological level.
also there's just the basal ick factor of something being physically inside you that you don't want there.
This implies male on male rape does not carry a stigma.
It's looked down on in the same way cruelty is, which is different from the way violence is looked down on. And that's because rape corresponds to cruelty, which is never legitimate and causes the torturer sadistic pleasure, and not to violence, which can be legitimate and to which the relation of the perpetrator is ambivalent at best. Violence is goal-oriented, not being a goal in itself, and it can be justified for that reason, unlike cruelty, which takes itself as the goal of the action.
sex has more taboos around it than violence
you can talk about violence in good company, bringing up sex makes people squirm in discomfort
Would you prefer to be held down and beat up, or held down and assraped ?
Can't get pregnant.
I remember reading a book by a French feminist who had been raped.
She advocated taking a fatalistic/detached stance towards it, and remove the existential stakes from people's genitals.
To quote : "in my pussy, I can't stop assholes from entering, and I left nothing precious there".
because rape is seen as something that happens to females and beatings to men.
And nobody cares what happens to men.
Prison rape is actively celebrated in america.
the second two paragraphs in my response can also apply to male on male rape.
It doesn’t. “Don’t drop the soap,” a common joke that appeared in Spongebob for fucks sakes, is liberally used. Shows can often turn male rape into jokes. I’m reminded of ATHF, where one episode featured Carl, a main character getting raped in a humorous fashion and no one had a problem with it, and in another where a nameless female character is raped in a humorous fashion and lots of people found it distasteful.
Male rape just doesn’t garner the same level of disgust in people that female rape does. There’s even the common notion that men can’t be raped. Why people feel this way, I don’t know, but it’s there.
Feminism. And don't forget how the definition keeps changing.
Male rape doesn't carry much stigma itself, but raped males sure do.
Romans used public rape by animals & gladiators as a punishment for female thieves
this, OP here but even though prison rape is joked about (female on male is too, and is often also not even presented as negative) that still doesn't explain the inherent fear of it more than just being attacked. Also I still think someone would be hated much more for raping a little boy than just kicking the shit out of him.
I think the "inside part" is actually unique to the mouth anus and vagina, or another hole if the object is somehow sexual, because for example having a knife stuck in your side will sure as shit hurt, it won't carry same sort of shame as rape.
I'd say this does a pretty good job, but do you think this would be the same if there was less of a stigma against sex? Do you think the intimacy of sex is inherent and wouldn't go away with culture or do you think it has to do with norms much like clothing and such? And if the second would that change the perception of rape? I'd if that were the case it would, but I don't think it necessarily is the case.
How would you feel if some feral nigger thought looked “fine” and forcibly used your erogenous zones? You wouldn’t be saying this then
>YWN screw your life up so bad that you end up resorting to training giraffes to rape females for a living.
What a bunch of nonsense, rape is immoral because its easy sex meaning many babies who the fathers you wont be able to determine meaning no cohesive family unit just mothers their rapespawn and men. So to allow family units to exist rape was criminalized.
true, and that can tie into the second point, where an unwanted advance into a sexual organ represents a transgression of a social norm. whether that occurs with someone else's dick or a knife i think the psychological harm is similar.
staying within the stabbing example, getting stabbed in the side will hurt physically, but getting stabbed in the ass/dick/vagina will likely hurt on a much more psychological level even if you ignore the physical trauma since it represents an assault on your body's capability for sex, a semi-sacred act, and not just an assault on your body as a whole.
Male rape is hated because it emasculates a man mentally for some reason a cock being inserted into your ass without your consent makes you start to mentally act like a horny woman, you keep thinking about that guy just dominating you and it fucks with your ego.
Not really
Rape is just a property crime against the father or husband of the girl in question
Historically you just marry girls you catch & rape
Sounds like a “look how evil those pagan romans where myth”
I said I don't disagree
There are cultures where the family of the girl you raped would murder your whole family and molotof your house down. Just think on that you liberal faggot.
Two main things desu
1. The powerlessness of it. Someone has complete power of you and instead of killing you, makes you suffer humiliation, pain, among other things.
2. For most of history, People put great importance on passing down your family line. Someone rapes your wife or sister, they are insulting your blood and stopping your families genes from being passed on in favor of their own.
It may sound edgy but it's not the intention of it.
Women often use sex as a tool to get what they want from a man. Rape skips the part where they get reward for letting someone penetrate them. Also, there are several studies concluding that women often dream and fantasize about rape, so there you have it.
Since humans have sentience our bodies are our personal belonging and our “temples”. Things shouldn’t happen to your body that you don’t want to happen. Sex is a personal and intimate action, for most people. When you are raped someone is violating all personal rights to your body you have.