Why did the French not follow the same colonial example that Britain went with to create Dominions and instead opted to make colonies a part of their nation? We’re the French as bad as the Spaniards when it comes to the colony game?
Why did the French not follow the same colonial example that Britain went with to create Dominions and instead opted to...
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The British dominions were made from places which large amounts of British and Irish had settled and were almost like extensions of Britain and Britian believed were reliably loyal. France didn't really have that in its later 20th century Empire, I guess Algeria had a fair few French and was considered a part of France but it wasn't the same as Australia or Canada.
Why couldn’t they turn French Indochina into something like NZ or French Africa like a French United States?
>We’re the French as bad as the Spaniards when it comes to the colony game?
>Spain colonizes an entire continent
>bad at the 'colony game'
UK was more settlers, France was more occupy.
India & Pakistan for example turned into the same mess that Algeria did and so on
>Bad at colony game.
Spain literally managed to do what France was aiming: i.e. to turn locals into part of the Spanish nation. With the exception of a few colonies, a lot of the local cultures were convinced they were hispanic. Only Spain's retarded decision to continue treating colonial subjects as second class citizens doomed the Empire into revolt.
Heck the least hispanized of the Spanish Empire - the Philippines- were some of its longest subjects even til it asked for representation in the Spanish government, got denied, and revolted.
French colonists never achieved the critical mass needed for that to happen. In Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, colonists had long outnumbered natives by the time these countries achieved relative independence from the metropole.
But couldn’t they meme their unity equality and egality motto to convince Asians and Africans to form into French NZ or French USA
Bad at colony game in a sense that everyone revolted against them as well as their colonial policy of resource extracion
>Simple resource extraction.
>Literally built cities out of nowhere for much of their colonies.
>Universities even.
Tends to be the ones emerging in the 19th Century that were into resource extraction & market cornering.
Spain started their empire at a time when it was still positively medieval.
too many chinks and arabs, just like in the britshit colonies in the same area
So where did the meme of “Spain was an evil oppressor empire that killed natives for gold” came from? Was that just invented by the Anglos to vilify them?
In fact there's an entire historiography surrounding discussion of Anglo/Protestant smear on Spanish history.
The fact of the matter is, many in the Spanish Empire by the late 1600s saw themselves as Spanish subjects. That shit was easy: all you had to do was be catholic and consider yourself a king's man. Not to mention the native elites benefitted off the arrangement and were virtually colonial nobility, especially those who descended from the people who originally cooperated with the Conquistadors.
AGAIN Spain was a very old colonial empire, one that started in the end of the medieval ages, where loyalty & religion tended to trump race.
By far the worst sin of the Spanish Empire by far was the total disregard of its colonial subjects and their being second-class citizens or worse, lack of rights as people. Even Spanish/Europeans who were born in the colonies. Imagine being a seeing yourself as a good Spanish subject but your overlords do not acknowledge it.
Lot of that shit was true though.
Why did the Anglos hate Spain then?
Weren’t they a powerful nation with a big fuck off navy that can sail around the world?
They could’ve just gone to South Africa and mine gold there
>Why did the Anglos hate Spain then
The hispanic wars of independence were an excuse for criollos to expropiate lands from the natives.Anything else is a meme.Criollos could move up in the ranks of Spanish representation as any other person in Spain and there were a lot of criollos that were named viceroy
>Imagine being a seeing yourself as a good Spanish subject but your overlords do not acknowledge it.
Sounds like what happened with the Americans desu.
>rural and suburban retards start genociding brown people before intelligent city kings and the government proper intervene
>a number of war crimes during an 80-year long strife of the Dutch against imperial authority, mostly troopers left loose, which invariably happens
Disease would have inevitably ruined the Americas and it was better for the natives to be subjected to Spain than see them squabble and slaughter each other over the scraps of their civilization. Prove me wrong.
Settlement's a more effective policy in regions with low population density and low populations in general, New Zealand, Australia and Canada were examples, Indochina's filled with a lot of people.
It wasn't. Mostly Judaeo-Protestant propaganda.
This alone explains Anglo Dominions' success. Anything else is a meme.
In the Americas, the British arrived later than the Spaniards to the colonization game. This was a blessing in disguise. As the Spaniards occupied regions with heavy population density and already established Empires (Aztecs, Mayans, Incas), the British moved into territories with low population density, rich in resources but with no people in them aside from a few native tribes.
Starting a new, loyal society from scratch with your settlers, takes longer and is more expensive than simply conquering an already established Empire, with functioning cities and infraestructure, but in the long run it is easier to redo in your own image and integrate it to your economy.
It is telling that the most successful Spanish colonies (Uruguay, Argentina, Chile) were also settler societies with little natives, rather than places with large, established Empires.
Low population density of Natives = Settler societies = More expensive to set up but easier to integrate into your Empire and the world economy at large
Large population density of Natives = Colonial extractive societies = Easier to set up and extract resources from but ultimately more difficult to integrate into your Empire and the world economy
This. If you control immigration, you control the colony. Keep it to a simple few, and you'll never have a worry with revolution. But import a critical mass, and those people will revolt eventually, see North America.