This is not a /pol/ post, so don't make it one. This is humanities. In the US this man is considered "white", this is very odd, please explain this Veeky Forums.
Modern racial ID politics
>In the US this man is considered "white"
Only by census bureau retards. No average person thinks that. S&R.
Why S&R this is a completely valid question. The compilation of inconsistencies that I notice when studying history, and humanities is striking, and deserves explanation.
nice agenda you have there, OP
looks like a fringe paperwork mistake so probably hanging around 0.1% of egyptian immigrants are classified as white
Youre the same underaged nigger whos been haning around here right?
>No argument or explanation
>checks out
Americans are insane.
The US census bureau has literally invented a new race, "Hispanics", which groups together people as racially diverse as full Black Dominicans, Native Guatemalans, Mestizo Mexicans, White Cubans or Asian Peruvians into a single thing just because they speak Spanish.
The media has adopted the term, and even some medical studies into the inheritability of certain diseases or so on use "Hispanic" as a racial category.
This word literally does NOT EXIST outside of the USA, it wasn't used until 1970 when the US Census bureau literally came out with it out of the blue for PC reasons.
It's insane, positively Orwellian.
because you posted an ancedote from some "we wuz" negress in a very obvious politized post
i know for fact youre that stupid nigger whos been spamming moor threads so heres your invitation to leave faggot
The big question is why? What is the underlying agenda. Also alot of white Americans seem to think muslim is a race. It's mind boggling.
>Derail a convo about a valid inconsistency with le "we wuz" meme.
>White inferiority complex is apparently powerful enough to shutdown all objective thought in whites.
>Derail a convo about a valid inconsistency with le "we wuz" meme
>break the rules and annoy people with your we wuz hotep nonesense
>Get told to go too /pol/
>double down on retardation
im gonna give you 5$ to go fuck yourself
I'm not we wuzzing at all, I'm just trying to understand how this guy is "white", yet clay Thomas and Steph Curry are "black". Please make me understand, I want to understand
"Hispanic" is classified as a cultural group by the US Census. It has nothing to do with race.
Yet medical studies are being conducted based on it. You do realize how insane that is, right?
I'm trying to get to the bottom of what's behind this. Anybody have any guesses?
Also, it's not a cultural group, anybody that has been to Latin America knows the cultural differences between a Mayan native in the jungle, and some Welsh descendant in Patagonia are like night and day.
>I'm just trying to understand how this guy is "white"
hes not
and no one outside of the piece of paper thinks he is
but being from Egypt he comes from a cultural and genetically different background then African americans so according to the US government he doesn't deserve to have things like affirmative action, easier access to loans if he wanted to start a black business
the main reason that hefner guy was suing was because he lost a job opportunity because it was basically a diversity position
again youd have better luck discussing this on /pol/ because its a political issue, not a historical or humanitarian one
Different lifestyle choices to your "traditional" American family. Things like diet, family structure etc have impact on your general health.
>Brings black Americans into it.
Why do black Americans take up so much space in so many people's minds. Is it jealousy?
>Things like diet
Bullshit they eat the same junk food we do.
/Pol/ doesn't want to discuss this of course
>Why do black Americans take up so much space in so many people's minds. Is it jealousy?
because its relevant to the conversation?
>This is not a /pol/ post
Sure thing, buddy.
>please explain this Veeky Forums.
As someone else said, it's just the bureaucracy. The census is afraid to create new racial categories because that's not PC now, but they aren't going to let go the ones they already have either. So they just force everyone into old categories built for a different time.
There were basically no middle eastern immigrants back when the census bureau was okay making and modifying ethnic categories, so now they have to either shove them in white, black, or asian. There's no category for Australian Aboriginals or (subcontinent) Indians either, as far as I know.
Nine times out of ten when someone talks about Hispanics in the U.S. they're talking about Mestizos because that's the vast majority of those who enter and live in the country.
It's more linguistic than cultural.
Have you ever met a Hispanic person in real life?
Why do I get the feeling that 99% of people who shitpost about race or culture or whatever on Veeky Forums have no real world experience with anything they're talking about
sage for thinly-veiled /pol/ thread
>9 posters
>25 posts
egyptian immigrants do not come from the same background and upbringing as african americans, so if he was classified as black on the census he would qualify for things like affirmative action and a whole bunch of shit that the government doesnt think he deserves because hes not a descendant of american slaves or never experienced a black american upbringing
its easier to just classify his as white for paperwork issues then create a whole new category for him for no good reason except "muh racial identity"
So race is determined, by arbitrary laws now? How is this guy "white" and Steph Curry is "black". It still makes zero sense. Also since when did black Americans become the sole definition of "black" worldwide? By your logic an immigrant from Ghana is also white because he doesn't have the same history or genetic composition as black Americans(who are mullatic). Again none of the glaring inconsistencies have been explained.
Race is itself an unscientific concept. Phenotypic expression of "black" genes doesn't say very much about the underlying genetics of a person if they're an admixture of several historically distinct populations.
One drop rules are as silly as lumping Hispanics together or lumping French and Estonians together.
>So race is determined, by arbitrary laws now?
theres nothing arbitrary about being the descendent of a west african slave in america
>How is this guy "white" and Steph Curry is "black"
because thats how it works as has already been explained
its a political issue relating to benefits of being african american, these benefits are not given to african immigrants because theyre ancestors were never slaves in america and we dont give enough of a shit to create a category for them so they feel good about themselves
>Also since when did black Americans become the sole definition of "black" worldwide?
never, its impossible, its like fitting a square peg into a round hole it doesnt work
>By your logic an immigrant from Ghana is also white because he doesn't have the same history or genetic composition as black Americans(who are mullatic).
theyre white in the sense that theyre not fit for receiving government benefits meant for the descendents of american slaves
im sorry but its one of those questions where the answer is "thats just how it is"
im sure you'll get over it, try finding a job so you dont have to live on government handouts instead of caring about your racial identity
Almost everybody is the descendant of slaves at some point, either literal or virtual linguistically dependent. Even the guy in my OP, Also black Americans are also the descendant of slave masters, why is it so important to define black Americans by slavery?
Also sudanese are also considered "white" by the US census.
So being black worldwide depends solely on whether some of your ancestors were slaves in America. This is madness.
>why is it so important to define black Americans by slavery?
because black americans wanted it apparently, thats why they protested so they could get affirmative action bills passed
>Also black Americans are also the descendant of slave masters
slavery is only the tip of the iceberg where you get into things like jim crow, red lining, etc
they dont get first choice and at schools because someone theyre related too was a slave two hundreds years ago they get it because slavery led to the creation of social institutions that actually effect them today
Either there's genuine retardation here, or sheer shitposting.
Shame on Veeky Forums for replying to this shit and not saging.
It's because the census is the last thing any American legislature cares about so the job falls to braindead toadies and ideological whack jobs who think that evolution doesn't apply to people. Retards like , who are historically and scientifically illiterate, are put in charge of making up categories.
Affirmative Action is basically just reverse racism and should be abolished.
It's helped a lot of peephole more then hurt and many places in education don't use it.
>Affirmative Action is basically just reverse racism and should be abolished.
i dont know what compels me to show any courtesy to you, what an absolute dumpster fire of a thread
>>lots of qualified white people get ignored now in higher education and on the job market because the government would rather have lots of quota hires instead of workers who are at least vaguely competent now.