Chadiest chads in history

i'm attempting to create a list (from 10 being the least alpha to 1 being most alpha) of the chadiest chads that ever chaded.

>they must have held a position of power or acquired a position of power.
>no one past 1991 anyone before that is fine.

points i'm judging them on:
>significant alpha things they did.
>how old where they when they did significant alpha things.
>how people remembered them.
>bonus points for amazing facial hair.

Other urls found in this thread:

Portugal's Salazar.

>literally march up to the king and tell him to make you PM
>cuck the king out of his power after that

Alexander (just stating the obvious) and maybe Caesar?

lmaoooo he stayed back in milan like a pussy ass bitch

Gustavus Adolphus, so alpha that after his passing Sweden began its decline into becoming the quintessential virgin country

OP here, another point im judging is how they died.

hmmmmm... doesn't sound like he left his country in a very good position, by your own words. Didn't Charles XII come after him though?

Sweden remained in a good position, but began its slow and steady decline from great power status that was eventually embodied in the death of Karl XII.

Oh, ok. Thanks.

*insert person/group I don't like*

*insert person/group I like*

1: Genghis Khan

2: Augustus, Julius, Alexander, Napoleon I, Washington

3: Sulla

4: Napoleon III

5: Churchill

6: Victoria

7: George III

8: Gerald Ford

9: Carlos II of Spain

10: Peter III of Russia

Spain remained in a good position, but began its slow and steady decline from great power status that was eventually embodied in the death of Karlos II.

>Inb4 Achmed
I'm not wrong though.
Also Alexander the great included as the two greatest Chads in all of this planet's rich history.


Is there even a question?

>everything falls apart in a few years

>legacy carried on by his wife's descendents

>This is an argument against their chad-level

Cortez is easily the #1 chad in human history.

Gabriele D'Annunzio
>poet, playwright, bodybuilder, playboy
>joined the italian air force, where he was part of a group of absolute madmen
>decided to fuck around and drop fliers on Vienna from his plane in the middle of WWI
>after the war, decided to fuck around even harder and invaded Fiume with his own paramilitary squad
>left the military after pressure from gay Mussolini
>retired from public life to his dope lakeside villa, which he built around an amphitheater and a cruiser he simply jammed into the hill
>fairly cool moustache


>becomes a poorfag who his King doesn't even recognize in old age
the sad fate of all chads

>And it would seem that if ever a man was ruined by his own exalted reputation, that man was Alcibiades. His continuous successes gave him such repute for unbounded daring and sagacity, that when he failed in anything, men suspected his inclination; they would not believe in his inability. Were he only inclined to do a thing, they thought, naught could escape him. So they expected to hear that the Chians also had been taken, along with the rest of Ionia. 3 They were therefore incensed to hear that he had not accomplished everything at once and speedily, to meet their wishes. They did not stop to consider his lack of money. This compelled him, since he was fighting men who had an almoner of bounty in the Great King, to leave his camp frequently and sail off in quest of money for rations and wages. The final and prevailing charge against him was due to this necessity.

>The Athenians were greatly depressed at the loss of their supremacy. But when Lysander robbed them of their freedom too, and handed the city over to thirty men, then, their cause being lost, their eyes were opened to the course they would not take when salvation was yet in their power. They sorrowfully rehearsed all their mistakes and follies, the greatest of which they considered to be their second outburst of wrath against Alcibiades. 2 He had been cast aside for no fault of his own; but they got angry because a subordinate of his lost a few ships disgracefully, and then they themselves, more disgracefully still, robbed the city of its ablest and most experienced general. And yet, in spite of their present plight, a vague hope still prevailed that the cause of Athens was not wholly lost so long as Alcibiades was alive. He had not, in times past, been satisfied to live his exile's life in idleness and quiet; nor now, if his means allowed, would he tolerate the insolence of the Lacedaemonians and the madness of the Thirty.

>The party sent to kill him did not dare to enter his house, but surrounded it and set it on fire. When Alcibiades was aware of this, he gathered together most of the garments and bedding in the house and cast them on the fire. Then, wrapping his cloak about his left arm, and drawing his sword with his right, he dashed out, unscathed by the fire, before the garments were in flames, and scattered the Barbarians, who ran at the mere sight of him. Not a man stood ground against him, or came to close quarters with him, but all held aloof and shot him with javelins and arrows. Thus he fell, and when the Barbarians were gone, Timandra took up his dead body, covered and wrapped it in her own garments, and gave it such brilliant and honourable burial as she could provide.


came to post this
he was the spirit of fascism incarnate

I think he represents fascism in the ethical aspect alone, and only marginally in the political/economic/ideological. as a man who lived under his own rules and did what he felt like doing, in many ways he was much closer to an individualistic Einzige/Anarch/Übermensch than anything else

Collins is probably the biggest chad ever to come from Ireland, except perhaps Máel Sechnaill mac Domnaill or Tom Barry.

He tried to quit and made england America's bitch

>Napoleon III
Can't think of a more pathetic monarch.




>shoot 3 people (a cop, a judge and a lawyer) in broad daylight in view of dozens of witnesses, killing one of them
>held in prison without trial for months because the government can't find a jury that wouldn't refuse to convict him
>eventually they send him to the other side of the country to stand trial in a town where he's never been and doesn't know anyone
>when the trial finally starts, the audience and jury openly harass the prosecution witnesses, accusing them of lying and incompetence and threatening to kill them
>when the trial ends the jury deliberates for 5 minutes before finding him not guilty

he was a good lad

>began as a poor noble (which meant that he was just a very little above average serf) who couldn't afford becoming a hussar
>joined mercenaries and quickly became their leader
>loved looting, pillaging and crushing g*rmnoids and nord*cks on daily basis
>always loyal to king during deluge in which he played very important role
>worked his way to being second most important person in command of armies and one of wealthiest people in the country, rivaling families who gathered their wealth across generations which created a lot of butthurt
>had shitload of scars
>but was still known as a relaxed, honest and humble person
>mentioned in polish anthem

Josef Šnajdárek
>traveled to Istanbul to be a Turkish pasha when he was 13yo
>joined Turkish army for fun during the 1897 war with Greece while being A-H cadet
>spent 1/4 of his life fighting Arabs in French Foreign Legion
>ordered his soldiers to shoot wounded during the attack on Kraut trenches to increase speed and strenght of attack
>"if you cant do everything, you are a bad commander that isnt loved by his men"
>called general Latinik funny chap when he sent armoured cars to kill him after the negotiations
>got nicknamed child-eater by Poles because of the 7 Days War
>BLACKED 100 soldiers with soot and made Hungarians think its 8000 men strong French Senegalese unit
>friend with French high command, Pétain, Gamelin, d'Esperey, Mangin, Foch
>spent 45 years of his life as a soldier
>took part in 18 military campaigns
>got wounded 40 times
>"Biggest achievement in my life? I dont know, iam still alive!"

facial hair pic, altrough he looks better with his psycho look

Napoleon I was a literal cuck though (a manlet too).

Seleucus, just look at that masculine face

>killed all his enemies
>annihilated fascism
>industrialised a massive country in barely a decade
>unbelievably awesome moustache
>still hugely popular
>terrified every western elite

>2 meters tall
>kicked the ottomans out of Azov
>rekt the swedes who were the best army of Europe at the moment
>modernized Russia
>killed his own son for plotting against him
>"Emperor of all Russia"
>founded a city named after him to become the new capital

Depictions of the Lord Jesus Christ are blasphemous

kinda creepy how he told swedes to eat bodies of their dead officers and how he wanted to play as dentist wanting to remove peoples teeth


What? Do you constantly feel the need to project your pathetic existence onto men who actually made a difference in the world?

Brainlets struggling with the concept of a spectrum

Deng Xiaoping has to be somewhere.
>a leader in the civil war against the Nationalists and the war against Japan
>became Secretary-General in his 40s
>purged because his sensible economic ideas clashed with Mao's radical ones
>brought back because he was too good to let go
>purged AGAIN but came back to take total power
>outmaneuvered Mao's chosen successor Hua Guofeng to become de facto leader of all of China
>proceeded to piss all over everything Mao fought for and was praised for it anyway by Mao's former worshipers
>helped cuck the Soviets out of Afghanistan after the sino-soviet split
>continued to rake in cash and living standard improvements for China while the USSR was collapsing into poverty and civil war
>reacquired Hong Kong from Bongistan and then defied world expectations by being lenient on it and giving it autonomy, resulting in its economy soaring far more than it did under the Bongs
>only Chinese leader ever to be named Person of the Year by TIME
>with help from some Western businessmen, lifted literally hundreds of millions of people out of poverty in an unprecedented move that took China from sub-Africa-tier to solidly middle income in less than 30 years
>died in his 90s after ensuring the prosperity of his country and pissing all over his enemies


Good bait

As a general rule of thumb, the founding leaders of new Empires/Kingdoms/Dynasties/Regimes

unironically the best leader in Chinese history

>Gerald Ford

How is Washington not the Chadest Chad to ever Chad?
>was a 6ft+ lady's man
>also a lifelong military man
>known to be a great dancer and interior decorator
>helped instigate a war between Britain and France in the New World by killing a bunch of Frenchmen, indirectly causing the deaths of thousands of British and French and significant financial damage to both countries
>proceeded to ride the wave of resentment from said financial damage and new taxes (caused by the war he helped start) to start a war against the British
>killed G*rmans in their sleep on Christmas
>held together his ragtag army out of sheer force of personality when they weren't even being paid
>after some victories and failures against the British, his compatriots convinced the French (who again, he started his career killing) to enter the war against the British
>they did, losing constantly and suffering enormous financial damage but succeeding in their goal overall.
>he and his new French allies crush the Brits at Yorktown
>takes 3 million people and 900,000 square miles of the best real estate on Earth away from the British
>people beg him to rule it
>does so under the condition that instead of getting a giant pompous title, he will merely be "Mr. President", the one who presides
>rule wisely
>everyone's begging them to continue ruling them but he tells them nah
>lives out final days in peace, frees his slaves, sets a precedent of democratic rule
>meanwhile the financial damage caused by both the wars he helped drag France into contribute to a chain reaction that leads to France collapsing, rebuilding, and burning down half of Europe and killing half a million Br*ts
He utterly played the Euros.

He also dismantled a potential rebellion and military coup from pissed off unpaid officers simply by PUTTING ON HIS FUCKING GLASSES IN THEIR PRESENCE, causing all the hardened military men to back down while crying and swearing allegiance to him. The guy had gravitas.

Is there anything more chad-y than tearing through several countries to reach at and murder fuck your arch nemesis?

Don't forget about mootxico!

>The virgin Santa Ana captures the heretics, including one of Diaz' mentors
>''Diaz, the walls of Santo Domingo can't be climbed! Don't even think about trying to contact your mentor!''
>The absolute madman does it, and informs him about everything going on around the prison
>In Latin

Not even getting started
>One day he's all chill in his ofice
>''I sleep''
>''REAL SHIT?!''
>Joins Ignazio Zaragoza in the glorious battle of 5 de Mayo, fucking wrekts the bitch out of the French
>Goes after them even when they are retreating, Zaragoza goes all ''Nope, just guard the city my man''
>Couple of months later, Zaragoza dies, the city falls into the hands of the French, Diaz is captured and to be taken to Europe
>The fucker escapes to Mexico City, where Juarez, the president at the time, was ready to retreat
>''Yeah sure, take these men and do whatever for the greater good''
>Takes an army of 30k mexicans into Oaxaca, waiting for the French since February, surrenders in July because they had more men
>Makes friends with a hungarian guy, attempts to escape, THE HUNGARIAN BRO LEAVES HIM BE
>Writes another letter to the president and begins to recruit more men for his next glorious plan
>A year goes by, and his army begins to rip and tear the Mexican Empire from the inside out
>Takes back Oaxaca after months of preparation. As a plus, some bitch ass priest talks shit about it, Diaz orders his men to hang him
>Meditates for a while, takes back Puebla after two days of thinking
>Takes back the Capital
>Finally, orders a siege to the last French-occupied city, Queretaro
>Maximiliano, who at the time was The Emperor, suddenders.
>Thus, Diaz single-handedly ends an empire, and later on, became THE MOTHERFUCKING PRESIDENT OF MEXICO (for 30 years, might I add)

When I think of an alpha dictator, I think of him. Maybe he wasn't the best, but give a man credit for ending a war on his own

>never won a battle
>has wooden teeth
>doesn't even fuck his slaves

You're trying to say he's Alpha?

>Had sexual relationships well into his 80s
>Held Yugoslavia together through sheer force of will
>Liberated his own country from the Germans
>Founded the Non-Aligned Movement despite the Soviets breathing down his neck
>Wrote a letter telling Stalin to fuck off when he tried to have Tito assassinated
>Played both sides during the Cold War

Louis Antoine de Saint-Just;

>be born to random poorfag nobility
>gets cucked
>mopes around
>le french revolution arrives
>joins National Guard despite being too young
>becomes Commander within a few months
>becomes best bros with Robespierre after writing him fanmail
>moves to Paris and gets elected to National Convention as youngest member
>pretty lowkey and unnoticed until the day the cuck king's fate is debated
>de Saint Just flies into a fiery speech that convinces everyone to cut his head off
>Robespierre brings him into Jacobin fold
>personally writes 1793 constitution and influences its contents in a big way
>gets it passed
>becomes appointed to Committee of Public safety
>immediately disregards his own constitution and begins chopping the heads off of traitors
>french army being BTFO in Alsace
>De Saint Just sent to save the day
>turns situation around and army starts invading the germans
>belgian front falling apart
>de Saint Just called in to save the day ONCE AGAIN
>returns to politics and becomes President of the National Convention
>enacts the Reign of Terror fully
>opponents call him the Angel of Death
>traitors BTFO'd on a massive scale
>for those keeping track at home De Saint Just has secured the frontline and the homefront in 2 years
>Belgian army fucking up AGAIN
>De Saint-Just goes back to command, leads to victory in battle of Fleurus which leads to vitory in War of the First Coalition
>Robespierre fucks things up
>Thermidor reaction
>De Saint Just defends his boy Robespierre and gives no fuck to the braying mob
>after Jacbons are defeated, marches to the Guillotine with his head held high
>points at the copy of the French constitution beside the blade
>says "I wrote that"


Seleukos was pretty baller no doubt there.