When and where in the past could you reasonable have the best, safest live before the 1700s?
When and where in the past could you reasonable have the best, safest live before the 1700s?
Comfiest life would be Ming China
Being a landed farmer in an inner roman Provence would be comfy as fuck
>living in the gayest era possible
Made for Big Byzantine Cock
South Pacific island that is too small to have like more than one tribe and two remote to have raiders easily find it
>tfw you will never be a filthy stinkin rich Palmyrene trader, ripping off outsiders and selling cool shit all day
>implying hunter gatherer societies aren't extremely violent
you might stand a better chance of avoiding smallpox though
Being a Venetian merchant playing all side for that sweet sweet gold
How was Rome gayer than Greece?
Neolithic Vancouver Island
A wealthy merchant living in Amsterdam. The Dutch had the greatest religious and political freedoms in Europe at the time, were incredibly wealthy and since their empire was a maritime one they weren't constantly fighting large land wars.
Weren’t they the bloodiest of the colonizers? I’ve heard horror stories about the Dutch East India Company.
No, the Belgians were. But that's probably because Belgians aren't even really people to begin with.
Edo, Japan, late 1600s.
Ancient Crete, 1600 BC
>Wealthy island and trading power
>Largest world navy at its peak
>Highest living standards in the Ancient Era, they had clay plumbing and flushing toilets, luxuries not available to European nobility until the 1700s AD
>Little evidence of revolts or internecine warfare
>Almost universal literacy
>No slavery
>Society devoted to trade, sports, fashion, and ludic activities
>Gave birth to the legend of Atlantis
Comfy af
Didn't women walk with their tits out in Crete?
La Belgique est un non-pays
Another bonus.
Being a merchant or other middle class ottoman in the 15th or 16th century might be pretty comfy.
>wars are far away
>biggest trade route known to man passes through your neighbourhood
>the empire is booming which is good for business
Roman empire. You could walk anywhere and be under Roman law.
nope, gdp per capita sucked and the government were knobs, moreso than usual for the era