Justify this.
Justify this
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Talk shit, get hit
Don't leave flammable materials in a place where hot tear gas containers could come in contact with them?
I wish I could've been there...
As an agent of course.
Weren't there children being sexually abused by the leader?
That's what the warrant said, but since they rejected the local sheriff's suggestion to arrest him during one of his regular visits to town it seems they wanted to engage in some dick waving, which backfired spectacularly.
You can't.
The US government should be overthrown
Fuck Davidians
For you
it was an act of God against heresy
This, basically asking for trouble
> look this up
> a random nutjob doomsday cult gets blown up by the government
The better question is, how can you NOT justify this?!
>Don't put your face in the path of my fist
Mayne those children were unaware they were at war with the US governement?
You still can't though. I don't see what's so hard about my position. You can't defend it.
The ATF were faggots with a chip on their shoulder and wanted to prove they were 'big boys'.
The Davidians were even bigger faggots who deserved to burn.
I don't blame anyone else involved.
Justification: think of the children
Reality: attempting to break away from the US regime will not be tolerated
There was a a few dozen kids in the facility at the time of the fires. Tho the leader of the cult was a dirtbag if I remember right and escalated the situation
Because of the way the government went around doing it and Ruby Ridge had way worse repercussions and more or less made everyone a martyr. While I could understand Waco, the whole set-up for RR was a complete sham and gave McVeigh an excuse for Oklahoma.
war is just
Is there anything more kino than the Ruby Ridge- Waco-OKC trilogy?
your autistic use of caps lock gives me the impression that you think the way cops act is a bad thing...
Veeky Forums hates children and babies, and they try to justify murder by boys with toys.
The absolute state of Veeky Forums. Still better than /pol/ though.
>You can't defend it.
And yet it is the opinion of the majority of the Western world that David Koresh was a child-raping, murderous adulterer because some dude who hated him after David cucked him of church leadership said so and that it's totally justified to trap, shoot, and burn 70-something innocent people alive because your department wants a budget increase next quarter. If you want proof that we're already living in a totalitarian nightmare, just look at 3/4s of the replies to this thread.
The FBI and ATF had a warrant but the cultists just had to sperg out. They had it coming.
Better than leaving them to be indoctrinated into hating our freedom and our way of life
It was an accident that I'd argue was more the Branch Davidians' fault than the Feds. Because they put fucking flammable materials in a building where they knew tear gas would be shot and locked their kids inside it. Still, you expect more from the Feds than you would from crazy cultists, and two dozen children died, so it justifiably became a big scandal.
It did cause much needed reform. You could see that with how the recent Bundy standoff was handled. In that case, when 30 armed militants occupied an abandoned building and a warrant was out for their arrest, the whole thing was handled by the book and most of them just ended up arrested with no civilian or law enforcement casualties. After Waco the FBI have learned not to assault heavily armed militia compounds. Instead, they wait till these guys are shopping for groceries and ambush them. It worked marvelously and only one person (a militant supposedly reaching for a gun) died.
I remember at the time that there were rumors that Pres.Clinton was going to eliminate the ATF and move the alcohol and tobacco enforcement duties to the FDA and the gun enforcement to the FBI and this would have have cost ATF bureaucrats their comfy gubment jobs, so they cooked up the story about the Branch Davidians and created situation where the stormtroopers would attack the compound, thus guaranteeing their jobs.
And it worked…
All cultists should be burned. On a stake or otherwise.
Any good reads on this stuff? I'm fascinated that there was a string of possibly related revolutionary activity in a specific part of the country that is still occurring today (the Bundy's).
This was claimed by a disgraced former member of the church
They were literally a colony of cucks. Why not kill them?
>Unsourced quotes
This thread is proof that the difference between a church and a cult is government approval.
>Children got molested? Better burn them
Can't. Government committed murder against an oddball sect of human beings who posed no danger to themselves or others.
>majority of the Western world
Nobody outside of America gives a shit my man.
>a random nutjob doomsday cult
This is how Christianity got started
How many people know that tear gas canisters get hot enough to set surrounding objects on fire though? Especially in the 90s when such information isn't available at the click of a button?
We had to gas and incinerate the children to save them.
How about they walk out and face trial? Since the man is innocent surely he will walk free. Instead he fights the US government with arms.
They clearly posed a danger to themselves considering they're all dead
They were shooting at people trying to leave.
>I remember at the time that there were rumors that Pres.Clinton was going to eliminate the ATF and move the alcohol and tobacco enforcement duties to the FDA and the gun enforcement to the FBI
I mean I could believe it, Clinton was already scaling back a lot of unneeded departments and merging them with others.
Because some guys decided to drive a tank through the building.
Yes, that's why they watch one of those NBC documentaries that's blatantly biased towards the ATF and then pass everyone who questions constitutional infractions and obvious hiding of evidence as conspiracy theorists.
>heavily armed white people chimp out, threaten to kill feds and get gunned down in response
>unarmed black man who's handcuffed and lying face down gets field-executed "on accident" on camera
>Veeky Forums: d-dumb nigger would still be alive if he just complied!
When did they ever threaten to kill anyone? And the ATF and FBI had far more firepower than they did, they had fucking APCs for Christ's sake.
It could surprise you but no, we don't watch NBC documentaries here. I'm pretty sure my friends don't even know what NBC is and most of them never heard about Waco. I myself discovered Ruby Ridge in this thread tonight. To be clear, if it's not in a Holywood movie, it's unknown outside USA.
I mean, they did kill 4 federal employees and wounded a dozen more.
The moment you kill a federal employee is the moment the hammer gets dropped on you, no matter how "justified" or "self defense" you see it.
You can totally get away with shooting a cop in self defence.
You just have to be lucky enough to survive.
Pretty much.
Looks like their cinder block bunker didn't work as well as planned.
>>unarmed black man who's handcuffed and lying face down gets field-executed "on accident" on camera
>>Veeky Forums: d-dumb nigger would still be alive if he just complied!
Please point out where in this thread someone said that.
>Please point out where in this thread someone said that.
Your autism doesn't fool me for one second.
What does that have to do with Waco?
That dude wasn't black though???
Please construct better strawmans.
Look up the Owens Valley water wars between the city of Los Angeles and Owens Valley residents. Violence by Valley inhabitants against the city's employees and facilities in the region (particularly the Los Angeles Aqueduct) began in the 1920s and continued sporadically into the 1980s. The armed resistance also had popular support.
Don't forget the Battle of Athens in 1946.
I literally cannot
Government shouldn't be trusted and should stfu and stay outta everyones business
Now open your borders please.
If you actually look into the video recording’s of the events you can hear the people inside mention that they were pouring liquid within the compound (its speculated that it was gasoline. This was the likely cause of the fire. Look at the documentary “Waco” on Netflix for proof.
>I mean, they did kill 4 federal employees and wounded a dozen more.
January 15, 1994
Branch Davidians' Missing Front Door Becomes Trial Issue
SAN ANTONIO (Reuter) - Testimony Friday in the murder and conspiracy trial of 11 members of the Branch Davidian sect focused on something that's missing: the front door to the sect's compound near Waco, Texas.
Prosecutors introduced as evidence one-half of a set of double metal doors they said were at the entrance of the compound when it was raided by federal agents on Feb. 28, 1993.
But Texas Rangers testified that they were unable to find the other half of the set of doors, which could be crucial in determining which side shot first in the shoot-out that followed the raid.
"Among the biggest issues in the case is who shot first," defense attorney Tim Evans said during a trial break. "You'd get some idea as to what directions the bullets were coming from if you had the door. "
The extensive search for evidence after the fire and the mounds of recovered weapons and personal items led defense lawyer Dan Cogdell to question outside the courtroom how a large item such as a set of doors could be missing.
"We found Bic lighters. We can't find a door? " Cogdell asked.
don't fuck with the cia niggers