Can you be cured of a fetish you discovered through the internet? It makes sense that some fetishes like feet and scat could actually be present at birth or before puberty but if I never say ladyboys on the internet I wouldn't ever have a dickgirl fetish, right? So if I developed it, I should be able to redevelop normal sexual behavior right? Right? Neuroplasticity or something? Why is it to so hard to find research into resolving sexual fetishes a subject is uncomfortable with, can I just not find it because porn has made me retarded or is no one looking at what is undeniably one of the worst drawbacks of the advent of the internet, the pandora's box of sexual disorders?
Can you be cured of a fetish you discovered through the internet...
I don't know about 'cure' but it wouldn't hurt to distance yourself from it.
Just layoff the porn for a while (go outside)
Nope. Once infected, always infected. Like HIV. Anyone who suggests going outside is a normie who's never had to deal with this type of issue before. Behavioral therapy can't help you - in fact the ONLY proven way to cure paraphila is neurosurgery. And surgeons won't do it for a fetish, because the risk is too high. They 're you to deal with it instead.
And that's the best you can do. Learn to deal with it. Prevent it from impacting your professional or social life. Try not to go crazy like the rest.
I guess people of old had to deal with the weird tingles from their bottom parts too, otherwise they wouldnt have carved venus figurines and furries all day long.
That's pretty gay dude
I mean you can get into other stuff as well that is maybe more vanilla just takes repetition.
Why did you let yourself get into dick girls anyways did you just think it would be a switch you could turn off when you needed to fuck an actual woman.
>why are you a horny young man who doesn't understand his dick
I was into some of that bestiality and dickgirl stuff there for a bit (only drawn)
after a moment of serious self-reflection and internal discourse i resolved to quit that shit. went to vanilla stuff for a bit, then off porn entirely.
I am now over a month without porn, and it really helped bring my sexuality back home.
TL;DR stop PMO, it only goes to dark places
Man I started jerking it to weird shit when I was like twelve I never even looked at conventional pornography and I never deluded myself into thinking I'd be able to get off to something else after like the third time. Let alone if I was like user who started fapping to gayshit and then makes a thread like wahhh why am I gay I only fapped to dicks
You'll be back after six months or less. Enjoy the lifelong whisper in your mind.
i don't think i will, i have a philosophy i am actually convinced of. it will guide my actions.
are you a degenerate who decided to just lay in his shit?
>I have /pol/!
Make that four months.
>>I have /pol/!
Preach it /pol/ brother! Tell me about how reading Evola made you stop jerking it to animals!
what are you in this thread for?
Why are you mad at him
Triggered evolafag is triggered
Seeya in 4 months *zip snap*
libertine, liberal attitude i.e. DUDE I'M JUST EXPLORING MY SEXUALITY. I really do understand the "No mercy for self-victimizer" but I really just was a young idiot.
OP here, I quit for 100 days thought I was right where you are/think you are L O L
(keep at it though)
People love to blame kids for being stupid... but like, duh. It's obvious the kid was just a moron who didn't know better and the enabling parents are at real fault here.
why jump to conclusions, he probably just read Meditations, but you can't even know.
you went back to it then?
His irate reply was all I needed as confirmation. Paraphiliafags HATE being reminded they have no real control. They turn to philosowanks to restore that sense of control.
Shame, you're all very fucked.
>he probably just read Meditations
Having wet dreams about it while doing nofap really got to me. I was having a horrible day where I felt unwanted by the one person I cared about. sad, pathetic story
it's the official meme self-help book of Veeky Forums, would be no surprise
honestly nofap isn't good to start off with
I'd go noporn for at least half a year, maybe more before i decided to go nofap. all this changes of course if you have an avenue for your energy to be placed elsewhere, someplace social.
the real murder is PMO, namely the 'P'. Knock that out of the way, and you come back to earth soon enough.
Meditations was the first book i read in philosophy, i have read more Stoic lit since then and Plato/Socrates for a more well-rounded understanding.
I'm not knocking it, it's a great book it's only a meme here.
OP here, I was really hoping to get some reading material about sexual disorder rehabilitation, paraphilia treatment etc. Does anyone have ANYTHING they could contribute?
>tfw necro fetish will never go away
Should I just end it, Veeky Forums?
Look into Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectic Behavioral Therapy.
No, because that goes down a rabbit hole of implications nobody wants on their hands.
not before seeing a therapist
What? What implications?
That transgenderism and homosexuality can be cured
yeah that's kind of why I thought modern academia was looking the other way. the sentiment of embracing this kind of behavior is so dangerous and too common.
I don't understand why some people believe that the Internet can give you fetishes as opposed to just showing you fetishes you already latently had. If you think you started being into dickgirls after getting exposed to it on the Internet... well, why did you keep clicking on the dickgirl porn the first time you saw it? Presumably because the fetish was already there.
Is this just a psychological defense mechanism, like "I'm not really gay/bi... the Internet just forced me to enjoy gay/bi porn?"
visit /d/ sometime and see if you feel the same way afterward
i don't know how factually correct this is, but i suspect that your brain is looking for stimulation.
with hardcore porn a keystroke away, if you indulge into it, you will slide into further degeneracy because you aren't just trying to bust a nut, you're trying to GET OFF.
Maybe this is some "the dark part we all have and keep buried" bullshit, but i think it's just what happens when you go too far. like the teeth of gears wearing off.
Thinking it's degenerate almost certainly does more damage than the fetish itself. Fetishes are pretty much harmless, the only thing that would actually be degenerate and fucked up is trying to act on non-consensual fantasies. I've never seen anyone complain about how a fetish fucked up his life, I've only seen people complain about how hating themselves for having fetishes fucked up their lives.
In my experience, no. However, keep in mind that I've had this fetish since I was like 3 or 4, so it's likely that if you obtained the fetish at a later age then it won't be as permanent.
i don't have the sort of experience to have any input on that
all i knew is that i began to venture into what i was not comfortable with, and so turned around
We tried lobotomies and shit 60yrs ago. If there's a better solution than just fucking dealing with it, I'm all ears. Until then continue crying about your own dick soyfriend.
The 'dark part' is your testicles you stupid nigger. Are you surprised? Legitimately, are you shocked?
The absolute state of the modern male that he's astounded by his own testosterone. The 18th century chad would have continued fapping.
no I'm not surprised you daft cunt
if you should have derived anything at all from my post it was that i acknowledged EXACTLY what you are saying, but rather that because of the easy access of new and stimulating porn from the internet that it sends us on a path that would have not been available to us in the setting that our urges were cultivated.
do you lick windows?
>Can you be cured of a fetish you discovered through the internet? I
Yes, fetishes are simply patterns of thought, you can use cognitive behavioral therapy techniques to cure yourself of any bad mental habit, including fetishes.
>cognitive behavioral therapy techniques
What exactly does this entail?
CBT isn't a magic pill. It can only do so much. Also, unless a person was into pedo stuff or something like that, I think the CBT approach would probably be to get them to stop feeling shame about their fetishes, not to try to get rid of their fetishes.
Beta passive aggressive soysponse as I expected.
Not a therapist spotted. You can always count on the laymen to front despite the fact they dismiss psychology in general when it does not agree.
>Beta passive aggressive soysponse as I expected.
non-argument spotted
Pedo approach is chemically castrating them. Not CBT.
So OP. How far you willing to go? Better start that transwoman hrt early to make those bad fetishes go away. Hey, think of it this way: you get to -become- the dickgirl. Isn't that great? :^)
Equally beta soysponse, instead of just not replying the beta has to get another pass-agg jab in
and now I'll reply again because not doing so would be the appearance of following your instruction
but replying like this makes it seem like i am still at your whim of instruction, merely by doing the opposite of what you say
I think that surgery as a response to "trans" feelings is highly questionable, but I've never had such feelings, so I don't know what it's like. My point is that generally, feeling shame about fetishes is what does harm, not the fetishes themselves. Sexual preferences are harmless in and of themselves - only if they cause psychological distress or sociopathic behavior (such as pedophilia) do they become a problem.
No drugs or anything like that, you can do it in the comfort of your own home. Read up on it, it's a very effective treatment for all kinds of psychological disturbances.
>I think the CBT approach would probably be to get them to stop feeling shame about their fetishes, not to try to get rid of their fetishes.
You can use it for both. And yes it's not magic, but I have seen for myself how very effective it can be.
>Not a therapist spotted. You can always count on the laymen to front despite the fact they dismiss psychology in general when it does not agree.
What? Are you retarded, or just a troll? Fuck off, dimwit.
>trans feelings
Oh my god the level of cuckery is off the chart. I was joking before, now I'm legitimately worried for you my dude.
>psychological distress
Are you not psychologically distressed right now? Why make this thread then?
>My point is that generally, feeling shame about fetishes is what does harm, not the fetishes themselves.
It really depends, if you're into auto-erotic asphyxiation your fetish can literally kill you, and of course trannies take their fetish to the point where they permanently mutilate themselves. If OP isn't happy with his fetishes then it's not for you to tell him "dude lmao just don't be ashamed of your desires!".
Layman retreats to insults whilst falsely insinuating self-CBT is possible or recommended.
Laymen enable other laymen to do stupid shit on their own and permanently damage themselves in the process. Enjoy the "DID".
Oh you're just a troll. Fuck off, dimwit.
Laymen repeats self like a parrot unable to formulate counters. This is why antipsychers should be locked up. They spew bullshit and hurt people stupid enough to listen. Always seek a professional children.
I'm not the OP.
True, I just want to make sure he's aware of the possibility that his problem is shame and not the fetishes themselves. Out of all the people who complain about their fetishes online, I think most suffer from shame, they don't actually have any dangerous fetishes.
Self-CBT is possible. I've done it, with results. Not for anything sex-related, but for other stuff. That said, it is true that for any really serious problem, going to a professional is highly advised.
Seriously though, what the heck is CBT? I've looked it up but it's a little confusing.
>my "personal experience"
The classic sign of a laymen. What "works for you" doesn't mean shit buddy. Peddle your snake oil in China where it belongs.
>True, I just want to make sure he's aware of the possibility that his problem is shame and not the fetishes themselves.
This is fair enough but even if his problem is simply that he's worried someone will mock him for his disgusting desires then it's his call if he wants to tackle the desires themselves, or the shame that goes with them. And honestly conditioning yourself NOT to be ashamed by your deviant desires can be a very bad idea, it can lead to an escalation of such desires and to embracing the kind of "fetish lifestyle" of a gimp or a tranny.
Why are you still replying to him? He's just a dimwitted troll, ignore him.
Behavioral therapy comes in all shapes and sizes. Ignore people who pretend only one form is valid. They are laymen. What "fits" best for you and is likely to generate positive results depends on your temperament and outlook. People who have issues with mood swings do better with dialectical forms. People with impulse control do better with habit reversal training. People with depression straight will generally do well with any behavioral therapy.
So understand yourself and then seek a professional. Dont expect every tool to work the same. They don't.
Ideally you should speak to a psychologist or psychiatrist about this, they can give you the kind of guided help that will let you make the most of a CBT approach. But you CAN use CBT without expert help, but make sure you read up on it extensively first, and bear in mind it's not an "instant fix".
Honestly i find the idea that fetishes are predetermined very hard to believe.
Otherwise i'm the most unlucky motherfucker on the planet.
But i've trained myself into things and just gotten over others, it's not too hard, just fap to something else.
Get disregarded antipsycher scum. Shame this isn't facebook or reddit and you can't just block me, right?
Stop encouraging people to self-treat, psychopath.
It's a combination of various techniques. A large part is healing the painful feelings and dysfunctional behaviors which arise from thoughts by investigating whether those thoughts are logical. Basically, you spot logical fallacies that you yourself are making, and which make you feel bad, and by realizing that they are fallacies you get rid of them. Another part of CBT is stuff like exposure therapy - for example, if you're scared of something irrationally you deliberately expose yourself to it in a controlled way so that you learn how to face it without using unhealthy psychological defense mechanisms.
This is just a rough overview, though - there's a lot more to it. David Burns' books are pretty good.
What's dangerous about fapping to dick girls?
I'm not claiming it means shit in a broader statistical sense, I'm just saying self-CBT is clearly possible because at least one person (myself) has done it.
Nothing, but if it upsets you then maybe you should try to stop, OR, try to get over your shame responses because that particular fetish is pretty harmless.
Again why are you still replying to him? Honestly you're as dumb as he is at this point.
I agree, it's his call. That said, it's also possible that trying to repress fetishes through shame would lead to acting out on them in bursts of indulgence followed by bouts of self-recrimination.
Continue peddling that snake oil psychopath.
>Otherwise i'm the most unlucky motherfucker on the planet.
Well, you're not an African child dying of AIDS while being raped by a warlord, so... no, no matter what fetishes you have, you're not the unluckiest person on the planet.
>That said, it's also possible that trying to repress fetishes through shame would lead to acting out on them in bursts of indulgence followed by bouts of self-recrimination
Absolutely, which is why you shouldn't try to do that. CBT is not about shaming yourself, its about understanding why you think and act like you do, and coming up with ways to either stop, or to find some kind of peace with yourself.
>ur not a nigger!!!
I love how milquetoast hypocrite liberals spin this, willingly admitting brown people are shit just to cheer up first world problems.
Got you. Alright, we're on the same page then.
Google "Harlequin-type ichthyosis" and then tell us again how unlucky you are.
Good for you retard.
How the fuck is this related to history and humanities?
>diagnosing someone with pyschopathy over the internet
Psychology is one of the humanities?
Psychology is humanities related, is it not?
Hahahaha. Yeah, no.
I think I'll just stay right here.
>not wanting to read about anons organizing CBT support groups where they kick eachother's dicks to make the gay go away
What are you, a faggot?
Are the mods asleep? If it's not humanities related you'd expect a thread like this to be deleted by now.
Really? Is this your first day on Veeky Forums?