Why is religion so important in America compared to other Western countries? What factor explains American religiosity compared to its peers?
Why is religion so important in America compared to other Western countries...
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piety. A culture that was not broken into a million pieces like a shattered jewel from decades of bloodied warfare. A lack of ethno-nationalism that most Euro countries adopted on-and-off to try to conquer countries.
We're pious enough to have those and not be corrupted. Plenty of east euro countries ban them because every olga nad ivan bet away their life savings. Where as our country can handle the temptation and have a good time. Which is why krodile and stuff aren't as popular here.
What's inherently impious about this?
>What's inherently impious about a place nicknamed "Sin City"?
Think about it
Plenty of gambling addicts in the US.
You may not have krokodil but you have the highest cocaine consumption in the world.
Also a fuckton of divorce.
i live there adn im a traditionalist catholic. ur move fag
>highest cocaine consumption in the world.
cocaine does not equal impiety, addiction might
>plent of gambling addicts
sure. But we're still a people who value piety, you can't get elected here if you're an atheist. Even our constitution makes demands of the recognition of 'The Creator' as a basis for our government and laws.
>Traditionalist Catholic
>Posts on Veeky Forums
Stop LARPing faggot
Why do people keep posting this fallacy that Christians wouldn't be on Veeky Forums? Do you think the people who believe in Hell can't handle kitchen heat?
Because a traditionalist Catholic would try to avoid getting exposed to tranny porn, gay porn, zoophilia, and all the sorts of degenerate stuff that are usually posted here.
So you are either LARPing or a hypocrite.
Giving profits to a website that regularly hosts this type of content is not very Christian.
Christians go outside and benefit the world. Jesus literally told them to.
Who do you think you benefit by shitposting on Veeky Forums where we're all doomed to Hell by default just for posting?
The answer is You. You benefit by looking like an epick crusader. The point isn't godliness: it's narcissism.
And narcissists who hold God as an icon for their own benefit have a special place all to themselves down below.
Great post
I like how the lest religious countries are the most cucked ones.
>Jesus told us to be normalfags and wageslaves
>like just go outside lmao
The US was settled by religious extremists early in its history.
>Why is a country that Europe shipped it's religious trash to religious
C'mon user, put some thought into your posts next time.
It's literally called Sin City though. Which implies that we think going there is sinful. Which is more pious than just having it and not thinking anything about it.
My own theory is that lts because the most radical christians moved to USA like Puritans and that influenced american society to be very christian
>piety. A culture that was not broken into a million pieces like a shattered jewel from decades of bloodied warfare
Christianity isn't piety by and large - though more than Islam and Judaism tend to be...
It's mafioso thuggery.
did I say that we were christian?
But can something that happened in the 1700s have such a long-lasting impact in present social trends?
A good chunk of southern states are low IQ and cling to tradition. As a result you get religious/conservative people.
It didn't. What that person and others who think like he does is forgetting is that the US never had a proper state church and the christian religion was never properly wedded to state power here.
Now, the mainline protestant denominations sorta had official recognition from the government and were sorta part of the political elite but there was never a formal arrangement. Every church in the US is dejure independent from the government.
Unironically the free market. In Europe, religion was "domesticated" by national churches that used the state to crush opposition, and which thus didn't need to adapt over time and lost their appeal. In America, the ban on state involvement in religion forced religions to compete with one another in a cut-throat fashion, breeding ever stronger memes, and adapting to changing times thru the pressure of market forces.
Americans are pseudo religious
What does that even mean?
People came here expressly for religious freedom. The original colonists all had strong religious reasons at the forefront of why they came here.
If we turn to the left, I can see my house. Or at least where its general area is.
Because when it came to religion, our country was founded by a lot of the crazies. The ones who thought England wasn't repressive enough.
Zeji is a whore and his mom's a manwhore.
It's only important to retards in the south.
and the midwest, who have higher IQs than anywhere else (save New England)
nice try though
this sounds right. Explains the Great Awakening and evangelism well
That does explain why churches are basically giant businesses in america.
>you can't get elected here if you're an atheist
I mean, legally, you are allowed to run as an athiest. It's just highly unlikely that you'll win.
I'm from the mid-west, only the most rural really care.
not in kansas
Wasn't Al Gore accused of being an atheist?