What is the point of life if you just die?
What is the point of life if you just die?
Other urls found in this thread:
why don't you just kill yourself
You are suppose to find meaning in it through reflection
If you don't at least give in a little to the idea of an overall God who made us in his image, your soul is destined for pain, like all the redditors.
But whatever meaning you find will be worthless once you die
Your post stinks of righteousness that is categorically reddit
>categorically reddit
t. redditor
>if you cant accept reality just live in delusion bro
yeah great advice
>tips fedora
What is the point of eating if you just get hungry again
On a macro scale? Nothing, the reality is you are a speck of dust on a pimple on God's ass in terms of relevance. But just because you don't matter on the macro level doesn't mean you shouldn't make your own microcosm of a life worthwhile for you.
Found any yet?
The point is to leave something behind.
above all, love
you asked for life, not death.
Nutrition. Wow. You really didn't think before posting this one....
based brainjack
>What is the point of life if you just die?
Life had a point before the monotheists took the gods away - now your planet and species is condemned to destruction like you were warned:
> You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
Life is just a tiny fragment of time before you get to go to heaven to live with our God forever - if you're one of the faithful.
To live as long as possible in conscious defiance of this fact.
to have fun
Being remebered in the eons of History
Honestly the only thing that scares me about death is the fact that someday i'll be forgotten, just like i don't know the names of my ancestores older than my grand-grandparents, the fact that someday people will forget about me, my life and my experience it scares me. That's why what's important in life is to leave a mark on this world
To have offspring work and suffer because you're delusional to think life is worthy. Life is just deprivation and you suffer when you're deprived: don't eat and you suffer from starvation, don't have good health and you feel pain, if you don't accomplish personal goals you suffer mentally, etc.
what's your name, ill remember you
all you do is cry
Transmit your DNA. If you're a black-polfag, you don't have to.
The Goal of Life
is to Croak
>What is the point of life if you just die?
Religions say "Suffering", prolly so.
Weirdly put OP, its like you're implying life would have a meaning if there was no death
That is the point. You can do whatever the hell you want. Death is just the "out button" in case you get caught.
Hey there Cioran
>all you do is cry
I just tell you the truth. It's up to you to accept the truth as it is - I cannot force you to do that. The majority of humanity has (often proudly) lived in delusion - particularly in the last 1500 years.
If you cannot face the truth, then you cannot face it.