Rate my Rome Veeky Forums
Things of note:Mali is my tributary
Sister is ruler of China
Rate my Rome Veeky Forums
Things of note:Mali is my tributary
Sister is ruler of China
You should have stopped at the borders of the Roman Empire
Charlemagne was french so what's the problem?
How would I have killed Islam then?
conquer a kingdom, give to dynasty member, grant independence
It's garbage. Blobbing is so boring. With the new mechanics you could easily have created tributary states that are basically in your sphere of influence.
never seen such an aesthetic empire.
Props for being able to do it though, i can’t fo shit on CK2 without civil war spam.
this IRL an empire this large could only exist as a figurehead which far off Kingdoms pay respects to for political, diplomatic and possibly religious reasons, as opposed to a military juggernaut under 1 person's complete control
>culture not Latin or at least Greek
Might as well delete save
how do you do this without you vassels revolting constantly?
like hold lots of feats lmao
Rate my Rome Veeky Forums
>you will never live to see Roman firearms
>you will never see a Roman air force
>you will never see the imperial eagle placed triumphantly on Mars
Why fucking exist
I don't want this feel
>you will never see the imperial eagle placed triumphantly on Mars
I got the an immortal ruler for my second ruler once was able to passively blob without any civil wars. About 2/3 op's size, but half of the other major remaining states were my dynasty (even other religion groups). Almost everyone was descended from me. At peak I could summon up well over a half a million troops, but it was too much of inconvenience moving them to the other side of the map to fight wars. I just let my vassals acquire new lands for me.
>Sister is ruler of China
I have about 70k rentinues. That plus a fuck ton of gold. I also marry my useless daughters to powerful vassals or put my powerful vassal on the council to keep them quiet.
I didn't even know I wanted this. Now I can't handle the fact that I won't see it.
- low in gold
- daughters die
- powerful vassal have shit stats
500000% revolt power.
>>being low in gold late game in a paradox title.
Are you retarded?
But user, the flag of the New Rome already sits proudly on the Moon. We are slated to get to Mars by 2038.
That’s why you take steps back from conquering. It’s super easy to raise gold in peace time and nobles actually prefer tax heavy legislation. All else fails, I’m catholic and vassalized the Pope. I have him excommunicate the uppity vassals who I kill or imprison one by one since excommunication give you pretty much impunity to do what you want.
I only got so blobby because Charlemagne is literally the easiest start in the game.
>We need no more of protection from Mars, for as we ARE Mars.
You are like a child.
>implying there won't be an imperial eagle on Mars
the guy who never played crusader kings
i know, but shit happens when you play ironman mode.
True, but what you see in OP is Ironman
>doesn't revive rome as byzantium
absolutely disgusting
Rate my Persian Empire
Note: Islam is completely eradicated
Pretty good
I've got a Persia game going. It's been slow and crazy since the Western Protectorate came in at the start and btfo of the Caliphates and the Byzantines, blobbing heavily. Byzantines made a short resurgence in Britannia the Norseman came. Islam is the almost gone in mid-East, but still strong in Europe. Catholicism was all but gone in Western Europe in the last 50 or so years has been on an ascent. Driving the Norse out of Britannia and Northern France and Muslims out of Italy.
in the pic that's the Western Protectorate still in the Levant.
aww you named your empire after your mother
this has to be bait
You lose points for:
>obviously early start
You gain points for:
>presumably wiping out Islam
>Unified Empire
3/10 bit enjoy Babbys first SPQR that's usually a fun game if you like painting the map.
Rome cucks BTFO
Try again fag
What are those uber retarded borders?
Well it's EUIV, an inferior game to CK2 so of course the player will fuck up more.