Who were some stupid people in history

who were some stupid people in history

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>Mussolini I found some oil!
>yeah, whatever, let's invade the Balkans
>but we need oil!
>fuck you! Go attack Greece!

That one very early American trader who did ridiculous things but everything worked out anyway. Also hated his wife

Here's one Michael

Here's one Michael

Donald Drumpf.

Here's one Michael



Actually he is very stable and a genius.

Did he really just attack greece to larp as roman emperor?


>not using every opportunity you get to BTFO the gayreeks
They need to constantly be reminded who really rules the Mediterranean.

I'm pretty certain he was retarded, does that really count?

>wanted to larp as a crusader by fighting morroccans
>gets killed without an heir
>Portuguese crown inherited by Phillip of Spain, independence is only recovered 60 years later


They're not from Persia you idiot.

1 - the spirit of wisdom and understanding,
2 - the spirit of counsel and might,
3 - the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD;

Here three (3) froggy spirits.

Ahhhh, the American dream

>Let's try to charge the mountain
>But Luigi, it didn't work the last time, and the one before, and...
>Well, maybe we didn't try hard enough

they didn't find oil in libya up until the '50s

It's amazing what the nascent soviet union was able to achieve with it's markedly uneducated and malnourished human capital

there is no other way

Literally the entirety of the Company of Scotland who pushed through with Darien

I guess Chief Osceola was pretty dumb
he walked right into a trap... twice!
Pickett and Custer were dumb too but I suppose such was because of their arrogance.

Fuck. He only walked into a trap once after he was misled.
But he's still dumb for trusting the white man.

But in my video games they show me that the region produces oil

>Be at the center of the World
>Have every resource you could possibly imagine
>Sheltered from any conflict and war by natural barriers
>Can't even invent the wheel
>Get enslaved by everybody
>Entire race lives entirely on the pity of other race

t. Donard Glumpf

Libya is in the top 20 list of oil reserves.

>>Sheltered from any conflict and war by natural barriers
Sub-Saharan Africa is huge, what you're saying would only make sense if it was unified.


I remember that. He went to sell mittens in the Caribbean and just by chance some arctic expedition or something stopped at the port and bought his whole stock. Like no matter how stupid shit he did he always made money with fool's luck.

What was that guy's name?

Timothy Dexter.

my boy timothy dexter

>At age 50, Dexter authored A Pickle for the Knowing Ones or Plain Truth in a Homespun Dress, in which he complained about politicians, the clergy, and his wife.
>The book contained 8,847 words and 33,864 letters, but without punctuation and seemingly random capitalization. Dexter initially handed his book out for free, but it became popular and was reprinted eight times.[2]
>In the second edition, Dexter added an extra page which consisted of 13 lines of punctuation marks with the instructions that readers could distribute them as they pleased.[7]