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100 million+
t. Achmed bin Hans
He killed 6 millions Greeks
Hundreds of millions in the near future. Many anons will go as well...
One of the worst criminals in human history.
ITT: /pol/ brainlets
absolute jewcuck
fpbp, biggest villain in history
She's doing what Hitler could only dream of. Turning Germans into Muslims.
T. Asshurt Krauts.
I knew this pic would have come in handy
Yes, Churchill was the face of perfidious albion murder, in the same vein with Stalin.
the Greek genocider
the Armenian annihilator
the Assyrian amputator
Now tally up capitalism.
Impossible. 2many.
Prove me wrong, commie
A shekel for the good goy.
>Capitalism is evil meme
Wow, look at that creepy red background and sensationalist prologue, that quote has to be real.
What did he do? No meme answers, please
how can you infer capitalism is causatory from this when it doesnt even correlate with it? lmao kill yourself /pol/cuck
He looks so cute and innocent
>supporting capitalism is /pol/
Chart correlates perfectly with the rise of capitalism. You are mentally challenged.
He knowingly exacerbated the Bengal Famine which ended up killing about 2 million people. His, and his ilk's, policies towards the Middle East are also a huge contributor to the state that it's in today. He had a huge favoritism towards Jews, and it showed. Pretty much if you were white, sans Germans or Russians, he was a bro, but if you were brown then he couldn't give less of a fuck about you.
>includes civil wars
>does not include Korean war,
>Vietnam war, or any anti colonial war,
Fucking trash liberal bias in here read a book you fucking ingrate.
>denying that a global economic system has caused countless casualties, inb4 "po people need to work harder" fucking capital trash
Every nation that adopted capitalistic practices, e.g. private property, free trade, etc has seen its poverty fall tremendously.
The Korean War and Vietnam Wars are right there, brainlet. You literally can't read.
He killed millions of gauls. No one else in antiquity can compete.
>Swamp Pajeets
Fuck off