He did nothing wrong.
He did nothing wrong
Literally who
Fernando Alvarez "I'll destroy the Dutch and their little Putsch" de Toledo y Pimentel
He's literally worse than Felipe II, although I don't understand how such great leader (Charles V) had a son like that.
He created a lot of martirs for the opposite cause, and also a lot of blood grudges agaisnt the cause he was championing, of all those posh dutch guys that have had a cousing killed and so on. He only needed to lower the fucking taxes. 0/10 would not sent.
He is vilified in our history for good reason and only caused more resistance as said.
>Takes you glasses
Nothing personnel, kid
Dutchman here
He extorted the people and hanged the protestants. He's not really loved here even until this day.
>and hanged the protestants.
Phillip was a better king than Charles
The D*tch numale fears the Castillian CHAD to this very day
Both were shit kings, it's just that compared to the others habsburgs that came later they look like geniuses.
>Questioning the leader of tthe first superpower in history
Mad soyd*tch
Sounds like he had his priorities in order.
>Implying the habsburgs weren't just lucky af to have these two as predecessors
>Turning the People that live in the economic powerhouse of your empire against you for the rest of history.
>Losing your countries relevance on the world stage by aggressivly spending your budget on a religious war.
Was je the ultimate JUST?
Add tot that
>Sacking the most important trade center in your empire effectively moving the center of trade to a city that's in your enemies hands
>implying Ferdinand looked that inbred
Castile brought more net taxes than the Dutch both in total and per capita. In fact the Castillian court just to Phillip to ignore Flanders as it was a waste of time and resources. The war was just a matter of prestige,as the Spanish army stop attacking the Dutch after they BTFOed them in a major battle
>Sacking the most important trade center in your empire
When did he sack Seville?
Well they actually deserved it for revolting
he's the reason my family fled from (pic related) in the southern Netherlands to Holland.
Dutch culture and history is disgusting, desu wouldn't even balk to support the Habsburgs if they decided to raze the entire region of human life, they'd probably rule the world if they did
What do you mean with Dutch? The Kingdom of the Netherlands? the Netherlands? Or Low Germany?
Is Emperor Ferdinand II the most underated Hapsburg?
Weak army, Emperor is an object of pity.
Gets Maximilian to BTFO Fredrick. Purges Bohemia of Protestantism and solidifies Habsburg control of Bohemia and influence in Bavaria.
Outmaneuvers his Spanish allies and takes the Palletinate.
Swedes come down.
BTFOs Adolphus eventually, dude dies on the battlefield.
Only loses his goal when France turns against its fellow Catholics and even allies the Turk to stop Hapsburg hegemony.
Protestants shit talk him in all subsequent history.