ITT: People who annoy you
anyone obsessed with Prussia/the German Empire
ITT: People who annoy you
anyone obsessed with Prussia/the German Empire
Anyone who takes pride in their achievements.
Americans or Turks who claim to carry on the legacy of the Rome.
Whenever I encounter such people, I start to think Hitler might have been onto something with that whole gassing thing but just directed it at the wrong people.
too bad OP :D
>Americans (usually some overlap with the first two)
Americans don't claim to be Rome, that's stupid, foreigners do that for that them.
>he hates Prussia
Blow it out your arsch hole, liebling. Zweites Reich 4 life.
t. Janusz Dupobolski
All the "We Wuzz Empire Kanngs and Sheeit" dolts.
Whoever you are I would say annoys me.
Prussia doesn't exist and krauts will never be in Poland again.
>Those people who play le impartial guy that's all for historical truth but has post-mo tier standards of evidence for a certain historical event while easily believing any claim that portrays regimes or people they don't like in a bad light
that hasn't been at the behest of Poland naturally
Stay mad krautboi.
That's fair.
oh, I'm just a passersby
Prussia is a shit-tier fad.
>OP turns out to be a Pollak
Shocking, truly unexpected
It was crafted carefully over the centuries by men more skilled, and nobler than yourself. Show some respect OP!
It was created because the Teutonic Knights in Prussia became Lutherans. Today they're gone from this world completely. One imperialist country out of many its disappearance didn't lead to some huge power vacuum or a bunch of angry would be insurgents. It got properly digested by the digestive track of history.
So basically, Prussia originated that log porn faggotry on /b/ ?
People like OP
People who obsessed with the dindu A*glo empire
>a c*ntinental enters the thread
People who have different opinions than me
Prussia and Teutonic knights were based chads who survived in hostile environment and held onto their militaristic legacy
pooland will never be as relevant, aesthetic or culturally relevant as Prussia was even if it somehow survives for another generation.
you have only yourselves to blame, kinda like Bismarck said (let polacks rule themselves and they will destroy themselves)
Aesthetics are for faggots. As in literal faggots.
t. Prussiaboo
That's rich, coming from the country that parades winged hussars like they're the Second Coming
I'm not even remotely Polish, where did you get that from? Learn about Pietism. Aesthetics are degenerate.
Their behavior was very reminiscent of parasites that's why nations surrounding their former territory before they were erased from existence don't have the best opinion on them. They're not infatuated with shallow aesthetic worship.
>speaks about chads
>posts some guy that liked it in the ass, got easily depressed and was obsessed about polacks
whoa, so this is the power of NOT AN ARGUMENT
>obsessed about polacks
its been over 70 years since destruction of east prussia by communists and polacks still are butthurt so im not sure whats ur point
That's because you're not educated enough to have this conversation in the first place. This guy hate a hateboner and obession about Poland.
Ha, In an ideal world I wouldn't be posting about Pooland, I really don't give a fuck about Pooland. But you people are a very, very, very vocal minority on the net, especially Veeky Forums. It's history is boring and the most excitement moment of it is when some 10-30 million Germans were removed by countries that don't give a shit about Pooland either and used it's sovereignty to weaken and eventually declare war of Germany.
Not OP but why should he be necessarily a Pole? We might hate Prussians but who doesn't?
It's the fanbase that kills it for me. Although I don't find anything exceptionally amazing about Prussia unless you count the fact that they began as basically leeches to their hosts and becoming their vassals. But there's too much shallow aesthetic worship involved kinda like neonazis feel about footage of marching wehrmacht. Not saying these two are related though sometimes they do in fact go together.
>poles occupy russian/belarussian lands
>*wow so cool we wuz sarmatians n shieet :)*
>prussians make a comeback and conquer poles because they were innovative thinkers who went from being a backwater to a superpower uniting germany
>*wtf how dare they*
you wish your country was as pragmatic as Prussia instead of being a corrupt oligarchy and a shithole
> But there's too much shallow aesthetic worship involved kinda like neonazis blah, blah,blah....
*post winged hussars and the Witcher 3 in another thread 1 second later*
To add to this
>Pole or some westerner who says "woah oh based Poland, wow so based, I read based on reddit and Veeky Forums, so based" floods a thread with old pictures of Warsaw and tries to throw a pity party
>floods thread with new pictures of Danzi-- I mean G'DANSK, so dank, so based
Then there's Marienburg and how it's passed around as a Polish castle. For such a Catholic country like Poland they renamed this castle under the patronage of the B.V.M to some Shrek language word, MALBORK
Any more posts or are you done using history to explain your frustrations with other nations?
>floods thread with new pictures of Danzi-- I mean G'DANSK
What do you know about the history of this city?
>and how it's passed around as a Polish castle
By who? Your textbooks?
Clueless imbecile. No one ever claims Malbork to be a Polish castle. It's always presented as "Zamek Krzyżacki" - "Teutonic castle".
Those who seem to be "just asking" are less annoying because they're actually willing to discuss things. I prefer them over people who keep ignoring rational points and go straight to asking pictures of your nose when you post some sources. Of course at the end of the day they're both mixing history and their own political opinions which is never a good mix.
>and how it's passed around as a Polish castle
>By who? Your textbooks?
You, since your people renamed it into to the Shrek-esque Malbork. Kinda like how T*rks renamed Constantinople into Instanbullshit
>What do you know about the history of this city?
t. Pole living in one the few livable cities in Poland, so few I can count them with one hand.
You're not a Pole, you're that silesian subhuman shitposter.
The influx of newfriends on /pol/ has been a field day for Stormfront. People claiming to do their own research take one source as absolute fact. Then they feel as if they have to “repill” everyone else, and everyone who disagrees is a kike. Sad!
>Then there's Marienburg and how it's passed around as a Polish castle.
That never happened.
I wish more people knew about Thirteen Years War. But the most well known story connected with the castle is still the siege after the Battle of Grunwald.
People who unironically spam "Deus Vult". I swear its like the white people version of "WE WUZ KANGZ"
We do claim to have revived the republican spirit of early Rome though, somewhat justifiably.
People who hate George Washington the Great
People who hate Dixie
People who blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ or the Ever-Virgin Mary
People who slander the Romanovs and claim they deserved it.
Romanovs hated Dixie and liked Lincoln.
All of these, but add people who don't like pregnant Anne Frank porn to the list.
That doesn't mean they deserved what they got.
Childhood is beinf a prussiaboo
Adulthood is knowing the Habsburgs were the good guys
Could've been such a great game...