Any possibility of BTC dropping or should I just fuck it and by now? All I have is about $15k to invest.
Any possibility of BTC dropping or should I just fuck it and by now? All I have is about $15k to invest
I bought at the all time high in august at 4,700 .
It hurt like shit seeing it go back to 3,200.
But now it's all good.
Buy now op
In 3 years it won't reallly matter when bitcoin is 25,000
And you bought in at 4K or 6k
It's ok if you buy but sell this week. Otherwise just wait ultil the next correction/dump.
I would wait. I think this fork is a huge manipulation game and the whales are gonna dump a day or two before the fork and get back into their alts
What's easiest site to buy (and sell BTC back to USD)?
Probably Coinbase. Have to do a bunch of verification bullshit, but it's a one time thing
BTC will probably dip a bit after the fork cancer is done. Then go up again. How much will it dip? How much will it continue to rise? Nobody knows.
yes buy high OP
When's the fork?
Seriously don't buy now, learn how forks work and then look up bitcoin gold.
>not learning from bitcoin cash
Moron, alts will all tank as people scramble to get into bitcoin for the free forkcoins, then alts will all spike as people get back into them. Simultaneously, btc's new fork will climb as those who didn't step out of their alts try and get in before the "real" demand kicks in, then it too will tank as people dump their free coins for whatever price and buy their alts, which will cause them to spike even higher.
Matter of fact be a real man and put all 15k into, BTC, THEN on the 24th put it ALL, into LINK, XLM, ark,coss. do it like a real man.
I wasn't around for BCC. Hopefully I'll be around for the next fork though
>btc's new fork will climb as those who didn't step out of their alts try and get in before the "real" demand kicks in
Given that people now have Bitcoin Cash as a reference, I don't think it's going to go as nicely as before
This and GDAX is best place to trade, no fees if its a limit order
August was a good month, I remember .
>competing with a horde of bots
25k in 3 months you pleb
>Sell alts, buy bitcoin
>Sell Bitcoin, buy alts
>Sell alts, blow all of my gains on shitcoins I will later sell at a loss
I now have my battle plan, thank you.
It's been working for me so far
If I were you, I would do the following:
- Put all in BTC now. Pull out all of the money from BTC on the 23rd or 24th before the fork happens.
- Divide it to several altcoins which have the highest probability to spike, such as: ETH, NEO, OMG.
- If you want to take a calculated risk: put some considerable amount into AirSwap. Why?
Because that coin is currently undervalued as fuck.
It's now under ICO price due to this BTC Gold fork. After the fork, I can see AirSwap will get the market cap it really deserves. Read their whitepaper and see the big players who are backing AirSwap.
Don't simply believe all my words. Do your own research and you'll see. Good luck.
Cash actually had relevant backers
Gold is a shameless scam
Segwit2x is the only interesting one
What is "the fork" and why are people so sure its "gonna happen"?
Or Request
Don't expect things to go exactly the same. There are differences this time.
1. Everyone has the last fork for reference, which they didn't last time.
2. Gold seems to hold little interest. There isn't even any shills for it. It's universally considered a shitcoin. BCH futures were $400 before the fork. What will gold's be?
3. There's another fork coming up right after this one, and it's seen as the real deal. Will people even go back into alts? After the BCH fork, everyone breathed a sigh of relief because it was smooth sailing as far as the eye could see. This time it isn't.
I think it will be similar, but not exactly the same. I think alts will pump, but I'm taking my profits as quickly as possible because I think people are going to be selling them in preparation for the next fork pretty quick.
It is scheduled to happen in 3 days and I think one will happen next month too
Damn, who buys BTC at these prices is crazy....lots of pink on Veeky Forums in the next week...or maybe even today....might fall down 1000$ and then go after another run up.
>- Divide it to several altcoins which have the highest probability to spike, such as: ETH, NEO, OMG.
youre missing, sell altcoins when they spike for bitcoin while it dips during the fork. then hold till the 18, rinse, repeat
If I choose "trading" instead of "investing" for my reason of using Coinbase, does that mean I won't have to pay taxes on any gains I make? I'm in NY state in US.
On the 25th
Pic related. Which do I choose to avoid having to pay taxes on my gains?
no idea what time scale your talking
you people cant communicate clearly here
but there is an entry right fucking now if you can act quick
>Damn, who buys BTC at these prices is crazy.
People who expect BTC to go to $10k and don't want to risk timing the market
a fucking hell kid
get a job washing dishes for fucks sake....
I have a great job. I'm just wondering if, depending on which option I check, I might be exempt from being taxed on my gains. I don't know all this tax legal shenanigans.
op buy later, buying in now is retarded