Adolf Hitler
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Died a virgin, just like you will
>Adolf Hitler
Grandpa! Dadgum!
did nothing wrong
>Dennis Wise
He killed MILLIONS
Revolver Ocelot, huh?
see the light and the truth will become clear
Why do people quote Churchill as if he was leading policy and not a fringe party during the Chamberlain government, which constantly tried to appease Hitler and who Churchill was a critic of?
Yeah, shocker, the guy who told everyone Germany was going to throw their toys out of the cot and fuck everything up despite appeasement got elected after Germany threw their toys out of the cot and fucked everything up despite appeasement.
this image makes me a little bit nauseated. not from anything it says, but the god awful ugly format of jumpled random words, switching in and out of red and white, the random pictures, and the horrible redesigned british flag and the gray on black headline. Its so awful looking
perhaps your eyes are still accustomed to the shadows, but don't worry for I know one day you to will make it out of the cave
The guy you're replying to didn't say anything about Putin.
The first paragraph is relevant
That meme is aimed at hypocrisy and double standards, so not applicable, you fucked it up. Your entire life is a fuckup.
>Hitler did nothing wrong
You have 10 seconds to name one thing he did RIGHT. 10 . . . 9 . . .
Killed himself
Fair point
He did the Holoc-
...fuck you're right. He did nothing right.
Would you?
Rape to death.
The philosopher Theodore Dalrymple(a jew btw) once wrote
“In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is...in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”
it is interesting to see the same thing be reenacted today, how the left's response to evidence is not to try and respond with criticisms or to inform but to simply mock it and to argue that's its not acceptable to listen to arguments that must be just jokes, however this is a lie and like all lies soon they will come crashing down
Looks like Ginny Weasley.
Whether one likes or not he is an iconic figure now, a myth and a symbol.
Not saying that's a good thing but when people are asked to think of a villian or even just a historical figure he will appear in their minds.
>banned Fraktur
>first public anti-smoking campaign
>supported animal welfare
>Germany fucked everything up
By doing what exactly? He knew the Soviets were going to invade Poland and he invaded and took territory to create a buffer zone between Germany and the Soviet Union. Hitler was the only world leader that took the threat of communism seriously.
>>supported animal welfare
They were so good to animals, so that makes it ok that they treated whole subsets of people worse than animals!
Pack it up guys, Hitler loved animals, looks like we were wrong about him being evil after all.
Communist Jews aren't people.
lol this is true, I see many parallels between the jewish question and Plato's cave analogy, at first we are living in a world where we see just shadows of reality been broadcast to us on jewish owned media and academia but once we have seen the sun(realized how jews undermine white nations) we are liberated, we wan't to go back and inform our brothers still trapped in the cave of ignorance but in response they get angry at you and refuse to go up and see the light
>Hitler was the only world leader that took the threat of communism seriously.
That's completely false.
>He knew the Soviets were going to invade Poland and he invaded and took territory to create a buffer zone between Germany and the Soviet Union.
Why invade vehemently anti-communist Poland?
lol this is true, I see many parallels between the jewish question and Plato's cave analogy, at first we are living in a world where we see just shadows of reality been broadcast to us on jewish owned media and academia but once we have seen the sun(realized how jews undermine white nations) we are liberated, we wan't to go back and inform our brothers still trapped in the cave of ignorance but in response they get angry at you and refuse to go up and see the light.
I'm so glad the Nazis got rid of that known communist agitator Anne Frank and her family
Was a playground bully compared to Stalin but get's ridiculed as history's greatest monster.
>reading comprehension on Veeky Forums
Didn't say he didn't do bad things, just answered the question on whether he did some things right.
>that's completely false
Name another that actually fought the communists besides Francisco Franco who Hitler practically installed into power himself
>why invade Poland?
Because Poland was going to lose and refused an alliance with Germany.
Jean-Marie Loret
interesting how they ignored both these posts, I guess they are still chained up in the cave
Did you know that Jews made up the majority of pro communist partisans? Now you know why the camps existed. Jews made up a disproportionately large portion of communists in countries across Europe and in the usa in the 1930s and 1940s Jews made up 40 percent of registered communist party members.
British policy was actually to tolerate the fascist states as it was believed that the communists and the fascists would eventually war and destroy each other, after which they would sweep in and do a clean-up. Or at the very least the fascists could function as containment. Unfortunately a certain pact ruined this plan.
Nice whataboutism
>Murders millions of people based solely on ethnicity/sexuality/political beliefs
>Enslaves millions of people to keep the war machine going
>burned millions of books, destroyed traditional architectural masterpieces, stole famous works of art and ensured Soviet domination of half of Europe for a century.
how many people Stalin killed is irrelevant when it comes to Hitler. Just cause Stalin did awful things doesn't mean Hitler shouldn't be held to account for what he did.
no stop it bad goy!!!!
Yeah the British wanted war with Germany so they made ridiculous demands that they knew Germany couldn't afford to follow in their fight against communists.
>it's another "yeah I know Hitler was bad but STALIN WAS A MILLION TIMES WORSE" post
yeah, we got the memo, not every criticism of fucking Hitler is a defence of Stalin
Faggot spotted
Nevermind that Hitler may not have killed as many people as Stalin, but he absolutely had the intention to kill much more than Stalin ever could, and was merely limited by being defeated in 1945.
Stalin was in power much longer than Hitler, but if Hitler wouldn’t have been stopped his regime would've killed much more than the 30 or so million people that died in Europe up until 1945.
No they deliberately tolerated germany to grow stronger as they themselves were so traumatized by the great war that they did not want to do any dirty work.
>Dogshit is worse than catpoop
This is you.
>Name another that actually fought the communists
Poland, Finland
Britain and France also had plans to bomb the Soviet Union until the Invasion of France got in the way
>Did you know that Jews made up the majority of pro communist partisans?
I'd like to see some evidence for this figure. Besides Jews have been overrepresented in most political ideologies, not just "muh Gommunism".
The quote is entirely fictional. Its origin traces back to "PhD historian Dr.*" David Duke, former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, who attempted to make capital out of Solzhenitsyn’s work by publishing a book in 2013 titled "The Secret Behind Communism". His book introduction contains the above quote which he attributes to Solzhenitsyn on the occasion of a meeting he had with the Nobel laureate in 2002. Of course, we ought to take the good man at his good word and just believe him, as no other proof is offered. Hmm.....
Not only the Allies allowed Germany to suspend reparations permanently at the 1932 Lausanne Agreement, they also ignored other violations of Versailles like:
- Rearmament of Germany in excess of what Versailles allowed (Already happened by the 1920s with Soviet help in housing German arms factories on its territory)
- German coup against the Austrian government (1934)
- Remilitarization of the Rhineland (1936)
- Anschluss with Austria expressly forbidden by Versailles, in a non-secret referendum where people were pressured to vote yes by the Nazis monitoring the polls (1938)
- Munich Agreement, Sudetenland given to Germany (1938)
- Munich Agreement broken, all of Czechoslovakia is invaded by Germany (Mar. 1939)
This is how much bullshit Hitler was allowed to get away with. At any of these points the Allies could have declared war on Germany, they had a casus belli. But they chose appeasement because they expressly did NOT want another Great War.
>Murders millions of people based solely on ethnicity/sexuality/political beliefs
lol, muh 6 gorilioon bullshit again, there isn't any evidence for gas chambers or attempts to genocide jews, they were simply sent to work camps to provide for the war or deported
>Enslaves millions of people to keep the war machine going
I don't quite understand this, yes jews were used as labour but if you mean the German citizens working to provide for the war this is what every country does at war. Also it was allies who declared war and many times Hitler asked for a truce and peace but churchill wanted none of it
>burned millions of books, destroyed traditional architectural masterpieces, stole famous works of art and ensured Soviet domination of half of Europe for a century.
is this a joke? He never destroyed any traditional architectural masterpieces instead he actually refurnished many of them and called for the making of more great European art, the only art he destroyed was degenerate art that mostly made by jews depicting nilisism, pedophila, beasttly, pornographic/overly gruesome/disturbing imagery, the books burnt were again jewish literature aimed at perverting culture like freud's works. In act what really destroyed art were the allies who purposely(especially the commies) destroyed architecture after for the lols and the west promotion of (((modern art))). Also Hitler saw the spreading of communism and tried to stop it, (((they))) were planning for it to encompass the whole of europe(and still are)
This is hindsight but I wonder how many realized what Nazi Germany was doing. I mean it wasn't that difficult to figure out that Nazi Germany was just going to keep expanding until they literally invade a country.
It's funny to think that some active anti-Nazis in pre-1939 period may have been seen as warmongers.
The Versailles treaty was vindictive bullshit and they did the right thing by disregarding it.
>lol, muh 6 gorilioon bullshit again, there isn't any evidence for gas chambers or attempts to genocide jews
There is a mountain of evidence to support the fact that Jews and other "undesirables" were systematically murdered by the Nazi regime.
>Thinking I'm only talking about Jews and not the millions of Poles, Ukrainians, and Russians murdered
>Thinking that gas chambers were the only method of killing
>yes jews were used as labour but if you mean the German citizens working to provide for the war this is what every country does at war.
I am specifically talking about the millions of forced laborers drawn from the occupied territories, Jews and non-Jews alike, to keep the Nazi war machine going.
>this is what every country does at war.
Last I checked most countries were not reliant on slave labor during WWII.
>Also it was allies who declared war
False. Germany declared war on Poland, the Allies were merely acting upon their guarantee. On September 2nd, France and England notified Germany that the invasion of Poland had triggered a mutual defense treaty between the 3 countries. That didn't change Hitler's mind. Something revisionists won't tell you.
On September 3rd, the Nazi government received an ultimatum by the British ambassador demanding a response by eleven o'clock concerning the assurance to withdraw from Polish territory. Even that was ignored. Again, something revisionists will not tell you.
>Hitler asked for a truce and peace but churchill wanted none of it
Hitler's "many peace offers" revisionists like to remind us were not worth the paper they were written on given his track record, and Winston Churchill, unlike Joseph Stalin, did not fall for them. Stalin did, and how did history reward him for trusting Hitler? Operation Barbarossa, the largest motorized land invasion in the history of mankind that ended up costing over 20 million Soviet lives
>>banned Fraktur
blödes Arſchloch
unironically kys
>He never destroyed any traditional architectural masterpieces instead he actually refurnished many of them and called for the making of more great European art
>At a meeting in Germany the following day, Hitler instructed him to be prepared to leave no Parisian religious building or historical monument standing. After Choltitz's arrival in Paris on 9 August, Hitler confirmed the order by cable: "The city must not fall into the enemy's hand except lying in complete rubble."A popular account holds that Hitler telephoned Choltitz a week later at his headquarters in the Hôtel Meurice, in a rage, screaming, "Brennt Paris?" ("Is Paris burning?") By another account, the question was addressed to Hitler's Chief of Staff, Generaloberst Alfred Jodl, on 25 August at the Wolf's Lair: "Jodl, is Paris burning?"
>the only art he destroyed was degenerate art
A buzzword for "anything the Nazis did not like"
>the books burnt were again jewish literature aimed at perverting culture like freud's works.
Demonstrably false. All kinds of books from various authors were targeted, not just "MUH DEGENERATE JUDEN!". Books like All Quiet On The Western Front were burned due to the author's anti-war stance.
> In act what really destroyed art were the allies who purposely(especially the commies) destroyed architecture after for the lols and the west promotion of (((modern art))). Also Hitler saw the spreading of communism and tried to stop it, (((they))) were planning for it to encompass the whole of europe(and still are)
Or, you know, you're just a retard who can't make a valid argument without throwing some unfounded accusations about DA JOOZ and MUH EBUL ALLIES around
>lol, muh 6 gorilioon bullshit again, there isn't any evidence for gas chambers or attempts to genocide jews, they were simply sent to work camps to provide for the war or deported
Demonstrably false. And this is just for Auschwitz
Would Western Europe be better off today if the Nazis had won? They are literally committing cultural and ethnic suicide right now.
Why do you think Europe being subjugated to murder, enslavement, and tyranny under a genocidal regime is preferable to "MUH IMMIGRUNTS"? Are you really that brainwashed by /pol/ to think that's a good thing?
>A buzzword for "anything the Nazis did not like"
no it was truly degenerate art and would have been burnt on the spot by other European civilization before in history as disturbing
>He never destroyed any traditional architectural masterpieces instead he actually refurnished many of them and called for the making of more great European art, the only art he destroyed was degenerate art that mostly made by jews depicting nilisism, pedophila, beasttly, pornographic/overly gruesome/disturbing imagery, the books burnt were again jewish literature aimed at perverting culture like freud's works
It's quite surprising how little you guys know about the achievements of your idols.
>theres some brown people in Europe now
>that justifies the near 100-million deaths of WW2, the millions of atrocities committed on all sides as a direct result of Hitler's invasion of Poland, and the Holocaust
fuck I wish /pol/fag IMMIGRANTS would go back to the homeland
Brown people have twice as many children on average than Europeans and they continue to come in the millions. Do the math.
oh my god you were able to find one building in Russia that wasn't even that great that got destroyed during the war! he didn't intentionally want to destroy it it was just a causality of the war unlike the allies and commies who intentionally destroyed and wrecked great European monuments
Faggot, Hitler loved Islam.
oh what a surprise he's a phone poster
could you stop this meme, he certainly admired certain aspects to islam, the conservatism, traditionalism and no tolerance or degenercy but ultimately he saw it had no place in Europe and differently wanted to keep arabs and other non whites out of Europe
Hitler would've never supported Arabs replacing ethnic Europeans.
It's in Poland. It was deliberately demolished after the Warsaw uprising along with many other historic documents. It was a symbol of Warsaw.
September 4 – Royal Castle
October – Collection of manuscripts from the National Library of Poland burned
December 18 – Brühl Palace
December 27 – Saxon Palace
December – Łazienki Palace burned, about 1,000 holes drilled in its walls; the structure was preserved, however.
All demolished after the uprising.
>Hitler was the only world leader that took the threat of communism seriously.
>proceeds to give all of eastern europe to the USSR
Commissar Order
Unironically 100% justified
The absolute state of /pol/tards
No instead he supported Germans replacing Slavic peoples.
Only he did it at gunpoint through violent genocide, and the shit you're complaining about is brown people fucking.
He did support Germans replacing other ethnic Europeans however
The Royal Castle was actually destroyed before the Warsaw Uprising, in 1939.
>On 17 September 1939, the Castle was shelled by German artillery. The roof and the turrets were destroyed by fire (they were partly restored by the Castle's staff, but later deliberately removed by the Germans).[16] The ceiling of the Ballroom collapsed, resulting in the destruction of Bacciarelli's ceiling fresco The Creation of the World and other rooms were slightly damaged. But immediately after the seizure of Warsaw by the Germans, their occupation troops set to demolish the castle. The more valuable objects, even including the central heating and ventilation installations, were dismantled and taken away to Germany.
>On 4 October 1939 in Berlin, Adolf Hitler issued the order to blow up the Royal Castle. On 10 October 1939, special German units, under the supervision of history and art experts (Dr. Dagobert Frey, an art historian at the University of Wrocław; Gustaw Barth, the director of museums in Wrocław, and Dr. Joseph Mühlmann, an art historian from Vienna) started to demount floor, marbles, sculptures and stone elements such as fireplaces or moulds. The artefacts were taken to Germany or stored in Kraków's warehouses. Many of them were also seized by various Nazi dignitaries who resided in Warsaw. The Castle was totally emptied.
>A pile of rubble, surmounted by only two fragments of walls, was all that was left of the six-hundred-year-old edifice. On one of these fragments part of the stucco decoration remained, this was a cartouche with the royal version of the motto of the Order of the White Eagle — "PRO FIDE, LEGE ET REGE" (for Faith, Law, and King).
Brown people fucking and raping and robbing and murdering and taking away the right of Europeans to determine their own destiny through democracy by making them a minority in their own countries.
Got any sources to back any of that shit up besides a couple random anecdotes?
Only partially. This is how it looked like before the uprising.
So you'd prefer Krauts doing the exact same thing on an industrial scale?
>the sheer amount of /pol/acks getting BTFO in this thread
Doing God's work
So you're saying that you don't care about Europeans being murdered and raped enmasse unless it's brown people doing it, basically.
>10% increase in violence in the last year
How much percentage of violence increased in Eastern Europe during Operation Barbarossa?
>lol, muh 6 gorilioon bullshit again, there isn't any evidence for gas chambers or attempts to genocide jews, they were simply sent to work camps to provide for the war or deported
Vergasungskeller memo
1943 memo by SS Hauptsturmfuhrer Karl Bischoff [Chief Architect at Auschwitz-Birkenau] concerning the progress made on Krematorium II.
In this letter, the word "Vergasungskeller" is used to describe the supposed "morgue." that has been identified as the Auschwitz gas chamber.
That word means exactly what it sounds like: "gassing basement," a (homicidal) gas chamber. This was a slip which not only proves that there was a gas chamber in Krema II, but that the architect Bischoff knew exactly what he was constructing.
As Pressac points out, "The inspection report enclosed with the letter makes it possible, through a process of elimination, to establish that Bischoff uses 'Vergasungskeller' to designate 'Leichenkeller I' of Krematorium II."
Holocaust-deniers have claimed that this room was not a homicidal gas chamber. What it is they are less sure of. They have proposed that it is (Leuchter) a morgue, (Mattogno) a delousing chamber, (Faurisson) a storage place for fumigation supplies, or (Butz) a fuel gas generation room or sewage treatment room or air-raid shelter.
Note that the term used by the Nazis for the delousing chambers was "desinfektionskammer" ("disinfection chambers"), and they were located on a different sector of the camp, so this term cannot be refering to delousing operations.
Memo traslation follows:
>Subject: Krematorium II. State of construction
>Reference: SS-WVHA telegram 2648 of 28/1/43
>Enclosure: 1 Inspection Report
>To Head of Amtsgruppen C
>SS Lieutenant-General and Waffen SS Major-General
>Dr. Ing [Engineer] Kammler
>Berlin Lichterfelde West
>Under den Eichen 126-135
>Krematorium II has been completed but for minor details, thanks to employing all available forces, despite enormous difficulties and freezing weather, using day and night shifts. The furnaces have been lit in the presence of Herr Chief Engineer Prufer of the firm responsible for their construction, Topf & Sons of Erfurt, and they function perfectly. Because of the frost, it has not yet been possible to remove the formwork from the ceiling of the corpse cellar. This is of no consequence, however, as the gassing cellar can be used to this end.
>Because the wagons are blocked, Messrs Topf & Sons have not been able to deliver on time the ventilation and air extraction installations as requested by the Bauleitung. These will be fitted as soon as they arrive, so that it is probable that the installation will be entirely ready for service on 20th February 1943.
>Please find enclosed a report by the inspecting engineer of Topf & Sons, Erfurt.
>Head of the Auschwitz Waffen SS and Police
>Central Construction Management
>[signed] Bischoff
>SS Captain
>1 SS Second Lieutenants Janisch and Kirschneck
>For Archives
>[signed] Pollok
>SS Second Lieutenant (S)
>(Pressac, Jean Claude; "Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers; The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, NY, 1989; pg.211)
PROOF #2: Posen speech
In this speech, given by Himmler to high-ranking Nazi officials behind closed doors, on October 4, 1943, he describes the ongoing efforts in accomplishing the "extermination of the Jewish race", describing "thousands of corpses" and his efforts to punish those Nazi officers who stole "marks, furs or watches" from the "bodies" of the Jews.
We have the entire speech recorded in AUDIO, which you can hear in this link:
Is this not Himmler's voice?