Did any of the leaders (Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt/Truman) who won World War 2 ever mention the holocaust? If so, provide sources.
Did any of the leaders (Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt/Truman) who won World War 2 ever mention the holocaust? If so...
Other urls found in this thread:
>"The wholesale massacre by systematized processes of six or seven millions of men, women, and children in the German execution camps exceeds in horror the rough and ready butcheries of Genghis Khan, and in scale reduces them to pygmy proportions. Deliberate extermination of whole populations was contemplated and pursued by both Germany and Russia in the Eastern war." -THE SECOND WORLD WAR “The Gathering Storm” page 15
I didn't bother looking up stuff concerning Roosevelt because of his premature death.
Oh the irony
Heres a whole bunch of times Eisenhower mentioned it
Did he mention the Eisenhower camps?
That does not mention the holocaust at all. The original story of the holocaust was about exterminating Jews in gas chambers and turning them into bar soaps and lamp shades. No one denies people getting killed during war time.
Bait harder.
>>"The wholesale massacre by systematized processes of six or seven millions of men, women, and children in the German execution camps
not even that user but that sounds a lot like the Holocaust 2me
you mean the POW camp that stormfags pretend was a death camp that killed 1 million prisoner or that he engaged in an active genocide for supposed hatred of ethnic germans, even though his name was Dwight Eisenhower?
Not an argument, Anglo.
stop being retarded
>Holocaust historians
>get utterly BTFO in your own thread
and stormfags wonder why everyone hates them
kek, are those AT guys supposed to be Germans or just Russians trolling their comrades?
>muh BTFO!
That's not how arguing works. Go get banned for being under age.
>That's not how arguing works.
yeah it is, you asked for leaders mentioning the holocaust, got it, and are now shitposting because youre too much of a coward to admit your conspiracy theory is wrong.
>calls other people underage
>is still in his 16-year-old stormfag phase
don't worry, when you graduate HS in a couple years you'll move past this phase
>conspiracy theory
Oh, Juden.
so are you just going to keep ignoring the fact that your shitty leading question got BTFO? Did you just come here to shitpost?
>shitposting intensifies
(((ITZ.))) ((((DA.)))) (((((((((((((((((JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOZ.))))))))))))))))
>people are never, ever mistaken
>things later being proven false is revealing that it was all a deliberate lie
>muh BTFO
Here you go again, underage child.
>still not replying to
>THE SECOND WORLD WAR “The Gathering Storm
That book was published in 1948, three years after the war ended and the post-war holocaust propaganda started to kick off. It does not count.
>everything that proves my faggot conspiracy theory wrong doesnt count!
wow, how (((convenient!)))
So in which years will you accept evidence from?
>The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Stormfaggot had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.
>Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them.
The year where the supposed event took place.
>shrunken heads
Real. We have documents proving their existence. They are probably heads of Poles decapitated in the camp.
>tattooed skin
Real. It was actually tested.
Real, but there is no evidence it was made from human skin.
From what I can tell, Stalin deliberately lied about what was happening for propoganda reasons, lining up the victims on the side of the road with signs saying they were loyal soviet subjects murdered by association by germans, in order to inflame the desire for revenge among the troops marching to berlin.
You expect world leaders to give speeches and write books about secret events they don't fully know the details of, if they know about them at all?
>secret events
The holocaust is a secret exclusively to Jews now? Color me surprise.
>massive extermination in a small continent takes places where supposedly six million Jews are being massacred
>somehow they kept this as a secret
You're not this retarded, are you?
Polish sources mention the extermination of Jews in 1942.
Polish underground was talking about it while it was happening. What other bullshit excuse do you have?
You've already been provided that.
> He made powerful reference to these killings when he broadcast on November 14 1941:
>None has suffered more cruelly than the Jew the unspeakable evils wrought upon the bodies and spirits of men by Hitler and his vile regime. The Jew bore the brunt of the Nazi's first onslaught upon the citadels of freedom and human dignity. He has borne and continued to bear a burden that might have seen beyond endurance. He has not allowed it to break his spirit; he has never lost the will to resist. Assuredly in the day of victory the Jew's suffering and his part in the struggle will not be forgotten.'
>Reading in July 1944 the first detailed account of Auschwitz, Churchill wrote:
> 'There is no doubt this is the most horrible crime ever committed in the whole history of the world, and it has been done by scientific machinery by nominally civilised men in the name of a great State and one of the leading races of Europe. It is quite clear that all concerned in this crime who may fall into our hands, including the people who only obeyed orders by carrying out the butcheries, should be put to death after their association with the murders has been proved.'
Why have you been ignoring it?
FDR received the Karski report from the Polish government but ignored it. Apparently. I don't know if his actual response was recorded or if it was just something like "Poor people oh well enough of the mourning tim to fuck my cousin"
Back in 1948 Holocaust survivors in Israel were ridiculed and bullied and that was the state of things until the 1960s what kind of propaganda are you talking about?
>doesn't understand even the basic elements of the holocaust
>thinks that two countries at war with each other casually inform each other of troops movements and logistical infrastructure building plans
>calls others retarded
You do know why intelligence services exist, right?
Gib list of approved sources please, otherwise we won't be able to meet your high standards of evidence
Is the information it contains incorrect? Is its quotes inaccurate?
lol of course an israeli rat like yourself would be swarming into this thread like how a fly is attracted to shit.
There are several schools of thought. Some say that it should be Jew-exclusive term but on the other hand other non-Jewish people were dying in the same way in similar programs while some others who had Jewish background didn't identify as such.
Then we have non-camp related deaths like the actions done by Einsatzgruppen.
I read it in a book.
>the only way of knowing about a place is to be from that place
The absolute fucking state of stormniggers...
>like how a fly is attracted to shit.
True, your thread is shit
So you admit you're a fly that is attracted to shit?
Coprophilia is a german fetish, not Jewish one.
Sure thing Schlomo
And E'hud said, “I have a message from God for you.” And he arose from his seat. And E'hud reached with his left hand, took the sword from his right thigh, and thrust it into his belly; and the hilt also went in after the blade, and the fat closed over the blade, for he did not draw the sword out of his belly; and the dirty came out.' (2)
''In the territory of Jezre'el the dogs shall eat the flesh of Jez'ebel; and the corpse of Jez'ebel shall be as dung upon the face of the field in the territory of Jezre'el, so that no one can say, This is Jez'ebel.'' (3)
'But the Rab'shakeh said to them, “Has my master sent me to speak these words to your master and to you, and not to the men sitting on the wall, who are doomed with you to eat their own dung and to drink their own urine.”' (4)
'Do to them as you did to Mid'ian,
As to Sis'era and Jabin at the river Kishon,
Who were destroyed at En-dor,
Who became dung on the ground.' (5)
'Speak, “Thus says the Lord:
'The dead bodies of men shall fall like dung upon the open field,
Like Sheaves after the reaper,
And none shall gather them.'”' (6)
(2) Judg. 3:20-22 (RSV)
(3) 2 Kings 9:36-37 (RSV)
(4) Ibid, 18:27; repeated in Is. 36:12 (RSV)
(5) Ps. 83:9-10 (RSV)
(6) Jer. 9:22 (RSV)
>Veeky Forums - History & Humanities
And Hitler personally knew about conditions in the USSR prior to, but later than in excruciating detail, what was going on in the USSR. I'm sure the Brits and their developed intelligence agencies and units knew what was and wasn't happening the entire time. US might've had an inkling about timelines and activities, more in the east than the west. USSR probably had only a faint clue, given Stalin's domestic actions regarding the purges and the series of purges before him and Yezhov(with Beria and Yagoda).
South Park doesn't count when it comes to sources.
You don't know what coprophilia is, do you? Protip: it's not using the word "dung" in a sentence.
Marjorie Ingall, who is a columnist for the jewish publication Tablet Magazine, writes the following:
Butt of the Joke
…adults find body processes endlessly entertaining too. “When new moms get together they love talking about poop,” she says, “And it’s always, ‘Wow, I never thought a year ago I’d be discussing this so much.’ ” My father, olav hashalom, went to his grave thinking farting was the funniest thing in the universe. (…) Jews have a fine tradition of scatological humor. (…) And it’s ancient. Our people’s texts are full of gross-out humor.
And the clinical social worker and writer Carla Naumburg, PhD, confirms that jews love shit:
A Jewish Take on Toilet Training
It's true. Jews love not only talking about their fecal habits, but also stressing about them. Are we pooping often enough? Too much? (…) we've been just a tad obsessed with the contents of our daughters' diapers.
Jews even have a prayer that they recite after taking a dump:
Asher yatzar (Hebrew: ברכת) אשר יצר) "Who [has] formed [man(kind)]") is a blessing in Judaism. It is traditionally recited after engaging in an act of excretion,[1] but is also included in many Jewish prayer books as a part of daily prayer prior to Birkat HaShachar.[2]
Excrement also plays an important role in jewish pornography:
In 2008 Isaacs was brought to trial in Los Angeles, California on federal obscenity charges for videos featuring scatology and bestiality. At issue were obscene films sold between May 2004 and October 2006: Gang Bang Horse "Pony Sex Game," Mako's First Time Scat, Hollywood Scat Amateurs No. 7, and BAE 20 (also titled Avantgarde Extreme).[5]
Jewish "soldiers" in Israel also like to humiliate Palestinians by using excrement: they break into Palestinians' homes and defecate on the tables, and wipe their asses with the clothes that they find in the wardrobes:
Still not coprophilia...
You seem to be an expert on coprophilia. Are you Jewish?
Nope, just someone with access to a dictionary.
>bait thread
>59 replies
>It's a "Stormfag doesn't understand the Holocaust but tries to debate it anyway" episode
You sound Jewish.
Nice bait faggot. You know that millions of Jews were killed outside the camps?
How is a massacre related to a holocaust?
Nice propaganda Jew.
Everytime this lurker says stormfag I think of the Stormcloaks from skyrim and immediately picture Ulfric saying "Skyrim is for the Nords"
Nice source.
Remember these people have tried to argue that Sonderkommando photos are really photos of a 1910s railway accident.
why are NKVD officers dressed in German uniforms?
Checkmate, anti-Soviet revisionist.
Probably in case someone photographs them and 70 years later uses the photos as a proof of their guilt on some futuristic discussion platform
I'm not the guy who posted the picture.
I found the source for that picture by using google search. It is a photo of Nazi Einsatzgruppe in Zdołbunów, Poland (today Zdolbuniv, Ukraine) shooting naked women and children from the Mizocz ghetto.
So your Stormfag infographic is proven wrong, yet again. Don't you feel like a retard?
I could excuse people believing in Holocaust denialist bullshit in the 1980s when there was no internet, but today with a wealth of information at your fingertips how can you be such a fucking lazy, miserable, worthless mouthbreathing scumbag that you'd rather believe some random pic on the internet made by some anonymous nobody on an animu website instead of actually bothering to do a ONE MINUTE google image search to check if what you were fed is bullshit or not?
/pol/ is full of fucking mouthbreathers.
You have no fucking excuse to be this retarded.
And the source listed on the Wikipedia page:
Half of Holocaust deaths were commited by Einsatzgruppen (death squads) in the East, using bullets and not gas.
"Holocaust" is a catch-all term to refer to the extermination of all Jews across Germany, its occupied territories and allies, it doesn't refer only to the Jews that died in the gas chambers.
Maybe if you educated yourself on what the word MEANS first and on what HISTORIANS are saying, you wouldn't fall prey to shitty propaganda infographics.