>jetz räum aba ma auf! sieht ja wieder aus wie dresnfümpfitzich
remember the 200 billion
Why is it so controversial? G*rms deserved it after all the war crimes they committed in eastern Europe. They burned all of Warsaw down.
It should've been Berlin.
>bomb Guernica
> ...
>bomb Dresden
It's fake you retards, someone Dresdpill these goons.
Ist ja gut Mama
They deserved it
karma is a bitch
>be g*rman
>bomb shit
>get bombed back
>screech at the entire world
Also, ban shotguns you filthy amerimutts.
Extra crispy please.
East Berlin
nice haircut, comrade Robert Smithskovich
thought he's wearing a cap until I zoomed in
their smile and optimism: gone
Was worth it :^)
>implying Anglo's give a shit about Eastern Europeans
More like Dresdidn't happen
Hurray White trash
>starts WWll under the pretext Britain cares about Poland
>Sells out Poland along with the rest of Eastern Europe to Stalin
Heh, nothin personal, kid.
hey it's that stormfag again...
>Tell Hitler if he dosen't withdraw from Poland a state of war will exist
>Hitler keeps going
>Britain declares war
Germany truly is the dindu of history
No one gives a shit about Poland, not even Napoleon. The only times anyone "cared" about Poland is when it's used to weaken Germany and or Russia, that's it. But hey, who am I rain on the rain on the parade of "poland is based xD"
>It's OK if the side I like invades whoever they want
So are you a fuckwit in general or do you specialize in Wehrabooism?
>I want Anglo and stronger nations than mine to shed crocodile tears about Warsaw
Pathetic, Poland got tricked and raped by a vassal state that had no right to conquer it and later joined Russia and Austria, countries that existed longer than Prussia, and had actual reasons to be great, in the carving of Poland. How does that feel?
We aren't talking about the partitions though user
We just got into a little tangent about the casus belli of the Allies that will "justify" that pasty elitist Arthur Harris, who would firebomb Warsaw if he had to, bombing Dresden. This same elitist who called Lubeck "more of a fire starter than a city" even though not from his plush London house lays Coventry, another "fire starter" of a city.
Naziboos may worship failures like Hermman Goring but Alliedretards meme a guy who couldn't give a rats ass about them.
Dresden was never bombed but i wish it happened
>Wie viele starben?
>Wer kennt die Zahl?
>An deinen Wunden
>sieht man die Qual,
>der Namenlosen,
>die hier verbrannt,
>im Höllenfeuer
>aus Menschenhand.
Deserved worse
Hahaha what a good goy you are if you buy the lie that Dresden happened, the Anglo would never act in a barbaric way lmao. Having said that I hope it DOES happen, and soon. Day of the Bomb when?
>Believing in the Dresdehoax
I'm gonna need some more proofs of Dresden bombings never happening. This board seems too Germanphobic to be unbiased about such an event.
>board seems too Germanphobic to be unbiased about such an event
Oy ze vey. Warum be zey hatin on us, mutti?!!
All the evidence is here, pay attention to the population of Dresden as well Let's say Dresden's population was 100,000 by 1945, Irving fucking claimed 300,000 were dead, thrice as the population would've been. The German government claimed 200,000 DEAD, twice as many. Literally "Ach nein, Remember the 10000000000000000000000 dead in Dresden"
Who do you think bombed Coventry user?
I'll have to look into official documents and whatnot, but it's possible it's a lie. Only reason I'm taking it into consideration is because I know the holocaust was lied about, if that was lied about and everyone believed it then what else could be a mainstream lie?
>prove something didn't happen!
You first, prove the holocaust didn't happen.
You discredited yourself with this post. There is no reason to discuss anything with holocaust deniers because you guys aren't interested in truth.
Nice assumption. I'm more likely to not believe in Dresden-deniers due to the displayment of poor character. It shows a feeble mind, perceptive to the acceptance of anything that adheres to your conditioning without question; as well as the vilification of those that don't adhere to the religion of the 20th century.
If you want to be taken seriously, treat others with the dignity that they deserve.
>Irving fucking claimed 300,000 were dead
His source has been discredited decades ago
Churchill by refusing to send the RAF despite having cracked the Luftwaffe Codes.
The real betrayal of Poland was when the brits assassinated the only hope for an independant Poland to make Comrade Joe happy.
Exactly, because the bombohoax never happened.
akschually it's "Dresdeniers", you filthy Kr*t.
The city was actually packed with refugees at the time but there wasn't anywhere near 300,000 people there even with them
that "city" never existed to begin with, all "Dresden" (((photos))) are actualy from Frankurt, Hamburg and Bremen
>let’s say Dresden’s population was 100 000 by 1945, Irvin claimed 300 000 were dead, thrice as the population would’ve been.
You made up the amount of inhabitants and conpared it to the actual amount of dead.
I too can play at this game.
Let’s say there lived 1 jew in Europe. Allies claimed that 6 000 000 died, six million times the population of jews that would’ve been.
whos that babe
>You made up the amount of inhabitants and conpared it to the actual amount of dead.
Well seeing how Dresden's population was 40,000 in 1933, which would be 5,000 extra people every year (or 12.5% yearly increase of the population) by the time Dresden was bombed, so yeah perhaps Dresden's population was even smaller than assumed, proving my point further that the bombing was fucking fake. Also
>actual amount of dead
Not that guy, but Dresden may have sheltered a LOT of refugees at that point of the war being a major hub.
That would explain the gradual increase of Dresden's population over time. Still, doesn't mean that a bombing happened there
>Churchill bombed Coventry by not doing enough to stop the Germans bombing Coventry
This is your brain on /pol/.
unironically was
>If you want to be taken seriously, treat others with the dignity that they deserve.
>Stormniggers instantly start calling everyone filthy jew commie good goyim the second they get called out
Really makes you think...
Dresden was full of military factories, soldiers and had anti air defences.
It was a perfectly valid target.
>The real betrayal of Poland was when the brits assassinated the only hope for an independant Poland to make Comrade Joe happy.
Pole here, I prefer Poland to be a puppet state under the Soviets rather than dead under Germans.