So, which historical figure is he based on?

so, which historical figure is he based on?

Other urls found in this thread:

According to Lucas, an amalgam of various leaders from Julius Caesar to Adolf Hitler.

A mix of Julius Caesar, Adolf Hitler, and Louis XIV


Explain yourself for Louis XIV

Bismarck, Cromwell

I believe Louis literally said "I am the state"

A successful version of Alexander Protopopov.

Indeed he did. L'Etat, c'est moi

is there anything more kino?

True , true , but i keep with Augustus , republic to empire while keep making as if he doesnt want to be emperor

Point well taken. I see more Louis in the sense of centralization of power. Sheeve consolidates all power in the person of the emperor, breaking the power of the bureaucracy; while Louis consolidated all power within himself as absolute monarch, breaking the power of the nobility.

A bit of Nixon, who actually succeeded.

>alt history where julius caesar is totally prepared
>pulls a gallic longsword from his toga and massacres a dozen senators
>historically accurate black senator puts up a good fight when marc antony arrives and cuts his off his hands


>its treason then...
>*does a 900 degree spin forward from a standing position while screeching like an absolute madman

The problem is that he never had character development or motives beyond generic power mad fool. We know about the things and ideology which drove Julius Caesar, Hitler and Louis XIV. We know little about what really drove Palpatine. If it was anything at all. I suppose the extra-cinematic material might flesh out his character more but someone would need to fill us in.





>he hasn't read the extended universe

Gave me a good chuckle

While the prequels are complete trash as movies there's actually a good story hidden there.

>The Republic has two main branches: The Senate and the Jedi
>The Senate has become calcified due to bureocracy
>A trade consortium (Trade Federation) wants to get money from some shitty little protectorate Kingdom (Naboo) so builds an army of mercenaries (droids) to blockade this shithole
>The senate sends two Jedi to basically tell the Trade Federation to stop or the Jedi will kill the Trade Federation's leaders at Naboo.
>The Trade Federation has an army so is able to defend itself from two Jedi
>Palpatine (the representative of Naboo) is basically going to use the Trade Federation's blockade and invasion of Naboo as a way to gain power and gain the Republic/himself an army and take dictatorial/imperial powers
>Due to some random fucking kid the Trade Federation's army is destroyed
>However he is now Chancellor and his army is waiting in the wings/being built he just needs another opportunity which he'll created (The Clone Wars).

Basically the Republic is useless at administrating by the time Palpatine comes along. He may very well have begun his plans with the intention of saving the Republic, but is corrupted by power over the course of the films. Palpatine being a Sith, while cool in Return of the Jedi is actually pretty crippling to him as a character for the prequels as now he's just "evil" whereas he could have been a man who became evil with the best intentions.

Honestly seems like something that would have been an utterly fantastic series of novels but an abysmal movie. And yes, the sith being evil for evil's sake is pretty damaging for decent storytelling. I'd sooner take even the usual anime babby's first social darwnism over doing it for the lols.

Like, I'm down with Anakin/Vader becoming a Darkside Jedi/Sith. Him using his powers for villainy rather than evil and Palpatine having a major part in that development. But it could just have been him being like:

>Yo, I have these ancient Jedi texts which are considered heresy by the Jedi which can keep people from dying
>Join me and I'll let you have them, plus I'll let your marriage to Padme be open and basically make you my second in command

*Villainy rather than good

Lucas is amazing at worldbuilding but absolute shit at writing a compact storyline on his own.

There's a fairly convincing theory/what-if scenario where your last paragraph is basically letter by letter DOOKU's plan, but I suppose that's mostly people wanting to retroactively give Christopher Lee a purpose.

why don't you ask them?

Not yet.

Pope Benedict

I've never heard that theory before. It's more than while drunk/stoned I was talking to someone about how the story in the prequels is not actually shit, but the movie itself completely misses the mark due to the tone and editing.

The story itself is actually a pretty good fall of democracy/rise of authoritarianism story woven into the tragedy of a great man (Vader/Anakin), but completely fails due to execution.

Still better than The Force Awakens though.


>The story itself is actually a pretty good fall of democracy/rise of authoritarianism story
Eh, it's not bad, but it was missing the important element of demagoguery. Palpatine's scheme to use a civil war to gradually make people hand him more executive power was fine, but there wasn't enough focus on the "gradual" part. We never get to see scenes of Palpatine manipulating the war torn masses through populism, or inciting mobs to aid in eliminating undesirable sections of the public. People complain that the prequels have too much politics in them, but honestly I think it's more of a case of the prequels having poorly executed politics. It's quite possible to make a story about political maneuvering that won't bore an audience to tears. George Lucas just didn't know how to write one.

>Basically the Republic is useless at administrating by the time Palpatine comes along. He may very well have begun his plans with the intention of saving the Republic, but is corrupted by power over the course of the films. Palpatine being a Sith, while cool in Return of the Jedi is actually pretty crippling to him as a character for the prequels as now he's just "evil" whereas he could have been a man who became evil with the best intentions.
In the old EU lore, it was because he knew the Yuuzhan Vong (a race of extragalactic invaders) were coming, so he wanted to unite the galaxy and build planet-destroying superweapons in preparation.

>>He hasn't trackdown the last copy of the 1988 "Lords of Blenderblorr" vintage comic which clearly exlpains that Palpatine's mom was a Jedi!??

Which shows you how retarded the EU lore could be. At the same time Palpatine becoming emperor was supposed to be the final culmination of Darth Bane's millennium long Rule of Two experiment.

Besides the 'Sith must be evil for sake of evil' stuff, the massacre in the jedi temple brings to mind large scale political, social, or ethnic purges that happened in the french revolution and the many power changes of the 20th century.
The Jedi had enormous influence over the war effort and before the war were essentially a caste of ideological police/party enforcers. With the public ringleader of CIS being a former Jedi and several senators connected to Jedi people unaffiliated or opposing the Jedi politically had good reason to fear them.

unironicly Ceaser, George Bush and George Lucas himself

On some Pope I believe