I just love Erwin Rommel so much Veeky Forums
I just love Erwin Rommel so much Veeky Forums
Rommel and Guderian seem like they’d make great bros
What ended up happening to him?
Hitler pooped in his pants
Tried to overthrow Hitler with the rest of the Prussian general staff, and was told to either kill himself or have his family die.
>Tried to overthrow Hitler
t. Hitler
He knew about the plot but he wasn't a part of it.
He was part of it. He knew and cooperated with the Kreisau circle
And yet he still ended up arrested.
t. Hitler
Hitler was the better of em all, stop being a insecure little coward and just study the damn subject instead of going with the retarded mainstream claim that Hitler was just an idiot military general, and everyone else was GOAT.
But that's wrong you daft cunt. Hitler made lots of terrible decisions, as did most of teh German generals, including Rommel.
If I could find the pdf of the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich I was reading I'd prove you wrong but for now just take my word for it
Do even Stormfags claim this?
>Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
My fucking God the absolute state of this board...Might as well quote the Dorling Kindersley Children's Encyclopedia.
>just take my word for it
Sure, just like I'll take your word that all black people are savage rapists and the only way for America to survive is to become a white ethnostate.
Are you OK user?
That's not an argument. The sources of some of Rommels dialect is straight from General Halders diary
Rommel is best bro
Wouldn't hurt.
World War 1 Rommel > World War 2 Rommel
Caporetto was very nice
it would be great because youd still be a shithole and we could finally and officially call you the niggers of the mutt race
Rommel the pinnacle of swabianhood, baden fuck off
They may be a jew controlled mutt race with a shit materialistic "culture", but all things considered the statistics show that niggers commit the most crimes and spread the most AIDS along with homosexuals.
It would definitely be a plus to send them back to their countries of origin, you wouldn't want to deprive them of their heritage, right?
fucking manlet lmao
look at those weak shoulders
Rommel and Hitler were both shit military leaders
Hitler was no General. Hitler was a corporal.
>american education
hippo is perfection, literally Veeky Forums the anime girls
Holy fuck those hips
Rommel was an overrated meme general
Rommel was great but Guderian and Manstein were better
Rommel got curves
>he took time off WW1 to marry is qt gf and travel Germany with her
He's too pure
What's it about the German uniform overcoats that always make the wearer look like he has a huge ass? How does that happen?
enemy doesn't know you're starving if all your troops look thicc
He didnt, he knew about it and chose not to do anything.
Hitler wanted him out of the way because of his influence.
The anglo fears the thiccbois
Plebs choose Yukari, Chads choose team hippo or lion
Veeky Forums is a hippo board
why? guderian, manstein are so much better
>Rommel Guderian Manstein
Try Manteuffel or Kleist.
Why was he never sent to the Eastern front? Wouldn't he have been more useful in that theater?
Hitler was unironically the best strategic mind on the German side, though he was certainly no military genius
Bottom heavy rommy boy. Loving it
Rommel was phenomenal at commanding smaller units. He just should've never been promoted to a field marshal.
I don't think his problem was organizational exactly, and while I think he was overpromoted, it wasn't the size of the formations he was ordering about that tripped him up.
Rommel, in both his actions and his memoirs, approaches campaign constraints, especially logistical ones, from a very junior officer's mindset. There is this essentially limitless pool of "supply", and managing your logistics is a game of making your case to HQ to show that your unit and not the one in the next position on the line is the one who really needs those extra bullets and POLs and whatever else. But the idea that there is a hard limit that can theoretically be sent to you and no amount of initial success or fait accompli commitment can change that is one that didn't seem to occur to him until it was too late. Tripoli could only handle so much cargo being offloaded, and his trucks could only carry it so far forward, and those weren't going to change no matter how many resrources were poured into the desert.
Rommel's response to this was to double down on his tactical acumen and charge blindly ahead, confident that if push came to shove, the guys at HQ would figure SOMETHING out to save his bacon now that the chips were really down and they had to. Which did not work and exploded spectacularly.
While I obviously can't prove it, I'm willing to bet he could have been a very able corps commander on the Eastern Front leading a formation bigger than DAK and the Italian forces attached to him. He just needed someone to hold his leash and tell him his idea was stupid and he couldn't do it.
*blocks your path*
>not Balck
can we add von manstein too?
Too Prussian
Manstein seemed too uptight
Guderian and Rommel were laid back
ehhhhh fair enough.
Why did Saemonza always keep her eye closed by the way
Rommel, you magnificent bastard, I read your book!
this too
THICCBOYZ are coming
>Why did Saemonza always keep her eye closed by the way
because Sengoku weebs are just weirdos like that