>war obsessed maniac
While in power he started only three wars - the invasion of Portugal, the invasion of Spain and the invasion of Russia. All of the coalitions aimed against him were started by the Anglo, the Austrians and the Prussians. He repeatedly urged the other powers to let him reign in peace, but they would never accept his offers.
>genius at war, absolute JUST at politicking
He was great with internal politics, since he found a good line between revolutionary and traditionalist, but I agree that with foreign affairs he was pretty bad, although it didn't help that the Anglo was literally paying everyone off to keep fighting him no matter what, and almost bankrupting their entire country just to do it.
>pushed east into unknown and inhospitable territory
Inhospitable during winter, sure, but definitely not unknown. Maps of Europe - even Russia - were very good in the early 19th century.
>established many puppet states/satrapies
>dreamt of united europe/europe and asia
He wanted a strong and dominant France, not a "united Europe". He was happy to leave other countries alone if they left France alone. Also, his only business with Asia was invading Palestine and getting btfo before he even came to power, so he definitely couldn't care less about uniting Europe and Asia.
>narcissistic when naming things after himself
The only example of this I can think of is the Napoleonic Code, which is fair to name after himself since he, you know, created it. He also based it off Justinian's legal code, which was also named after its creator.
>cucked by his wife/cucked by his generals
Yeah, his wife cheated on with him one guy, but he then cheated on her with dozens of women over decades, with her knowledge of it, and made it clear there was nothing she could do about it. No idea what you mean about his generals; they ended up mostly betraying him, sure, but that isn't "cucking" him.