What are some things that people who have small brains do, people who have middling brains don’t do and people who have genius brains do again?
I’ll start:
Think in terms of groups
Address the world as it is rather than in an ideal way
Believe in god
What are some things that people who have small brains do...
Like wrestling
post in /pol/
post in Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums
Pay attention to news
And monster trucks.
Ignore the opinions of political pundits
Push people into swimming pools
Push crushed leaves into their cousin's vagina
Get their ass kissed on live TV
Get spat on on PPV
Call someone a nigga on live TV, then fire someone for saying it in his home
Wrestle the future President
Have incestuous fantasies and beg your family to help make them come true on live TV
Try to kill someone for nearly beating you in a street race
Fold pizza slices to eat them and throw away the part you touched
Don't sneeze ever
Constantly try to fart in someone's face and one day shit your pants right before going on live TV and do it anyway
Fine someone 100,000 dollars for bleeding in a cage match
Demand that people say "Title" and never "Title belt"
create useless threads like this one
What does this have to do with history or humanities?
It’s about brain size and humanities-type beliefs.
My contention is that there are many heuristics that retards use because it would be difficult not to without a fair amount of processing power, and these same heuristics are used by people smart enough to critically analyse contemporary methods of “knowledge” acquisition in academia (particularly in the humanities). Thus retards and geniuses will be using better truth-acquiring methods than mid-brains.
Having not studied science myself, I don’t know much about the situation there, other than that Skyping clowns via satellite is extremely scientific.
>ITT nerds list off ways they were bullied
This. Ever since I started studying philosophy, I'm feeling an increasing craving for wrestling and monster trucks which seems to be analogous to my brain growth.
You've got a long way to go.
Why? "corresponding to" is a legitimate use of that term.
This thread is bad and you should feel bad. If you want to be pretentious go to
Wow, you're a real tard.
T. Middle brain
You're right! When you're right, you're right!
But concomitant or something might be more appropriate.
isn't me, by the way.
I think this applies to economic knowledge, but I'm having trouble coming up with a clear example. I think to some extent, we'd expect something like what OP describes, as higher castes require a greater sophistication to achieve success within that caste.
Loyalty and affinity to family might receive greater importance in lower castes, where collaboration is necessary for survival and expedient, in a same way as in the higher castes, where blood lines and family define highly valued trust networks and help to mitigate risk and competition between families. The middling folks are the insecure workers who see family as an inhibitor to their success and pursue loyalty to economic opportunities.
>An instinctual short-hand, possessed by the lucky but dumb humans, can be equivalent to the fully comprehended model that exists only in the healthiest and most fit humans at the top of our hierarchy.
Is this what you mean?
Kind of.
The analogy I think of is a bit like that zen thing of mountains are mountains then they aren’t mountains then they’re mountains.
Today that could be “niggers are dumb” “Black people and white people are equal, we are all one human race” “niggers are dumb”, or “fags are gross” “don’t be homophobic” “fags are gross”