What did the NSDAP think of red haired Europeans? Where did they rank in their racial hierarchy?
What did the NSDAP think of red haired Europeans? Where did they rank in their racial hierarchy?
there was no color back then
Who cares what pic related thinks anyway.
Really made me think.
Fuck 'em but don't marry 'em, I guess.
They had no special attitude towards them, red hair is native in Germanic populations, and by some accounts Hitler himself had dark red hair. Hitler's self-professed "bible", "The Passing of the Great Race", attributes the red hair of the Irish to "nordic" influence, so presumably Hitler himself saw it as a Nordic trait, but again afaik he never directly addressed it.
There was no "racial hierarchy" to speak of. The NSDAP supported all Europeans and their right to exist.
You don't poke the bear and expect not to get destroyed.
Yes, color never existed before the 21st century. Really makes you think.
Does breeding with a red haired woman create a red-haired offspring?
You leave before you find out, user.
>The NSDAP supported all Europeans and their right to exist
Except Slavs. And Jews. And Gypsies. And Communists. And anyone else they deemed "subhuman".
No, red hair is recessive so you need the gene yourself to have redhaired kids.
any way to know I have that gene? other than sending my dna to some laboratory
If you have parents or grandparents with red hair that's a good indicator, other than that no, you need a genetic test.
>taking that reply seriously
This is your brain on national socialism
My grandpa had black/dark hair but his facial hair was red
anyway thanks
Tacitus himself said that Germanic people were blonde or red-haired.
Osterby Man was proven to be dirty blonde, not red-haired.
That may well be true but red hair was a noted feature of north europeans since the earliest records.
Bullshit. My ex was redhaired but neither of her parents were.
>The NSDAP supported all Europeans and their right to exist.
Are you sure?
Good goy
Wow you're dumb. Learn what "recessive" means you retarded faggot.
>The NSDAP supported all Europeans and their right to exist.
t. Jayden M. Utt, 1/16 german 1/32 irish 1/2 polish......
>The NSDAP supported all Europeans and their right to exist.
*clears throat*
MUH infograph
That one has sources, /pol/turd
You can't expect a /pol/turd to notice that, providing "sources" for your assertions is Jewish Science.
1. Blonde, Flavus, Fairfax, πολιóς
2. Red, Ruddy, Reudh, Πυρρóς
3. Brown, Brunette, ξανθóς
4. Black, Blakkr, Blackest
I skimmed through it, most of it is babby-tier questions that can be answered with common sense and a basic historical understanding of events.
Will go over it tomorrow if thread is still up and I'm not tired from work. I'll recommend a good book that answers most of the questions posed in an unbiased academic manner. Give it a read from start to finish and let me know what you think.
>Debating the Holocaust by Thomas Dalton
1. Black, Blakkr, Blackest
2. Brown, Brunette, ξανθóς
3. Red, Ruddy, Reudh, Πυρρóς
4. Blonde, Flavus, Fairfax, πολιóς
Better than you stormfag sources.
>HURR if you think blogspot is a non-source, you must be a stormfag!
Dimwitted shitter.
This blogger always uses tons of primary sources.
>you must be a stormfag
Well, Dalton is an anti-Semite sympathizing with the Nazis, why would you recommend him if you weren't a stormfag?
I didn't recommend anything you dumbfuck tard.
>This blogger always uses tons of primary sources.
Then cites THOSE, retard. It's like you want people to dismiss you without effort, good job.
Honestly, blogspot is enough as a counter against conspiracy theories.
It's not like we are dealing with serious historians...
Here, try this.
But you don't refute idiots by being an idiot yourself! What do you think a nazi will say when you link to blogspot? I'll give you a clue:
just cite teh actual sources, you can get them from blogspot if you like but the sources themselves are what you should present.
But why should I? This blogger discusses every single retarded denier theory. Just read his blog and everything will be clear. It's not like IHR uses serious sources. Most of their info comes from their own publications, tabloids or Nazi diaries.
Again, we are not dealing with Veeky Forums matters, but /x/ and /pol/ and on top of that the blog is so extensive one would have to post like dozen posts to get content of a single page here.
If you're European, you probably have the gene somewhere. Even Southern Europeans.
Why should you care that your arguments will be dismissed without thought? Really?
If YOU can't be bothered to find the relevant part of the link, why do you imagine the person you're replying to will?
Stormfags aren't interested in a serious discussion. I already said this. And what argument? There were no arguments. One guy recommended a book written by a denier, I posted a review of this book.
Redheads are Master race. Most rare and most beautiful.
Hitler was too pleb tier to get a redhead. he could only get a blond.
Then why post at all? Jesus Christ, do you just get off on being ignored and mocked?
Like fags, Greeks, British, and Russians.
In b4 some stormturd says "oh well you see, none of those is ACHSHULLY european..."
>I'll recommend a good book that answers most of the questions posed in an unbiased academic manner
>unbiased academic manner
This is simply a lie and the article I posted explains why Thomas Dalton is not an unbiased source.
Every source is biased. You gotta do better than that.
>he doesn't understand that stormniggers are famous for using blogspot to build websites
Do better than what? This "discussion" is about nothing. Do you just want to derail a thread? What's your problem?
That's because stormfags can't use academic sources because not a single academic historian supports their agenda. All they have is IHR (with their laughable articles), Youtube videos and articles made by some random deniers such as Graf, Irving or Rudolf.
It's a classic stormfag move to greentext reply source
if you don't want to be taking for a storm fag don't behave like one.
>the article I posted
The one that would be immediately dismissed because of the source? THAT article? Good waste of time there, retard.
>nazis do it so I do, too!
Nazis deny the holocaust, does that mean you do that, too?
>only nazis dismiss shitty sources
So if I linked you to stormfront, you'd go there are read what I linked, would you? No, ofc you fucking wouldn't, you'd reply with >stormfront and that would be that. You may not think blogspot is as worthless a source as stormfront and objectively that may be true, but it IS worthless as a source, and you WILL simply be dismissed for using it. In b4
>HURR idgaf if nazis dismiss me!
Then why even post?
>immediately dismissed
Then I should immediately dismiss literally every single stormfag here. In fact, they should be immediately banned because they never post ANY sources.
>but it IS worthless as a source
Like every single denier source.
Why only stormfront? All their sources are worthless.
IHR? Worthless.
Inforgraphics? Worthless.
Irving? Worthless.
There wouldn't be any discussion if we acted like stormfags.
Jews and gypsies are not European, and Nazis didn’t want to exterminate ALL Slavs
Mfw thread about interesting historical topic gets shat up and derailed WITHIN 2 POSTS
Firstly, it's not that interesting. Secondly, you could find the answer with a few seconds googling. Thirdly, if you honestly thought a thread about the NASDAP racial policies wouldn't be infested with trolls and nazis, you might just be a retarded person.
>21st century
That's not what he implied, moron
As noted, Hitler specifically referred to red hair as a Nordic trait, so presumably he'd slot it in the same category he slotted blonde, dirty blonde, and auburn hair.