Was Franco as bad as most people say?
Was Franco as bad as most people say?
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never heard anybody say anything about him
Most people have never heard of the guy
>ywn live in a world where juan carlos accepts franco's offer and restores the crown to its former glory under charles v
It´s the first time that I saw that edit and the data is from 2012, we are in 2018.
The hell have you been doing OP?
6 years in mspaint
Idk, I didn't do it myself.
Gonna need some sources for the claims about Spain in the third panel
There are no miracles, only bubbles
It doesn't say anything avout the "world's highest development rate" or being 8th in GDP. In fact Spain achieved that during democracy in the late 1990s.
Whatever you say. The claims made in the 3rd panel are actually true.
No they aren't.
Gonna need sources for that claim :^)
Only butthurts are literal communist and anarchist trash.
The man should be canonized.
Spain was the 8th largest world economy in 1995 and 2005. Franco died in 1975. When he ruled, Spain was nowhere near being one of the top ten economies.
Why is it so hard for you stormfags to do your research instead of trusting some shitty infographic? I found this in 5 minutes.
Here you go
And here is data that goes back further.
No Spain in the top ten when Franco ruled
He was a good guy.
He got stained by true fascism, which later made him unpopular.
who made this nonsense comic?
also, implying Juan Carlos ever gave a fuck about politics. His main agenda as king was "Fuck as many women as possible".
So nazism is good because they have one of the most larger economies?
Francoists btfo
>its a retard alt-righter gets called out on his idiocy episode
I love these
>make wrong claim
>get proven wrong
>change subject
how do I learn this method of arguing?
Wasn’t nazi economy on the verge of collapsing , and the only reason it didn’t after 1939 was cause of all that dank war loot
Yup, turns out when you enslave most of Europe you can support a pretty large army.
>posting data from 5 years after Francos rule
What a misleading use of irrelevant data. I hope no one is stupid enough to fall for this.
Lol, Spain was pretty much Africa-tier during Franco's reign.
I posted a second link that goes back to 1960.
Maybe you missed it stormfag ;^)
Franco was rather weird, he kept the Nationalists during the civil war together by keeping up apperances as a Fanlangist around Falaganists and appearances of being a Carlist around Carlists. And while the economy did well under Franco, they weren't the 8th largest under his rule
There were no good sides in the Spanish Civil War.
Spaniard here. He was terrible, Spanish economy was literally famine-tier until at least 1950 and even employed slave labor. Wages didn't return to the levels of the Second Republic until the sixties. After that tecnocrats took over the government, and the economy grow because of the money tens of thousands of emigrants (because unemployment was rampant) sent to their families from Germany and France. Pic related is full of shit. And saying that Spain is left-wing when the PP has won the last three elections is retarded.
My ass, the two sides were on one hand the legitimely elected government chosen by the people, and on the other side rebel military officers funded by foreign powers to disrupt the country and test their weapons.
Franco was basically a corporatist combined with a traditional right-wing military ruler. He played the Falangists like a damn fiddle. People think he was a fascist but he wasn't, he was very much a traditionalist whereas fascism is a very modernist ideology, even if it pays lip service to tradition.
>The economy grew because of the emigrants sending money back to Spain
[The verb is 'to need' and the object is 'citation']
>PP has won the last three elections is retarded
PP is to the left of the labour party in Britain you deluded lefties numale. Try to prove me wrong but they are more pro-faggots and trannies,more pro-inmigration,they defend the highest taxes in Europe and they have even proposed filling villages with refugees,to teach islam as a school subject and allowing trannie kids. PP is to the left of most lefties parties on the planet and is aligned perfectly in every aspect with the Swedish social democrat party
>Muh Fraga
Fuck off. Facts>feelings and past
Only once Russia got involved.
>Mariano Rajoy is more left wing than Jeremy Corbyn
he did plenty of good things like preserving and adding to the public healthcare, public housing for militaries (this one god-tier), public housing for workers (this one shit-tier), good quality public education. He cared about the population and looked after them. Other than that he was just a fucking faggot piece of shit that divided the country in two leading to the republic giving the spanish gold to the russians and never getting it back. War between brothers, that's what the civil war was all about.
It is common knowledge here.
For example. Besides, I have left some other things, like how the regime crashed wages into the ground with the Plan de Estabilización so the oligarchs could create capital with the money surplus.
Please, don't project your retarded anglo cultural wars into other countries, user-kun.
>Mariano Rajoy is more left wing than Jeremy Corbyn
>Higher taxes
>Keep expanding welfare and spending
>Made modern gender theory a defacto dogma.
>Saying that a trannie is not a women can lamd you in jail
>Islam as a mandatory subject
>Draconian gender laws that can land you in jail just if a rpastie decides too
>More inmigration
>More pro-LGTBQIHCXVD and whatever new leters they keep adding up
>Financed TV advertiziments encouranging fucking foreigners
PP is Sweden tier but demanding higher taxes. They LARPing as christians during easter means jackshit when they will just open their asschecks to whatever stupid idea comes from Ivy league school academia
>anglo cultural wars
PP is the Swedish social democrat party that LARPs once a year as christians and LARP as bullfighters. Their party has people like Cifuentes that has forced gender quotas in things like firefighting corps or banning a bus that said that boys have dicks and girls have vaginas from circulating in any road in Madrid while allowing faggots to openly break the rules like allowing them to fuck in open spaces and to be shirtless in the streets which is banned to the rest of us. And that is the conservative party. Podemos and its pawns wanted to replace the 3 wise kings paraid with a gay and diversity pride one amongst other crap.You people just don't understand how far to the left Spain is.
Literally no one in power in Europe is that right wing. Stop judging things by American standards, they're retarded.
>he did plenty of good things like preserving and adding to the public healthcare
Under Franco there was no public healthcare, Felipe González did created it.
>good quality public education
Where do you get these facts? Only rich people could afford education, my parents didn't even got to end the basic school because they had to work.
>He cared about the population and looked after them.
>War between brothers, that's what the civil war was all about.
More like between brothers and italian mercenaries
Half of those are false, and even so none of that makes them left-wing. If any, it makes them corrupt.
>common knowledge
Is that what you call making stuff up? I searched "emigrantes", "el extranjero", "diáspora", "el exterior" and so on and i found nothing that backs your claim about the economy growing from the emigrants sending money back home.
>Half of those are false, and even so none of that makes them left-wing.
Which one? I can provide a source for all. Spain is just the Sweden of the south. PP would be considered a far left party in most of Europe
>Literally no one in power in Europe is that right wing.
Literally just Sweden is that far to left. Really even Merkel is far to the right than PP. Since Aznar Spain has not had a leader that is not a lefties and Aznar was Cameron tier in the political spectre
Spain industrialized really fast in the 60's and the industry boomed. Most finanziation came from the publicly owned cajas de ahorro (which collapsed in 2008). He is just making stuff up. Spain grew economically when the opus dei stopped the autistic economic policy of the falangists and the US lifted most sanctions against Spain
Another source. Perhaps you are just bad at searching on the net.
>"Alguien sale beneficiado de la emigración y mucho. Porque hay que explicar que en la mecánica del ahorro, los emigrantes todos incurren en el mismo tipo de fórmula financiera: el envío de la cantidad ahorrada deducida de su salario de cada mes. Así, mediante giro postal o cualquier otra fórmula, las divisas llueven en una proporción abrumadora a las Cajas de Ahorro de la provincia de la que es originario. España ha pasado a ingresar la friolera de casi tres mil millones de dólares a lo largo de la década de los sesenta. La escalada desde el principio al final de ella es impresionante: de los 54 millones de dólares de 1960 se pasó a los 470 de 1970".
> G.L. Díaz Plaja, La condición del emigrante.
>54 millones de dólares de 1960 se pasó a los 470
Spain almost tripled its GDP in the 60's. Claiming that all the money from public banking came from remesas is stupid. I mean you can compare this with Mexico if you wish. Mexico benefits from money that come from their emigrants in the US but that is not tripling their GDP or their banking assets. The rise of tourism which increases the accumulation of foreign currency and taxable income and the modernization of the economy and the industrialization are way bigger factors than 5% of the expat population of sending 10% of their income to part of their relatives.
Why are all the "meme" pics posted on Veeky Forums just a bunch of artifacts? Do you faggots get all your ebin pics straight from facebook?
>Mariano Rajoy is more left wing than Jeremy Corbyn
>Higher taxes
The taxes=socialism meme
>Keep expanding welfare and spending
Every government ever does that.
>Saying that a trannie is not a women can lamd you in jail
"Thing I read on pol once"
>Islam as a mandatory subject
A bit hard to teach spanish history without teaching about Al-Andalus and the Reconquista, retard
>Draconian gender laws that can land you in jail just if a rpastie decides too
Just because pol says so doesn't make it real. Quote me the Penal Code faggot.
>More inmigration
Inmigration has slowed down since the 2000s, user.
>More pro-LGTBQIHCXVD and whatever new leters they keep adding up
Last time I checked, Zapatero did that. And the PP brought it to the courts.
They tried to restrict abortion the last legislature, user.
>Financed TV advertiziments encouranging fucking foreigners
Do you really belive this sort of things? Are you american or a Vox shitposter?
I didn't claim that all the money came from remesas, I even said
>I have left some other things, like how the regime crashed wages into the ground with the Plan de Estabilización so the oligarchs could create capital with the money surplus.
But it was an important source of income and together with tourism the main source of foreign money. Between 1961 and 1971 the amount of money of remesas reached 4042 million US dolars.
>Saying that a trannie is not a women can lamd you in jail
A hate crime in Spain can land you in jail in certain circumatances
>A bit hard to teach spanish history without teaching about Al-Andalus and the Reconquista, retard
I am talking about Islam as a subject,moron. Not about history.
>Just because pol says so doesn't make it real. Quote me the Penal Code faggot.
Can you stop being a dumbass? It is pretty fucking clear that you have no clue about what you are talking about and your arrogance just shows how stupid you are.
>Inmigration has slowed down since the 2000s, user.
Nope. It hit 2007 levels this year. And with the ley de memoria histórica 3/4 of Spain's inmigrants can obtain the nationality in 2 years so the suppose decrease of inmigrants is just massive nationalizations.
>Last time I checked, Zapatero did that. And the PP brought it to the courts.
PP has not tpuch it and the people that are rising in the party like Soraya and Cifuentes support it.
>They tried to restrict abortion the last legislature, user.
They claim to but didn't. They controled the consejo the diputados and did jackshit pushing Gallardón out of the party and removing it in the next elections
>Do you really belive this sort of things? Are you american or a Vox shitposter?
The campaign was founded by the ministerio de Sanidad. It just failed but it appeared on TV
he is a borbon after all
>A hate crime in Spain can land you in jail in certain circumatances
Saying that transexuals are not women is not considered a hate crime, retard. If what you say was true the guys from that bus would be in jail.
>I am talking about Islam as a subject,moron. Not about history.
Alerta Digital is The Sun tier.
>Can you stop being a dumbass? It is pretty fucking clear that you have no clue about what you are talking about and your arrogance just shows how stupid you are.
Again you "quote" the law without understanding its aplication and jurisprudence. And the cringiest part is that you keep talking about jailing people and propaganda while defending Franco's regime.
>PP has not tpuch it and the people that are rising in the party like Soraya and Cifuentes support it.
Most people either support it or don't give a shit, they need the votes.
>They claim to but didn't. They controled the consejo the diputados and did jackshit pushing Gallardón out of the party and removing it in the next elections
Again, they needed the votes. Either way, we have more important problems to solve in this country than muh feels of a couple of pol autists.
>The campaign was founded by the ministerio de Sanidad. It just failed but it appeared on TV
I have never seen this. Are you even spaniard?
>Saying that transexuals are not women is not considered a hate crime
I posted a link."Hate speech" is considered a hate crime and "sexual orientation" is included on it
>Alerta Digital is The Sun tier.
It is in the fucking BOE you moron.You look at the finger while it is clearly pointing at the moon and then you claim it is not shinning.
>Again you "quote" the law without understanding its aplication and jurisprudence. And the cringiest part is that you keep talking about jailing people and propaganda while defending Franco's regime.
I am not supporting Franco's regime.I am calling your stupid ass for claiming that PP is conservative.There are plenty of doctors in law that believe that the law is discriminatory against men and there is no presumption of innocence if a woman denounces a male.You would get on temporary arrest until the trial if a girl just calls 016 and claim sthat there has been any "abuses" including "psicological" made to them.
>Most people either support it or don't give a shit, they need the votes.
So you are just accepting that PP is a leftard party? Good to know
>Again, they needed the votes. Either way, we have more important problems to solve in this country than muh feels of a couple of pol autists.
>Hur hur a minister of law shouldn't work on changing the law which is his work because of muh crisis crisis.
Can you be a bigger moron? Like seriously one of PP's corner stones in their campaign was to abolish the abortion law and they didn't do it with an absolute majority.
They are de facto to the left of most of Europe in this case (and in everything)
>I have never seen this. Are you even spaniard?
Yes.Maybe you don't remember it because you are 12 and in 2013 you were eating clay and watching the Lunis.
Here's all you need to know.