How did society deal with retards and handicapped people before modern era?
How did society deal with retards and handicapped people before modern era?
Mostly just tossed them in the forest after birth.
Watch the first five minutes of 300
You took them into the woods and left them for the wolves.
If they survived childhood, they would be kept around to be made fun of.
Dwarfs and mentally retarded people would often become clowns.
In norse society it was believed that the retarded or handicapped child was not theirs but the children of elves/dwarfs. One would then as mentioned above put them out in the forest "to let the elves/dwarfs" take them back. Some hoped this would make the elves/dwarfs return their real child.
Trolls are neither elves nor dwarfs mate.
Depends on what sort of handicaps and retardation we're talking about. As long as the idiot could help contribute on the farm it wouldn't be a loss to the family to keep them around.
Regarding the handicapped we have plenty of archeological records of handicapped old people and veterans who were given a decent funeral long after they suistained the reason for their handicap. People have a tendency to care for their loved ones after all and even severly limited a person can still provide some use.
Regarding obvious freaks I'd recon that alot of them got thrown in the proverbial dumpster.
They were killed. I don't know why we let them live today.
Eugenics is a slippery slope. Also WWII really ruined it.
This makes me hate the retarded even more. Fucking Christ purge when.
Because most people aren't teenage edgelords.
What does that have to do with anything? Even animals abandon their young if they are mentally incapable. Like said, it's more about logic. If someone doesn't contribute something to your life besides drool and oversized foreheads then they aren't beneficial to society. Their 'smiling faces' don't make up for the fact that they will never do much else in society except work at McDonald's or some other restaurant as a busser. Unfortunately the universe doesn't care if your life is fair, and if you've happened to be the one that has failed genes, it does not do the human race any good to propagate those genes.
You don't need to kill them for the genes not to spread
They abandoned/killed the freakish ones usually. In some cases they killed the mother because if the baby came out deformed, many believed it was leprosy.
Other times, they would leave them in the forest.
If it wasn't noticeable as a baby, the accompanied disabilities would kill them off before childhood.
While I don't agree on killing all of them, as some are just dull, I can think of a few that would be better off dead for their own sake.
We all know a fat Down Syndrome adult that plays with dolls and is a dangerous burden on his elderly parents.
Then what good are they? Literally the entire point of life, is to propagate life. 3,000 years ago these people could not survive on their own. They would die before coming of age and never have a chance to spread those genes. That's how nature works. That's how nature has always worked. Again, contributing smiles and drool is not beneficial to society. It doesn't make someone 'edgy' because they understand the process of evolution. If you are not fit to pass on your genes, you don't. The only reason they are able to function in society is because of the massive amount of help they get from people who are able to pass on their genes.
That's not how family works. You're an obvious retard posting on the chans and yet your parents keep you around.
He's calling you a teenage edgelord because you write like one. Not just because of what you're saying but how you're saying it. There's this shit, to start with;
>Even animals abandon their young if they are mentally incapable.
Do they, now? The answer is no, not really, because few animals are sophisticated enough to tell e.g. a retarded cub from a normal one. The animals still usually die but not because their parents abandon them.
Then there's the 4 or 5 unchecked assumptions in your post - like the assumption that people aren't worth keeping alive if they aren't able to "contribute." I'm not interested in arguing with you about that, to be clear; I'm pointing out that you wrote the post apparently under the assumption that we'd all agree with that, blissfully unaware that it might be a controversial position.
There's the shitty reasoning in your last sentence (despite you claiming to be all about logic) which I don't feel like addressing but you can probably untangle if you really try.
And there's the fact that, from experience, most of us know that pretty much all of the people who feel the need to present themselves as cold, unsentimental, I-tell-it-like-it-is realists the way you're doing are in fact sheltered fucks who've never ventured outside the first world, which makes your "the universe doesn't care" line come across as pretty fucking silly.
So there you go. More words than I really should have written on why you are not impressing people the way you think you should be. I'm sure gratitude would be too much to ask for.
That's your argument against nature?
>"o-oh yeah! Well you're dumb!"
Gee, I guess your one very well thought out post just invalidated 50,000 years of evolutionary traits.
>The answer is no
That's factually untrue. Many animals have inhibited signs of Rett's syndrome, Angleman syndrome and down syndrome.
>I don't feel like addressing
Stopped reading there. I don't plan on discussing anything with you if you are not able to have a discussion.
the other guy was wrong. the correct answer is because most people aren't dumb teenage edgelords.
"literally the entire point of life, is to propagate life."
nope, no proof whatsoever besides your retarded gut feeling. perfectly healthy people are sometimes infertile, gay animals exist, etc.
this also has literally nothing to do with evolution, and i hate to repeat myself by calling you an idiot or something, but you are really stupid.
3,000 years ago (and before that) people were still taking care of people with all kinds of disabilities. emotional attachment, and the disabled (of various disabilities) can still form emotional bonds and perform menial tasks.
you're clearly an idiot, for instance, why didn't your parents kill you? because they loved you, and you loved them back, and you can do as much as a retard. exact same logic applies.
Eugenics is retarded, most handicapped people can't or don't reproduce, anyway.
Ever heard the term village idiot?
>perfectly healthy people
They're not perfectly healthy if they are infertile.
The genetically unfit should be euthanized or at least sterilized
Like midgets who choose to pass on their curse
>That's factually untrue. Many animals have inhibited signs of Rett's syndrome, Angleman syndrome and down syndrome.
It's actually quite an accomplishment that, in trying to school me, you managed to spell two out of three of those conditions wrong. At least you didn't write "Down's", I guess. You made up for that by being utterly wrong, of course; because Down syndrome is caused by an extra copy of a chromosome that's specific to humans, no other animals can have it (yes, other great apes like chimpanzees for instance can be born with a similar condition, but that's trisomy 22, not trisomy 21).
All that's beside the point and I wouldn't have written that paragraph except to show you that you don't know nearly as much as you think, because what you wrote wasn't even relevant. OBVIOUSLY I'm not claiming that no animals are born mentally impaired. They have their own disorders. What's not true is that animals abandon "mentally incapable" young. They sometimes abandon them if they're born sick or otherwise physically incapable. But mental impairment doesn't always translate to immediate physical impairment, although it sometimes does.
>Stopped reading there. I don't plan on discussing anything with you if you are not able to have a discussion.
Do what you like, but don't kid yourself, I comprehensively replied to your post. I declined to address one small part of it. If you choose to bow out, it's for other reasons than me not being "able to have a discussion."
Let's start with you, user.
In Germany, having a couple of retarded people can actually pay big time. A friend of mine works in one of those special schools for the super-retarded, e.g. kids who are severaly physically handicapped and have the IQ of a toddler despite being 15 or so. If you have one of those, the german state will pay you around 1000€ each month for taking care of him, on top of that you get regular child benefit of around 200€ and several one-time-payments for a new, handicapped-ready car and so on. Immigrants from Turkey have discovered this as a great source of income, since they marry their cousins anyways, retarded babys there appear often, so for example there was on turkish family that had 6 children, 2 of those severly handicapped, and 4 healthy ones. The german state is going to pay over 3000€ for their children just in child and handicapped benefit, plus one-time payments. The retarded children would be thrown into the corner and barely kept alive (so much as to the "love" towards retards that has been mentioned here). For example they wouldn't change their diapers, so everytime they get picked up to school they would smell like shit and needed to be bathed and changed by the teachers. So basically you can create cash cows by birthing retarded children. Two or three of them should be enough so the whole family can live comfortably without anybody having to work for it.
>Immigrants from Turkey have discovered this as a great source of income, since they marry their cousins anyways
>The german state is going to pay over 3000€ for their children just in child and handicapped benefit, plus one-time payments
>The retarded children would be thrown into the corner and barely kept alive
This being Veeky Forums and not /pol/, you're going to need to provide literally any citation for this that's not just a "friend of yours" who works in "one of those special schools for the super-retarded."
It's all in german, but here:
The one-time-payments seem also to count for vacations etc., so it's even more lucrative.
Here, educate yourself.
The Yoruba tribe of West Africa believed that cripples and the deformed were accidents created by a drunk god. Nobody is allowed to mess with them because it’s believed they’re under his protection.
The Nyanga of Central Africa believe their old culture hero made a rule saying that people aren’t allowed to mock or bother cripples.
packed them onto boats and sent them off to America.
Animals also rape (including other males), kill and fight eachother to estabilish dominance.
They're not the human standard
We’re gonna gas all the genetically inferior after we’re done with the jews and nigs.
They made them Emperor of Rome.
you talking about Elagabalus?
Retards are more difficult but moderatelly handicapped people, especially in well off families which did not rely on farming could live to see many springs. They'd never be considered the same, but walking slow isn't a death sentence unless you're a low iq peasant
That's just the money part though. Doesn't tell us about Turkish families abusing it or how a superviding instance wouldn't watch over the state's funds.
Literally from your own shitty Quora link:
>Down syndrome is the result of an extra copy of the 21st human chromosome. So no, it is a uniquely human genetic problem.
You didn't even read your own link. I'm starting to wonder whether this is bait. You'd better hope we don't start offing handicapped people.
Well, technically they are not getting abused, so the responsible authority would first have to go through a long process of juridical approvals. Also, taking them away is going to cost the responsible authority way more money, than those 1000€ they are paying the family, so they are not especially eager to do it anyways.
As to the turkish families, it is well-known in the specific field of work that 1.) turkish kids are much more often heavily handicapped and 2.) families of those children take much worse care about them.
I worked as an aid to retarded people for awhile, since in the 2008 economy graduating Suma cum Laude in neuroscience basically got you $8.50 an hour in whatever government supported work was still even open (35% unemployment in my hometown).
Later I worked for a non-profit in a policy role on disability.
First, many would have died. My Down's Syndrome clients normally had open heart surgery by their 20s to fix defects. That couldn't happen back when.
Many simply wouldn't be supported. Disabled people are very expensive to care for. Hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.
A lot of our currently disabled actually have brain injuries. Most of these people would simply not have survived the original trauma even 60 years ago.
t. inbred turkroach
Why not kill sterile people then? you just hate retards.
exactly, that's why eugenics is so retarded. Most handicapped die anyways before they turn 18, one that manages to reproduce is like 1 in a million.
>they are not getting abused
with abuse I meant the funds. The funds are there to pay for the extras handicapped people need not for their family's BMW
Why are using cockroach behaviour as an example of what humans do?
this is the correct answer.
Well, that's not how it works. Either the kid is with the parents, in which case you are going to have to compensate them for looking after him, or you have to put him in a special needs home which is way more expensive than just leaving the kid with the family and paying them 1000€.
no, that's why eugenics is smart. why waste the emotional energy and experience the stress of taking care of something that will not have "normal" circumstances of life and is bound to die a premature death?
mark my words, eugenics are going to make a comeback in the form of abortions, when fetus analyses get high tech enough.
Your birth has been inititiated with a laxative.
Romans flung them off the Tarpeian Rock.
quite the comment, i dont get it
every kid requires emotional energy. every kid has the risk of developing some “abnormality”. if your teenager is depressed, would it have been better to abort them because it’s additional effort and emotional stress for you? what if your kid grows up and turns out to be an unemployed idiot who argues about eugenics on Veeky Forums all day?
by all means, abort your kid if it’s going to end up with downs and you feel you can’t handle that responsibility, but there’s literally no way to predict whether your child will be “normal” or will develop a stressful but treatable physical or mental condition. being a parent means taking on the risk that your child will be garbage and you will have to try to salvage it. if you can’t handle that responsibility, you don’t have the strength of character to be a parent. “i will have kids only if i won’t be stressed out by anything major” is not the attitude of someone who has the potential to ever be a passable parent.
I don't disagree with any of this, but I'm also not sure you have any kind of point at all.
Do you really think the dude you're replying to is unaware that shit happens and you cannot anticipate every possible thing that might go wrong in your kid's life? It doesn't follow that you'd be uncomfortable with
>taking on the risk that your child will be garbage and you will have to try to salvage it
just because you're comfortable with screening for the shit we CAN predict.
take a step back snowflake, this is a thread about retards and handicapped persons.
personally, and im not the only one here, i would instantly abort ANY child, that would be born with a mental or physical defect. anything that develops later on, due to the environment is part of the risk, as you have stated.
but i don't understand why you would intentionally want to have a child defected at birth, if you knew he was going to be that way. can't you always make another one? or is it a mental masturbation thing: "im going to be such a hero for taking care of this dysfunctional child that i bore". or maybe you're a masochist? who knows. i know i wouldn't want such a child for myself, and think it more humane to not procreate than create retards. everyone suffers in these cases, most retards have just as intense emotions as the "normal" folk. and if you don't give a shit about the child and his sad, sad life to be (at least from an outside perspective), with some warm memories, you should at least give a shit about yourself.
ITT : I don't actually know, but here's my assumptions and expectations, please treat them as the truth.
As far as I'm aware the most cited argument pro-eugenics is to "clean" the gene pool, and in that context eugenics is retarded, because retarded and handicapped people are not reproducing anyway.
As to the emotional/economic burden a disabled child might have, a parent should decide itself if it wants to take on that, there is no need for the government to make that decision for him. There are plenty of parents who are happy with their disabled children, because they still love them.
>There are plenty of parents who are happy with their disabled children, because they still love them.
and thats one way of cleaning the gene pool.
i am pro-eugenics tho, i'd sterilize all of the stupid people. but for that to happen we'd need a new type of criteria for stupidity, which an IQ test is not. (nor academic achievements)
i agree with your statements thus far
Nobody on Veeky Forums ever cites anything
>citing something on an anymous anime-imageboard
Did she got her eye damaged with that candle? Looks like it.
They were sickly because of no modern medicine to detect the many organ issues that plague handicapped people. That being said, some lived into adulthood. is correct for the most part. They could be part of either a court's clown entourage or part of a travelling group. People still pay money to see "freaks" today. Even making it into adulthood, their odds of survival were slim every day.
Although this is just speculation, I feel like back in the neolithic and bronze age when people were scarce they would just keep them around. Like using the kid born with spina bifida to mend the nets or clothes all day, the kid with Down's to work as a carter moving stuff around town, or the kid born with severe scoliosis to just sit up in a watchtower all day to watch for marauding nomads. In a village with 112 people, I feel like every set of eyes and hands counted.