how come this hapologroup managed to resist being annihilated by r1bulls and r1alphas despite accepting their language?
How come this hapologroup managed to resist being annihilated by r1bulls and r1alphas despite accepting their language?
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because we just want peeace man
Romans feared the Sardinian warrior
Because they weren't farmer cuckolds and thus could successfully adopt the superior Indo-European culture.
(excluding the m*Doid branches of I2 of course, which survived for other reasons)
Sardinians were sheperds mostly
These maps are better
>Pre-Semitic are J
>Proto-Semitic and Hebraic are E-M78
>Germanic are I
Whoever made these maps is a great man, the only thing wrong is Northern Morroco being mainly J1, Northern Morroco is mainly E-M78 followed by E-M81, then by J1
How the fuck did people from the caspian sea end up in western yurop?
Horses, it was probably the Celts
Is this one accurate?
Shitty maps, half of these are guesses or exaggerations. Farmers were almost as common in Old Europe as WHGs.
Relating to Morrocans, yes.
Anyway, "your" maps are great and far above the other maps i've seen so far.
I meant overall, not just Morrocans.
The fuck is this?
Overall, it is perfect
>He thinks Maghrebis are Natufian
Purest Natufians after the Bedouins to be precise
That's a lot of brown (SSA?) there, seems to be lacking amongst the Natufians.
R1b is the master race
I'm a really specific and small branch of R1b that's really only common in the Pyrenees and Basque country
Are you Basque?
Basques are subhumans.
>mfw Rurik was actually N1c
So much for le master race.
There is no such thing as "master race". Culture has nothing to do with haplogroups.
As a superior race, Maghrebis conquered many people. Sadly, they were too clement and dirtied their bloodline with inferior Non-Natufians.
I'm not Basque. My parents are from Spain and it's possible that a distant paternal ancestor was Basque or something but we're not even from that region. I live in Canada though and don't really identify with Spain in any real sense. Mostly because I don't like being associated with the Spanish speaking community here which is mostly central Americans and shit
What do you think of the hypothesis that Iberian neolithic farmers introduced agriculture in your lands.
This. You can have Swedes with E3b that are more Swedish than Swedes with l1 or R1b.
Pic related, Germanic l1 man.
>Iberian neolithic farmers
That's fairly anhistorical considering that the only Iberians in the Maghreb were Iberomaurusian and TOR .
Iberomaurusians didn't practice farming and were actually displaced by incoming Caspian farmers(Natufians/Maghrebis), as for the second vague of Iberians(or the remnants if you wish) linked to TOR they existed far after the spread of farming.
My bad
TOR are Iberian samples from Spain
Maghrebis are about 20% SSA on average. Levantine Arabs about 5-10%.
> 20% SSA
It's just that common genes between Basal Eurasian and Sub-Saharan are easily confused as Sub-Saharan
>Levantine Arabs
A bunch of mutts
Are you Riffian?
My father is from Fes.
Indoeuropeans feared them
Did proto indo Europeans fear the indigenous European warrior?
Only the Sardinian ones
Basque here. You are descended from the true master race. Congrats.
Because it's a complete meme that haplogroups were at war with one another. A member of Haplogroup R1b couldn't just look at another person and determine what haplogroup there were in.
But r1alphas and r1bulls literally spread their culture and languages via mass rape and war.
Keep on dreaming nigger. You are almost a quarter black.
Ancient Indo-Europeans lived to kill people who didn't have the same father or paternal grandfather as them. Whether the victim spoke the same language was irrelevant.
>this will never be (You)
>almost a quarter black.
Still less than muttshriqi
They didn’t kill every single non-Indo-European male they came across. In fact, they likely became an elite class in many places without resorting to warfare at all. The evidence also suggests that there was a lot of social mobility in proto-IE society, so it was probably tempting for non-IE males who were down on their luck to join the IE voluntarily and try to make a name for themselves. There are a lot of examples of similar things happening in other places at other times.
The reality says otherwise. Most European men descend from just three men who lived in 3000 BC.
Denying access to wives isn’t the same as killing men. Also, it’s fair to assume these three men had many children with multiple women. Also, paternal lines can die out through happenstance over thousands of years, simply because a man is not able to reproduce before he dies.
>Denying access to wives isn’t the same as killing men.
t. virgin
>Maghrebis conquered many people
Maghrebis conquered no one, but you've been conquered by everyone.
Genocidal replacement is something only done by anglos.
R1b, l1 and R1a?
>no one
Nearly a third of the planet