How do capitalists defend the fact that the entire global economy is centered around convincing people to buy toys they don’t need?
Technological advances have made it possible so that relatively few people can provide the necessities of life plus consumer goods.
Instead the ruling class kicked consumerism into overdrive and the vast majority of people today work meaningless jobs that revolve around making said toys or convincing people to buy them. The global economy would crash to a screeching halt if people stopped buying BMW’s, drinking Starbucks, using Netflix, wearing designer brands, eating meme foods, and buying phones every year.
We are depleting the planet’s resources and wasting peoples’ lives just to keep them at busywork jobs; to keep them hawking shit that no one intrinsically wants or needs without being told so.
Defend this. An entire planet revolving around consumerism.
Brayden Gray
>How do capitalists defend MUH MIDDLE CLASS JOB WOULDN'T EXIST UNDER ANY OTHER SYSTEM BUT CRAPITALISM (except almost every middle class job would exist under any other system but whatever).
Robert Morgan
>> >Defend this. An entire planet revolving around consumerism. yes secular humanists love to think that they can have their ''''''''''''''''''human rights''''''''''''''''''' without their obsession about money and without ''''''''''''''''''''capitalism''''''''''''''''
William Reed
No-one forces you to buy useless shit. Capitalism gives you CHOICE, something no other economic system can say.
Bentley Gutierrez
Who the fuck are you to tell me I'm not allowed to have an Iphone just because I don't "need" it? Or not allowed to voluntarily engage in labor in exchange for pay to buy to that Iphone?
Seriously, where do you get off?
Jonathan Taylor
>no one forced you
We just run constant advertising campaigns to convince the goyim they NEED new zPhones every year and implement planned obsolescence.
Matthew Lewis
He never said that you shouldn’t have the right to be a sheep; just that from a philosophical basis the current global economy is literally pleb tier.
>muh stuff
Gavin Evans
I never said that; but even if I did, why would you care? I don’t give a fuck about my phone. Our lives would be better without them anyways. Go back to watching Hannity.
Joshua Nguyen
I just got it. You are mad that with a philosophy degree you can't afford Iphones so you've gone all sour grapes and mad at "busywork jobs" that can.
lmaoing at ur life right now
Oliver Smith
>telling people about products forces them to buy them I'm sorry you're such a mindless twerp, but most people are capable of thought and don't just reflexively so whatever they're told to do.
Robert Brooks
>how could anyone criticize capitalism? >surely they must be failures; that explains it
Really made me think
Matthew Reyes
>implying mass, constant advertising campaigns aren’t effective >implying most people aren’t herd animals
Put the ayn rand down, kid.
Sebastian Gray
I didn't say you were a failure. I am lmaoing at your life tho
Xavier Gomez
Of course advertising is effective, what it ISN'T is mind control. If you honestly can't help but buy whatever you see advertised, you might just be retarded.
Liam Phillips
smartphones are a shitty example, they're awesome and you can do all sorts of shit with it, kys
Jeremiah Gomez
You’re laughing at the fact some people think there could be more to our society than mindless consumption just to keep people busy and muh GDP go up another 1.9% every year?
Luis Flores
If you don't want to buy crap then DON'T. A lot of people DO want to, why do you think you have the right to stop them?
Ethan Brown
> How do capitalists defend the fact that the entire global economy is centered around convincing people to buy toys they don’t need? By calling you a communist and other ad homs and strawmans.
Wagecucks are soulless slave drones who will do mental masturbations to justify their way of "life". The system will simply collapse, eternal growth is just a meme
Dominic Hall
Consumption isn't mindless though. Nor does it exist "to keep people busy" or for GDP to grow. Do you manage to have a lot of friends with that "I'm better than everyone else" attitude of yours?
Ryan Hernandez
t. increasingly nervous guy who has predicted that the system will collapse many times before
protip: the system wont collapse so you'll be a loser for all eternity. It's not too late to catch up though, if you start working on yourself NOW.
Grayson Roberts
>How do capitalists defend the fact that the entire global economy is centered around convincing people to buy toys they don’t need?
What do you mean "don't need" ?
Nobody "needed" a plow either, nor did they "need" a tractor.
Aaron Long
This. It's "funny" how it's always unemployable losers who complain about how "unfair" capitalism is, when these self same worthless sacks of shit would unironically be killed in their gommie utopia.
Xavier Gonzalez
Also, take in consideration that those are the people with the "it's ok if the government spies on me because I have nothing to hide" mentallity
There's no point in discussing with materialist, even less those of american stock.
Blake Miller
>sent from my iPhone
Michael Garcia
Yeah because socialist governments have SO MUCH RESPECT for your privacy, amirite?
Easton Mitchell
I don't own one because *gasp* I'm not a mindless drone who buys useless shit he doesn't need. >SOMEONE CALL THE COPS!!!
Jaxon Rodriguez
Nice projections and ad homs you got there. You are the one who sounds nervous, and I'm sure you are triggered IRL at this moment.
Come back when you have an argument
Leo Russell
I'm not a socialist.
Keep projecting, friend. Your pain is delicious
Bentley Cruz
>N-no U! Compelling. Keep "fighting" the man by posting to your antifa discord you dimwitted faggot. Enjoy the FACT that capitalism has won and will never collapse in your lifetime :^)
Jack Campbell
>HURR Then you're even more of a moron than I thought you were. Gratz, spastic.
Kayden Taylor
Why are you mad?
>Then don’t buy it
If everyone did this the system would collapse tomorrow. Are you saying the average person, including you, is so stupid that they need to keep working to consume because that’s all they can envision?
Levi Cooper
>being this mad Again, come back when you have an actual argument
Cooper Sanders
>HURR U MAD LMAO Why do you "people" always resort immediately to name calling? Pathetic.
Nathaniel Brown
Cameron Howard
Literally no one complained how unfair capitalism is, just that an entire global economy revolving around new phones every year and an Audi Instead of a corolla is pretty stupid.
Evan Martinez
Good thing that's not what the economy revolves around, then.
Gavin Murphy
> Technological advances have made it possible so that relatively few people can provide the necessities of life plus consumer goods. Oh no no no how you dare to suggest that! That's communism! Air and water should be privatized, like Jesus commands in the book of Revelation
Alexander Lee
i don't see a communist system working until supply absolutely outweighs demand. so until we colonize a fuck ton of other star systems, we aren't going to see anything resembling communism. it'd be a sick futuristic idea, but acting like communism in action today would be any better than our current system is like saying you wish you could be sick with ebola rather than meningitis.
Oliver Rogers
I’m not the one CAPITALIZING random WORDS. You get all touchy and call me a socialist because I suggested there’s more to life than buying toys. Benjamin Franklin himself died inb4 the cross to guarantee your right to go into debt buying a Mercedes.
Zachary Hernandez
People are not slaves to the economy. Just about everyone (in America) has the freedom to sell their possessions, move to a rural area with limited to no internet, and become a farmer. Or take up a trade, or whatever.
People are slaves to their desires. People value connectivity - the ability to communicate with each other quickly and easily. People enjoy showing off - having the latest and greatest "proves" you have more money, and thus higher status. The economy is a social construct, created and supported by the masses. If corporations didn't offer something the people wanted, they would go out of business.
Suggesting that everyone give up technology to return to agrarian roots shows ignorance of just how hard being a farmer really is. Seriously, when was the last time you've seen a weak farmer? Yes, farming is extremely healthy. It is also a life that many MANY people dislike.
Owen Green
They will keep inventing "terrorist" or "WMD" menaces to bomb new countries to deplet their resources to make dragon dildos
Dylan Martin
Who ever denied there's more to life than buying shit? You're the simplistic moron who seems to think people who buy useless crap are somehow evildumb and should be stopped, I think if you actually ASKED one you'd find they're very well aware that there's more to life, you incredibly pompous little faggot.
Dylan Taylor
>criticize consumerism, not even capitalism >get called a communist
Is everyone on this board as stupid as you?
>maybe we don’t need to buy a new car every 4 years??? >WOAH AN PRIM GTFO HAHA
Adam Gray
What's there to defend? Why would we force people to not buy stuff that they want?
Connor Nguyen
>people who buy useless crap are somehow evildumb Not him but that's unironically accurate. Improved thanks to jewmerica's subhuman pop culture that encourages stupidity and animal behaviour
Daniel Baker
And the fact you think this proves you are unironically a pompous, self important little dipshit. >HURR the world's fucked up yo, but fortunately I, some moron on the internet, have had the singular insight that buying stuff isn't all there is to life! Welcome to what literally everyone already knew, dumbfuck.
Lucas Anderson
Then why do they keep buying stuff all the time? Why do most normies go shopping and lease BMWs and buy iPhones every year and use Netflix and wear Polo if they supposedly know this already?
Again you get so triggered that someone questioned your lifestyle
Elijah Davis
Because buying stuff isn't all there is to life does not mean to never buy stuff ever again
Ian Walker
>Then why do they keep buying stuff all the time? I don't, dumbfuck. Unless you mean food, I buy that all the time. > Why do most normies go shopping and lease BMWs and buy iPhones every year and use Netflix and wear Polo if they supposedly know this already? Because they live in a society where they can do these things, and doing it makes them happier than not doing it. Why do you jerk off? Is it because you think jerking off is all that matters in life, or is it because it feels good?
Blake Thompson
So don't buy things you don't need. Not sure what the dilemma is here
David Rogers
Because he's an unemployable shitstain who can't afford the useless crap he WANTS to buy, so he pretends that the people who can are his moral inferiors and that his poverty is a virtue.
Jonathan Johnson
not him but you sound like an americur wageserf bugman
Hudson Peterson
>unemployable shitstain >he pretends that his poverty is a virtue.
Easton Clark
>HURR Straight to the personal attack. How completely typical of you "people".
Noah Wilson
The point is if we did this the economy would collapse. ~75% of Jobs in western society are made up and useless, from auditors to social media marketing.
Lucas Turner
I'm not the one that posted >unemployable shitstain
You seem like the sub 110 IQ subhuman with no attention span. Don't worry, your bossbull guarantees you can shut off your brain for 8 hours a day minus commute
Isaac Gomez
>HURR Yet again proving you "people" have great arguments by using none of them.
Oliver Davis
muttposting is the ultimate wagecuck annihilator, because lolbergs and capitalism apologists on Veeky Forums are all self-hating american cucks, prove me wrong
Brayden Harris
>dude buy stuff, if people didn't want stuff they wouldn't buy it, i need to work more more more for more more more stuff, poor people choose to be poor so its ok to pay them low wages like mine, buy because buy makes me happy until there's no more buy
Charles Morgan
>muh bullshit diatribe about consumerism
Go back to leftypol Not capitalism's fault people like food and Iphones more than having neither
Robert Long
You posted the first ad hom, drone.
Why is a critique of consumerism a critique of capitalism in your mind?
Jose Cook
So the real problem is that OP is a whiny bitch who wants everyone to think the way he does?
Colton Barnes
>if you're not a subhuman that can stand watching walls for 8 hours like me every day you're a whiny bitch, grow up
Jaxon Turner
Yeah what would we do without new phones every year. Fuckin gommies. Jesus himself said I can buy as much as I want because greed is good.
Logan Wilson
>dude I hate that people choose to buy useless shit, lets use the state to stop them
Jordan Reed
What do you even mean when you say this? If somebody gets paid for the job they do by definition it isn't useless.
Or are you one of those people that thinks only they get to decide what is useful and important?
Cooper Hernandez
Most people are brainlets and automatons.
Tyler Thomas
>How do capitalists Huh, Idk how anyone could have made the mistake of thinking OP was a critique of capitalism. Moron.
Dominic Ramirez
>I'm so talentless the only employement I can find is in a cubicle
Ryder Bennett
>let's limit the amount of resources consumed per capita before we fucking slump in a dump
fucking unemployed lazy FILTH who spend all day doing stupid shit
Jeremiah Watson
Sure but so what? Them spending their money on useless shit doesn't hurt anyone, not even themselves.
Adam Anderson
>dude just work hard and you can make it, nevermind that it is economically impossible for everybody to "make it" in an economy grovel harder muttfuck
Christian Rodriguez
so what jobs AREN'T made up? The one's that only cater to our most basic needs? If that's the case, just go innawoods and start a commune and farm with your buds. But then again you don't seem like the farming type
Ayden Jackson
>what it ISN'T is mind control. That's exactly what it is.
Grayson Edwards
Do you know what a "rival good" is? Now extend that upon the resources consumed in the production of said good, prime materials are rival by nature of their scarcity.
Kevin Nelson
>it is economically impossible for everybody to "make it" in an economy
This is downright false. You have shown now that not only are you too lazy to work, you are also painfully uneducated.
Shame on you
Kevin Barnes
Really? So if I say "GIVE ME YOUR MONEY", you literally have no choice but to give me your money?
Henry Kelly
>prime materials are rival by nature of their scarcity Yeah, no. Apparently YOU don't know what rival good is.
Luis Johnson
>dude just work 14 hours a day like me, if you disagree then you didn't become a debtslave for a scrip of paper like mine
Hunter Williams
It's true for him and people like him, because they're not willing to work.
Kevin Ward
great meme friendo, I totally reconsidered my live choices after seeing this splendid animated gif
lmaoing at your life
Owen Hughes
You're part of a fucking slave species. Don't you have better ways of spending your 2 hours of free time than getting BTFO by NEETs?
Nicholas Mitchell
If i pay you to pick your nose is it useful?
Gavin Martinez
Owen Ward
>REEE SLAVERY REEE Choosing to work for money is the opposite of slavery. But of course for a born parasite like you, this is probably impossible to understand.
Isaiah Wood
Sebastian Rogers
Capitalism relies on a permanent underclass because if everyone could be rich they would. No one would shovel shit for fun.
Brandon Nguyen
>p-people that live better for me with less effort are j-just parasites!!!!
C O P E harder
>somebody that has more free time and spends it more wisely than me is something to laugh at
Gavin Robinson
That's not analogous to a real economic transaction though. It would be if you paid me to pick your nose. Or if you were bothered by my unpicked nose and wanted me to pick it because of that.
Joseph White
Whereas under other economic systems, such as feudalism and socialism, everyone enjoys a wealthy lifestyle :^)
Juan Young
Tons of temporarily embarrased millionaires ITT
Elijah Turner
What? You are a parasite, deal with it. If you think you live better than I do, you're a moron as well as a parasite.
Jack Martinez
>HURR if you don;t hate capitalism you must think you will be a millionaire some day! Maybe I just don't want to be a literal slave, working for "the good of the people" on pain of literal death by execution?
Liam Brooks
Let me first point at that this has nothing to do with your original assertion, which did not even mention capitalism.
Secondly, this depends entirely on how you define rich. If you define rich as relative wealth, yes capitalism will not soon lead to a result where everyone is equally wealthy. It most certainly leads to a result where everybody can meet their needs and wants though. Just look at how share of people living in poverty is steadily and rapidly declining. Or indeed how so many people have luxury consumer electronics.
Carson Thompson
>socialism is the only option Goy I...
Jack Kelly
Another day, another dollar paid for me by your income tax, wageslave.
I have a hobby that is free bar the cost of electricity and internet, and I live a more fulfilling life than anything your paid distractions could render you desu
Brody Gutierrez
Two digits IQ detected
Nicholas Williams
>somebody that has more free time and spends it more wisely than me is something to laugh at
Be honest with yourself, do you spend your free time wisely? Are you truly content with the life choices you have made?
Alexander Martinez
Tell me, which is better: Having plenty of food, clothing, electricity, heat, housing, transportation, entertainment, and yes, new phones, all readily available to you for around 40 hours of work a week, or having none of that for 40 hours of work a week?
Bentley Young
>I live a more fulfilling life than anything your paid distractions could render you desu