Every doctor that did abortion should face trial for crimes against humanity
Every doctor that did abortion should face trial for crimes against humanity
Your mom should face trial for crimes against humanity
t. Abortion doctor
The day of cleansing will come and the unclean will be wiped off from earth
But life is worse than death.
Agreed, abortion is murder
What about doctors who do Assbortions? Are shitlings even human?
I thought you liked eugenics
abortion should be allowed to be done in any stage of pregnancy, the child is directly connected to it's mother so when you put mother to sleep the child will sleep too and then you can kill it.
I'm actually in favour of it. I'm really against overpopulation because of how much it's fucking our world up and if you're willing to get an abortion you won't take care of the kid so it'll live a shit life AND fuck up the environment, so it's better off not even being had
Ok. Start by killing yourself
>crimes against 'humanity'
Humanity is not a monolith, there is no such thing as a crime against humanity. Really, abortions are fine because, at least in the US, the majority of abortions are African Americans and Latinos.
Top debate, OP. Why is it murder if they can't feel anything? After all, nothing in the world is changed by it...but if the baby IS had, the lives of the man (if he's a man, and stays) and woman are changed forever for the worse. Tl
How can you murder something without a brain? mind is the brain so this is just unconscious living matter and part of her mother's body.
No, but the politicians in the countries who legalized it should.
It's amazing that the board most for eugenics is against abortions.
Cognitive dissonance. Also that board would probably be /pol/, not Veeky Forums
so whenever you become unconscious, you wouldnt mind if someone kills you?
If I was irreversibly brain dead then I would already be dead.
And even deep sleep is not at all like being brain dead.
nice job at dont answering my question.
you wrote that its okay to kill unconscious "living matter", so if you ever fall unconscious, i guess i would have your okay to kill you
"Conscious" as having a consciouness, you have one as long as you have a brain functioning at all.
Do you unironically the brain stops when you sleep or are knocked out?
>crime against humanity
>a clump of cells that can't survive on it's own
Sure kiddo.
I think he's arguing that personhood starts when consciousness starts. If the embryo was never conscious there isn't a person to kill is what I think he's saying.
All humans are clumps of cells, you idiot.
so if you are unconscious, its not okay to kill you, because your brain still works and you would become conscious again at some point, right?
then why its okay to kill a fetus if its designed to become conscious in a few months, too? just because it wasnt conscious before?
t. armchair eugenicist
i know what he is trying to say, but thats bullshit. every DNA of every human/fetus is unique, so by aborting, you are preventing a fully unique person to ever exist. even if the mother gets pregnant by the same father, you will never again get the exact same DNA again, thus ending a unique life before it could even begin.
I don't care about consciouness itself, it's just the product of a functioning brain.
As long that you don't have a completely brain or not brain at all, then you are a person and you only lose it once your brain is irreversibly dead.
A brainless fetus is not alive than the arm of his mother, it has the potential of personhood but so all sperms and female eggs, is masturbating a genocide?
Then what was that pedantry from just now if you know it was besides his point?
Birth control being made widespread would stop this mostly, but people are so against it for some reason.
so are tumors.
Not raping all women you see is preventing the birh of a potential human.
There are no souls of potential humans floating somewhere and getting cucked by abortions.
And everyone who is pro abortion should be made to watch one.
(unless they're not white, then abort away!)
The only places birthcontrol is spreading is places with aging/shrinking populations (white countries). Meanwhile, we're providing shitskins with endless food and medicine while they maintain their spray-and-pray reproductive strategy.
as long as sperm and egg arent connected, there isnt a potential unique human being, because neither the sperm nor the egg can evolve on its own.
so masturbating isnt genocide and not raping every woman you see isnt preventing birth.
the point is, after pollination, this "unconscious living matter" is unique in its DNA and would evolve into a human being. by stopping it, you are hindering this human to ever form his consciousness. a consciousness that is, in this form and shape, absolutely unique.
Are you christian?
all true, but if you consider human life to have the same value as all life around, you can deal with it easily
people get buttmad because they get personally attacked in their ego, making them realize they are not special
>this human
>this potential human*
The human doesn't actually exist and thus doesn't bear moral consideration. Potential things are not actual things.
My property, my rules.
If I want my wives and child sex salves to get abortions, then they'll get abortions.
Just try to stop my commie faggot.
What is this even supposed to mean?
"you're not a sub-human and restrain yourself to the rules until the rules result in immediate harmful results"
basically, user is a leftist/brainlet
You should be aborted.
The user who said "t. armchair eugenicist" is, or he was calling someone a leftist/brainlet?
>The user who said "t. armchair eugenicist" is
Yes, there is the posibility that user was trying to shit on user for being unwilling to do what is right, but I think based on the chain that it is more likely the user is a brainlet/leftist.
Yeah that's what I figured. But I mean what kind of insult even is "armchair eugenicist"? As opposed to what? Does that make pro-abortion people armchair abortionists for not personally performing abortions, or anti-abortion people armchair pro-lifers for not personally arresting abortionists? I guess this is what they mean when they say leftists can't meme.
>kills almost exclusively minorities and the poor
We should subsidize abortion.
Suicide is unethical because of all the pain it causes to friends and family.
This is Veeky Forums not /pol/, a higher level of discourse than this is expected. You can't expect to be taken seriously when you throw around terms like "shitskins".