Was Mark Anthony as big of a chad as this show portrayed him to be?
Was Mark Anthony as big of a chad as this show portrayed him to be?
Yes, probably. He was a professional soldier who rose thru the ranks on merit, people like that tend to be alpha and arrogant.
What did he thought about assassination of his bro Caesar?
He was miffed.
He was the grandson of a Consul, he was a member of the nobilitas.
>A member of the plebeian Antonia gens, Antony was born in Rome on January 14, 83 BC
He became a Consul of Plebs, can't do that if you;re of noble blood.
He was a descendant of Scipio Africanus
So? He was a plebian.
Classic example of Antonian propaganda. Antonius was from a rich plebeian family, his grandfather was consul and censor and his father was only prevented from rising above praetor by his hilarious manifest incompetence (he was sent to Crete with a special commission of driving out piracy, but his attempts to do this were so onerous to the Cretans that they wound up hiring the pirates to drive out Antonius Sr.) He did not "rise through the ranks on merit" and such a concept would have been mostly meaningless in a patronage-based society like that of Rome anyway. He was no more a professional soldier than any other major Roman politician, and in fact his military record is mixed, but took great care to present himself as a brave soldier in the accurate belief that it would contribute to political success. He rose because of the support of Clodius, which allowed him to get a position on Caesar's staff in time for the Gallic Wars. He certainly was arrogant and alpha, even by the standards of Roman nobility which was full of such people (Caesar cucked half the senate and didn't care who knew it, after all).
You don't understand what "plebeian" means. Noble plebeians had been a thing since the 3rd century BC. It is risible to suggest that being a plebeian handicapped Antony's career.
There were many non-patricians who were incredibly wealthy in this era. Cicero, for instance, came from a non-patrician noble family, I believe they were equestrian order. The hard divide between plebs and patricians was long gone by this time.
>Noble plebeians
Yeah, no.
Cicero wasn't wealthy tho, he relied on private sponsors to fund his election campaigns. Also so what, I didn't say or suggest that plebeians have to be poor.
gonna ask another semi related question
what characters from these tv series were portrayed in the most faithful way to the history?
[10] The one thing that was left for the plebs to strive for was the consulship. That was the pillar, the stronghold of their liberties. If they arrived at that, the Roman people would realise that monarchy had been completely banished from the City, and that their freedom was securely established, for in that day everything in which the patricians were pre-eminent would come to the plebs — [11] power, dignity, military glory, THE STAMP OF NOBILITY; great things for themselves to enjoy, but greater still as legacies to their children. [12]
Titus Livius, History of Rome, Book 6, Chapter 37. Shut the fuck up, you illiterate faggot.
Most of them are pretty good, there is some dramatic license, most notably in the character of Atia, who was in IRL a very pious and modest woman, although she was every bit as ruthless and ambitious as portrayed.
This doesn't mean literal nobility you tard, its a figure of speech. Also, this is talking about CONSULS, something Mark Anthony never became (in b4 consul of plebs is a consul)
He wasn't Crassus but he wasn't some shit-shoveling pleb either. He was a man of power who stood well above most Romans in wealth.
Caesar was the most accurately portrayed IMO
All patricians are nobles but not all nobles are patricians. The nobilis were most definitely an aristocratic class
What do you mean by aristocratic?
You said there were no noble plebeians, which is wrong. Both plebeians and patricians could become nobiles.
When I said noble I obviously didn't mean the nobiles, I meant the patrician class.
Lol no it isn’t. Check the original text. It’s just “nobilitatem”. Nobility. Plebeians of consular ancestry were nobles. Marcus Antonius Orator, grandfather of Caesar’s lieutenant, was consul. Antonius was as noble as any senator.
Well, logically a plebeian can't be a patrician. But there were indeed noble plebeian families, the Antonii being one of them
>Plebeians of consular ancestry were nobles
No they fucking weren't you dumb faggot. Fuck you with your brainlessness, you are a moron.
>During the Roman Republic, nobilis ("noble," plural nobiles) was a descriptive term of social rank, usually indicating that a member of the family had achieved the consulship. Those who belonged to the hereditary patrician families were noble, but plebeians whose ancestors were consuls were also considered nobiles.
Cite your sources or get the fuck out. I posted an actual quote from an actual ancient Roman source showing that plebeians were considered noble if their ancestors had held consular office. Put up or shut up.
>What is Novus Homo
chad but short tempered, ill calculated and easily manipulated
>muh egypt
Latin for newfag
>chad but exactly like a chad
Grimbergs roman history book portrayed him as a simple figure: A rough drinker and a simplistic bullnecked warrior who got seduced by cleopatra and was then completely pussywhipped by her. Though Grimberg always portrays historical figures with romanticized black and white qualities
First thing he did was run the fuck away from Rome, figuring that if they killed Caesar they were going to kill his lieutenants (and desu they probably should have).
When that didn't happen, he came back and immediately made a play for power.
t. soyimvs
t. cicero
>A rough drinker and a simplistic bullnecked warrior who got seduced by cleopatra and was then completely pussywhipped by her
This is actually 100% accurate though. Antony tried to larp as his best bro Caesar by invading countries and fucking the same bitch but in the end he wasn't a fraction of what Caesar was.
Pretty stupid of the Liberators to not kill Caesar's supporters, especially Antony who was Caesar's right hand man. It pretty much sealed their doom.
What about Cicero? Was he really such a meek soyboy?
So he was BLACK just like Cleopatra?
he came to mourn him, not praise him
He was hurt that Caesar didn't leave him anything in his will, despite serving him loyally.
started out as chad centurion then became the virgin rebel
his oneitis was cleopatra who was only with him to put caesars son on the throne of rome and securing the independance of egypt
he failed and killed himself for it, the ultimate cuck
Because Caesar realized Antonius was too unstable, immoderate, vindictive, and grasping to bear the standard of the Populares. He had already enriched the shit out of Antonius through his spoils from the Gallic War and paid off his debts several times. Antonius was just a butthurt fag.
Can we all agree Caesar did nothing wrong and that he is the incarnation of chadness?
Killing Caesar's supporters would have totally undercut the claim to legitimacy of their actions though. They had to frame it as the just execution of a tyrant, not a purge of their political opponents. If they had developed their assassination into a general massacre of Caesar's supporters they would have lost the support of the senatorial class and been seen as just another pack of Mariuses/Sullas. In fact Antony feared that this was precisely what they were planning, hence his flight from Rome disguised as a slave on the Ides of March. When it became clear that this was not what they were planning, over the next few days, Antony returned to Rome as the first man in the state and made a deliberate effort to rehabilitate them, against the objections of other prominent Caesarians like Lepidus.
Was Antony already planning to do away with the liberators at some later point? Possibly, given the standards of late republican politics, but one shouldn't accuse him of this without evidence. The real doom for the liberators was when Caesar's will named Octavius as his son and heir. Whereas a guy like Antony could lay claim to Caesar's prestige and still rub shoulders with his murderers, Octavius would never be able to attain political prominence when his father's killers were unpunished.
This changed everything, and it is what moved Antony to make his famous demagogic speech at Caesar's funeral and turn definitively against the liberators. Once Caesar's son was in the picture, there was no chance of reconciliation between former Caesarians and the liberators. Antony knew it, and he made sure the liberators knew it too.
Furthermore, was Augustus really as much of a soyboy as the show portrayed him as?
Possibly. Augustus was never a manly beefmaster, or at the very least never played this aspect of himself up for image reasons the way Antonius did. On the other hand, he sure did love to fuck. Suetonius or someone tells a story about how he once met a senator and his wife at dinner and promptly hustled her off into the pantry for a quickie, then brought her back sweaty with disordered clothes and hair.
tfw Augustus didn't get the chance to parade that whore in golden chains.
honestly I think the Antony Caesar bromance is much more tragic than the Antony Cleopatra romance
>muh buzzword
Augustus was sickly. He was always contracting some illness which kept him bedridden, several times causing him to miss an important battle. He basically outsourced all of his military needs to Agrippa.
But politically he was savage, utterly ruthless, totally lacking the magnanimity and clement gentility of Julius Caesar
Probably because he realized it was that magnanimity which got his adoptive father killed.
> Augustus was a soyboy
I'm beginning to think that this word doesn't really have a consistent meaning
It's consistent meaning is "white people that /pol/ hates"
Anons, Veeky Forumstorians, shitposters
lend me your ear.
Caesar was a descendant of Venus