It's coming
Gender Politics in Crypto
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>16% roasties
please tell me 90% or more of that is LARPers
Heh girls suck at economics though.
You have to be kidding me with those tweets. Who the hell cares if you are m/f for buying a fucking coin.
fuckin hell...
How is that absurd
Everyone can buy crypto
Everyone can trade crypto
This is legit proof it's women's fault. This is completely anonymous and accessible to anyone that can afford it.
Spend less money on make-up and you'll be able to buy this
>men are more likely to take risks
>main sites where crypto are talked about are primarily male use
>men still have more money today
How does this surprise anyone that it's mostly men in crypto?
To be honest, its likely not about gender politics and more a ploy to get more people on the ecosystem.
((("join eth ecosystem and fight against (((men)))")))
I don't see how asserting that is a bad thing.
It's probably a very similar ratio with personal stock portfolios. Women are terrible with money and have a la-dee-da attitude towards finance. They want equality and progress but still assume the man will pay for everything and keep things running financially in marriage. That post is only masked as leftist.
Holy fucking Kek
Never buying that shot coin in my life just cause of this
From now on only investing in Chad run companies
zero barrier to entry for women, literally nobody knows what sex you are when you buy bitcoin on coinbase.
time to wake up to the fact that women aren't men and arent interested in the same things.
Q: why is it called women-coin?
A: because it is worth a shit.
everyone likes money though.
myetherwallet is a coin now?
only women should be allowed to trade crypto
fucking white supremacy again
women do not want to take any risks to get money, thats the difference
Did you even look at the pic?
It's SingularDTV.
I mean, girls are welcome to lose their money on shitcoins with the rest of us
fucking sexist
DIONS, bro
i'm sure people will argue that to make things fair, women should only be allowed to lose 80% of what men lose, to encourage more of them to enter this space.
women like shopping though, and crypto makes shopping faster.
They wont be investing, but they will be the end-users.
woman dont worry about making money as much as man
they have things in life way easier
Lol look at all the small-dicked assholes responding in this thread.
Grow up boys. Crypto isn't your fascist safe space any longer. Hopefully soon legislation will be passed to redistribute coins from white men to women and PoC.
Ideally it would come in the form of a tax that progressively increases based on existing wealth, masculinity, and lack of minority status. Maybe for once we can start an industry that isn't founded on oppression.
>Women hate free markets
>Women need to be enticed into everything
In short women are children.
women are brainlets, what do you expect?
we got niggers in crypto before women
I don't think women like money as much as men. Women just want enough to be financially stable, men want more and more and more
He's talking about SNGL.
You absolute retard.
Yeah, because men want to and are expected to offer financial stability to their significant other/children.
women who go down that path end up unhappy because they don't know how to juggle a love life and have reasonable standards as they move up the ladder.
? Men are not more likely to take risks. Women and men have the exact same capabilities, you are being insanely sexist. The environment guides women into not buying crypto, it's the fault of the patriarchy, and we must all help make sure women feel welcome.
i would literally beat the living shit out of you if i met you and you quoted that to me.
Men make the majority of money and women spend the majority if it.
They expect a man to provide for them in exchange for the means to reproduce. It's been this way for millenia.
feminists are fucking stupid. everything they touch turns against them.
look at gamergate, a whole sub-culture which never spent a single thought about this (in opposite, a community who still is open for women in gaming) became a political force, they fucking turn into right wing death squads when it comes to feminism in the video games industry.
they. fuck. up. everything.
You may be right, I'm not discussing the reason behind this
exactly, this is blatant advertising
was just about to send kink i just bought i MEW, wont be using these faggot cucks anymore. Wont ever be buying faggot SNGLS either. i love the faggot commies that are getting into crypto now, you can tell theyre the ones making the wojak threads cause theyre retard faggots who cant think.
Its smart advertising, who gives a fuck what a wallet says on its twitter! It's just bringing in eyes. This is only a good thing!
More end users! I say keep doing it for the lulz!
the irony in that tweet is that almost no women is even interested in cryptos yet alone follows any twitter handles related to crypto
so this news reaches mostly men as the majority
so who the fuck are they advertising this too
fucking kek
I just wanted to play bideo games.
"I heard he trades crypto"
my sides
Wait till Vox or any other mainstream media starts reporting on gender-bias in crypto. Honestly we should be leaving those websites tips on this news.
This give me an idea
a socialist coin
>one central regulator (a world's government, for instance) controls the supply
>every time you acummulate more than the avarege, every other wallet is given coin to equals your's
>every time you fall below average, you gain coins to match the average
>every one will NEED to accept TFSJ (Token For Social Justice) or will go to jail
>if you get seek or need food, the central regulator will buy it to you generating new coins
I need this
fuck i hate this "we need more womenz!!!" crap. Yes we want more people using crypto and it could be valuable to advertise specifically to women but women unto themselves do not bring a new perspective and they are not needed for any kind of development, if anything it's the fucking opposite
those virtue signal larper nigger faggots can suck a dick.
do you really those that follow those mainsteam media outlets would even comprehend what cryptocoins are
> yo like what the fuck are cryptocoins bruh, is it those golden coins with chocolate inside? ye i want sum gibsmedat
i intentionally will not invest in a coin if i see that the dev team is (((diverse))) I know first hand how cancerous a bunch of entitled women and minorities can be to a project. Most of them aren't can't even comprehend that they might be wrong about something, as soon as you call them out on something they instantly revert to the victim mentality. REEEEEEE MANSPLAINING REEEEEEEE INSTITUTIONAL RACISM REEEEEE PAY GAP. Crypto is driven by data....not by fucking feelings.
This is good.
>women will be our new bagholders that we always dump on
Yup. Artificial wombs and passable sex dolls - we've very nearly got both - will render women who aren't willing to actually act like women (and thus be decent feminine wives and mothers) will render the majority of women worthless. Will be amusing to see how quickly the masculinization of Western females over the last 50-100 years is reversed when they begin to realize they genuinely are not needed and that they'll actually have to make an effort again to get a man.
no, but they don't even need to comprehend it to join in and buy a bit.
Articles would talk up crypto just because womens are not on it.
its normie bait, am I over thinking this or could it just work?
Wait hold on, how can we capitalize off of this? Could we market it in some way to get a fuckking tonne of new stupid money in>
Something like "There is currently the largest transfer of wealth happening. Crytpocurrency will be 12.5% of world GDP by 2025.
Women already make 70% less than men for the EXACT same type of work. We can't let this male-dominated financial sector exclude women any longer.
Decentralized is another way of saying shared worldwide; yet over 86% of cryptocurrency holders are WHITE MALES in their 20-40s. Doesn't sound like everyone has their fair share to me."
Who's got social media accounts/profiles? It would be amazing if Veeky Forums got the radical fems into crypto and we just take their money
Probably 10 out of the 16 are trannies.
where did they even get that statistic? I have never told anyone my gender when I bought or traded crypto
As a woman I am deeply disgusted by these responses on Veeky Forums. Women have a hard enough time being discriminated against in STEM jobs. We don't need sexism in crypto too. Maybe if you guys could get off your computer and out of your parents basement you would realize that there is a world going on out there and other people have feelings too. How would you feel if you were only 16% of something, if you were a minority? You would feel unsafe like I do every time I go to Veeky Forums. We need federal legislation to end crypto and STEM discrimination since it's clear that people like yourselves won't listen to reason.
This is good. New money flowing into crypto attached to weak hands.
most of Veeky Forums would only be able to capitalize off of them if they were convinced to buy into shitcoins.
But we're onto something. Time to load up those twitter sockpuppets.
Almost the same post lel
post tits or gtfo
>As a woman...
stopped reading there
You still need eggs to make kids tho, you don't need sperm as the egg can use its own DNA? Armys of clone wimmins.
women aren't discriminated in STEM, in fact they're given every advantage possible, more so than men. Problem is women are just dumb, weak minded, brainlets who don't have the mental strength to hack it. No ones fault but their own.
Wait, this is it. If we let a majority of women join crypto we'll be able to make big BIG money off of them. Ez.
>crypto makes shopping faster than a visa debit/credit card
sure it does.
That's a good imitation, 10/10.
I wish I could short them the way I shorted those iota KEKS
On it
Meme war 2
This time we shill our alt coin bags instead if blumpf
checked, godspeed user. get those @'s in.
Why would women buy crypto? When all the fiat currencies crash and men hold 84% of the new money, the governments will just intervene to reverse that.
because it isnt men hold 50% of the money. Simple reasons for simple people.
And similar to the way women can shop at a sperm bank, men will simply shop for the eggs that women will NEED to part with due to lack of financial support from their male counterpart.
looks like you’ve got your ducks in a row
You realise they can just bypass us entirely and make their own babies. Artificial womb tech and sex dolls is the end of men not the roasties. The only way we can bypass that is to kill them and enslave them. Unfortunately, they will bribe the militaries with pussy. All this will be orchestrated by shadow governments of men you understand. It will be communism 2.0 but with secret societies of men at the top which nobody knows about except the very tops of the matriarchal society. Shit happens. Gonna make me some Lambo money and enjoy myself, fuck what happens in 50 years time as I will be dead. The roasties will be willing participants in the destruction of humanity with lack of genetic diversity and innovation in science and tech (they have no rational thinking generally or ability to conceptualize about realistic science. They are only proficient creatively and socially 90% of the time with some outliers) but that is their problem. They will Reeeeee for a communist world where we are all united. Either they get it and we are doomed or they don't get it outside the west and the rest of the worlds men come and rape them to death and we are back to the stone age.
Do not get chipped, beware china.
Look at that pay gap! You all need to give your money to females and redistribute. We all know it's not because of personal choice that women don't get into crypto. It's the patriarchy obviously...
>Predominantly 20-40yo white males
What is China, Korea, Japan, pajeets, Venezuela, Zimbabwe
Sexual dimorphism (which is real and studied) shows that men are more prone to taking risks than women
that's why women are touted as better drivers
and why men are more likely to get injured
the answers to "why are there more men in ____" are only a google search away
There is nothing preventing women from investing in crypto except themselves. Very embarrassing for companies that don’t realize they’re undermining the women who took the initiative to make informed decisions and invest. Playing victim cards is spineless and dirty.
>cucks angry women arent using all the bitcoin to spend it all immediately on makeup and shoes
>the women are better drivers meme
only in your head, roastie
women are risk averse, and for good reason.
can you imagine how a woman would act after losing 90% in crypto?
women are better at anything than men you retard fuck. best cooks? men. best educators? men. men invented education btw retard and everything that goes into it. best hair stylist? men. there's nothing in this world women can do better than men. everything women use it made by men
let them buy my bags
>Buying speculative shitcoins
I said they're touted as better drivers
and in this instance, 'better' means less accidents
if you want to say that 'better' means who can do a faster lap then it would be men, for the reasons i've stated
Marketing teams looking to break into new/under-engaged demographics, primarily
Now go and tell the MSM or anybody in politics or Academia that MRAs have valid points and women have more disadvantages than men in society other than their biological limitations that they are born with. See who is really winning that war. Smarts>being a sociopathic child who crys to get what they want REEEEEEEEE
no, you shitlord. all white males must pay 60% of their crypto to women and minorities as reparations