Did cute girls exist in the past? It seems like we're in a generation of super models, but in old videos (from before the 50's) you rarely ever see an attractive woman. Why is this?
Did cute girls exist in the past? It seems like we're in a generation of super models...
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No. Cute girls nowadays are a result of Illuminati's genetic engineering projects made with the purpose to distract men from what's really important.
As women are allowed to be sluttier and sluttier and the institution of marriage becomes weaker over time, it allows women to pick the top 20% of men whilst the rest never are allowed to procreate.
This mean that the ugly gene will disappear over time, producing a race of more and more beautiful men and women.
However the problem is that Chad's don't care if they fuck ugly women (slampigs) and so unfortunately the ugly gene will always taint the human race.
>the ugly gene
>top 20% meme
So much cancer in just one post.
An interesting question. I think there was an article posted in another thread that said that attractive women tend to have more children, so that would lead one to think that over time, the average woman would come out more attractive.
>Did cute girls exist in the past?
> before the 50's) you rarely ever see an attractive woman
What is 'cute' or 'attractive' changes with time. Your OP picture would probably be burnt as a witch.
Obviously no and beauty standards were not that different despite some memes about how people liked fat women in the past (as a whole they didn't) but interrestingly it's possible that big breasts (without being fat) are pretty much a new thing and almost never happened until 100-200 years ago.
A lot of sculptures and paintings have relatively slim women with big hips and butts but always small or medium breasts and lot of studies say that the average breast sizd augmented a lot.
>t. roastie
Where do I donate?
Holy shit, this post
You already did.
I still have enough money left over to eat well and have a decent education.
I want every penny going to operation Hot Bitches.
>this is what weebs find attractive
No, women did not try to look like barely nubile children and whores at the same time
There's a lot of factors to take into account
Standards of beauty changed a lot in the time frame you specify: fashions became more dynamic because of the opening of a consumer market for clothes that only the higher classes had access to, cosmetics also became a lot more available.
If you mean cute as in having a good looking face, then I suppose better nutrition and healthcare might have contributed
>the ugly "gene"
who is this semen demon?
People generally look the same as they always did. While many more attractive people are born and discovered today thanks to nutrition, medicine, and communications improvements, that number is hindered by other factors like obesity.
What you're probably referring to is aesthetics in past photographs and paintings, and that is changed greatly. In the past people who posed for these things tried to emulate themes and visuals they were already familiar with: Romantic paintings, classical sculpture, movie actresses, etc. Each of these emphasized different aesthetics on purpose or accident (movie actresses looked a certain way to make it easier to film them, some female sculptures are closer to a masculine ideal, etc).
Today, cuteness is defined by media we're more familiar with: anime, music videos and movies with modern camera technology, widespread and subtle makeup, and even porn. So girls today will try to emulate these aesthetics.
You could take a woman from the past and dress and paint her up like a modern girl, and she'd be just as cute. And you could take a modern girl and dress and paint her like someone from the 1700s and get a similar look as well.
Looks like a man in drag
They existed
Look up Maude Fealy
She still doesn't look as attractive as most of the girls I see at uni. She's got a man-jaw going on. Is this really the best they had in the past?
>Thinking only 20% of males got some poon in the last 100 years
That sounds like a latent cuck fetish.
Well where do you live? I'm Eastern European and contrary to internet memes, most females here are hideous.
Leave this board right now you Brazilian monkey.
Marriage significantly started breaking down since the 1960's
He's not talking about marriage though
Make up. You probably very rarely see a woman who is not wearing make up.
Sounds like something someone who can't get laid and is bitter about it would say desu
The prevalence and quality of make up products. Catch a girl without any make up on, and you'll probably think to yourself that woman looks sick. Now, there has been make up for a long ass time, but the widespread and constant use we see now is fairly modern.
t. toasty roasty
The most critical hints are that you said "females" instead of "girls" or even "women," and that you're posting it on Veeky Forums.
I'm not him but I was just not seeing why you said that, now I see better why and he confirmed it here anyway.
>girl desperately trying to cater to her weeb audience
And people wonder why Middle Easterners and Africans think Western women are easy whores who are only good to fuck.
>women should not have freedom because at least some will misuse it.
And 99,99% of western women still never ever do that kind of shit.
Make-up (especially), better nutrition, hairstyle, photography improvements.
As others said many hot women don't look that great without make-up.
At the risk of sounding homo, men are much better looking than women.
I take it you're either a cunthurt Polish girl or a clueless Westerner. If you're the latter, take a trip to Eastern Europe and see the fuggos for yourself. Modeling agencies and internet porn are not real life.
>Eastern Euro women
That's why I think you sound like a bitter incel.
ahegao only works in 2d. when 3d girls do it, it's so forced.
>women should not have freedom
t. Natalka Dupobolska
This but unironically.
>women: five pounds of foundation, mascara, eyeliner, eye shadow, lipstick, lipliner, hair extensions, pushup bras, silicon tits, corsets, binders, padded underwear and other shapewear, fake nails, high heels, ear rings, lip injections, facelifts, lipo and photoshop
>men: nothing
I know im a sick bastard now because i actually do think that girls cute. I need to quit this place. Bye guys. I might check in in a few months.
this is the actual answer, not sure why it got passed up
Shit taste.
Says the guy attracted to manfaces
Pretty much everyone who travels to Eastern Europe agrees that women there are beautiful. I take it you are a bitter Eastern Euro virgin coping by telling himself that women there are hideous anyway or a woman jealous of those women's universally recognized beauty or a contrarian memester or just have a fringe view of how beautiful those women are.
Anglo females make me retch.
Can you make it any more obvious you're a terminally buttravaged female
I'm sure they'd say the same about you.
They're women.
Is it even possible to be attracted to Anglo women if you're not Anglo yourself? British girls are considered the ugliest in the world for a reason.
pic not related?
and you're interacting with their own descendants 150 years later, give her a 'modern' hairdo and you'll be surprised user
Why? Do all women say that to you?
Good. Then stay away from them.
>Stay away from my can of shit!
Don't worry Nigel, we really don't want it.
Don't be so obsessed then.
>Only 20% of the male population have sex on a regular basis
>This is what virgins actually believe
>commenting on something is obsession
I think you might be autistic.
There's commenting in a history of beauty thread, then there's
> Is it even possible to be attracted to Anglo women
Tone it down, Pablo.
I'm a virgin and I don't believe that.
"lewd face" is so cringey
Shit taste
>unnatural hair color
>le geeky anime xD
That girl isn't cute OP, and you're fucking pathetic.
There's a lot of autism to unwrap here but are you saying 100% of females mate with only 20% of males?
Fuck you OP, you just made this thread as an excuse to post Kelly. I'll kick your ass nigger.
Hi /pol/
>everyone I don't like is from /pol/