Are there any other philosophers with as strong hate boners for christianity/judaism as Nietzsche?
Are there any other philosophers with as strong hate boners for christianity/judaism as Nietzsche?
neo-marxism(cultural marxism)
Arthur Desmond (supposed author of Might is Right).
>neo-marxism(cultural marxism)
Nazi's were christian.
>it doesnt exist at all!
First of all, neo-marxism is something completely different. Second, no. Cultural marxism does not exist outside of le funny maymays, SJW rekt compilations and infographs
If you don't know what Marxism is you should go read into it because you're just embarrassing yourself user.
Eh, it's complicated. They were openly very pro-Christian, but privately a lot of the inner circle had no love for it. Hitler is pretty explicit in Hitler's Table Talks that he doesn't want to oppose Christianity but ideally he'd like it to die out on its own. And Himmler and the SS were obviously all into the whole neo-pagan revival thing. I mean if you look at the origins of the Nazis in the Thule Society and Ariosophy, it becomes pretty apparent that they were not cut-and-dry Christians.
OP never read The Antichrist.
cultural marxism is just another name for neo-marxism, or Freudian-marxism you mong. The only real difference is that people who use cultural marxism believe that the ideology is ultimatly destructive and will only destory western society, while neo-marxist think its a good and progressive ideology that will only benefit the world.
That's just Himmler neopagan autism, Hitler and most of the other important nazis were probably atheists in the way someone viewing religion in purely pragmatical terms is probably fundamentally irreligious.
>Hitler and most of the other important nazis were probably atheists in the way someone viewing religion in purely pragmatical terms is probably fundamentally irreligious.
they had something called "positive Christianity" which was just retooling it as just another form of nazi propaganda. Theres no way Christian philosophy could work with nazism
Came here to post this
>Might Is Right, or The Survival of the Fittest, is a book by pseudonymous author Ragnar Redbeard
jesus christ
Oh good, another reason to hate Nietzsche.
Ignoring the I AM SILLY shit, what is the picture trying to say? Communism leads to death while capitalism leads to faggotry?
You act like being a massive fucking faggot is something unique to trust fund socialists
Yes, there are philosophers who literally foam at the mouth with hatred for Christianity. Nietzsche hated it a lot, but not that much. On the other hand, I'm not sure there have been any philosophers with as big a hate boner for Germans than Nietzsche. He hates literally everything about Germans. He even criticizes them for how they eat their soup.
I'm having trouble seeing what's wrong with the guy in the center second from bottom, what exactly did gender studies allegedly do to him? Grow his hair? Damage his eyesight?
Nietzsche didn't hate Christianity though?
The phenomenon it describes, is the effect of capitalism and advertising and the finance industry on culture, not the effect of deliberate manipulation to a goal other than profit.
They don't make trillions of dollars a year on something that people don't want to buy, and they don't spend trillions of dollars a year marketing things that people will not then buy.
Just because a government shouldn't "work with" Christianity, that doesn't mean they weren't christians. Christian doctrine shouldn't "work with" any nation that has a military.
Probably not
Nietzsche thought of the post-OT Jews and the Christians as the ultimate cucks, intellectual and even physical weaklings and corruptors of all that was good and strong.
People often forget the position Nietzsche was coming from, the transvaluation of values, the master morality, the will to power, these things are wholly antithetical with Christianity. In fact there is a part from "when the world became a fable" that he condemns all organised religion as cowardice.
He really was the ultimate fedora.
cultural marxism is everything that makes me feel bad. we need to get rid of it so I can feel good
>the average millennial comes out of college looking like this
I'm sure those numbers stack up
lighten his skin tone
>cultural marxism
>ideology was bad but now its good if its progressive :D
wow sweetie read a book anytime
>marxism is out to destroy western society
>ah yes the socialist CIA deliberately propagated modern and contemporary art to destroy western standards for painting and sculpture
>the last vestige for institutionalized traditional training is in Russia and China