Why did the gooks fuck up so much less than the chinks, africans, and ruskies did?
As far as I can tell the koreans only purged political dissidents and caused famine.
Was it just a simple issue of lesser ambition leading to lesser failures?
Why did the gooks fuck up so much less than the chinks, africans, and ruskies did?
As far as I can tell the koreans only purged political dissidents and caused famine.
Was it just a simple issue of lesser ambition leading to lesser failures?
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We had no interest in forming an African society according to western values, so when they drove us out all they had to work with was some nationalist warlords and communist militias and they had to create a modern society without any history or knowledge of how to go about it.
After we defeated the Japs we were given free reign over how to reform their society, so we implemented free-market capitalism and a relatively non-corrupt republic and to no one's surprise that ended up working out pretty well.
It helps that Japan had the infrastructure of a decently modernized state already, along with a largely educated populace
It most likely has to do with a stable philosophy. while the people of Africa, The America's and the middle east had no stable ideology which had the ability to change with the times, oriental states and European states did. (For the Orient it was the teachings of the Buddha and Confucius, while the Europeans had the Hellenic philosophers and Christianity.
Basically, South Korea developed an upper class that was dependent on exporting things to foreign countries to make money.
Once this happened, all government policy became focused on making more money off of imports so that politically well connected families could make money and stay in power.
China is doing this right now as well. In Russia, they ended up having an upper class that made most of their money by scavenging old ex-Soviet industries or embezzling public funds.
In Africa, the political economy is typically based off of diverting humanitarian aid and on siphoning off money from natural resource extraction or tourism.
As to why South Korea developed such a system of political economy, it was probably driven by the need to stay richer than the communists so that the entire state wasn't conquered and the entire ruling class slain. This manifested in a very high degree of emphasis on industrialization, and a close relationship between the state and politically connected corporations, for the purpose of growing the economy as quickly as possible
Japan went through the same process after WW2, just a few decades earlier.
I meant the north koreans. My hope was to have a discussion about what made those communists different than the others.
North Korea is the Eritrea of Asia, user.
I don't understand the meaning of significance of your comment.
>we implemented free-market capitalism and a relatively non-corrupt republic
>Japan had the infrastructure of a decently modernized state already
The overarching factor is security and openness to global trade which allowed not only Japan but South Korea and Taiwan to develop their economies at a reasonable pace and for the powers that be to have faith in their decades long investments.
The pre-existing social/political institutions weren't severely fucked with.
How does that explain the results of the african communists?
The Soviets had to start from zero twice, and the Chinese had severe soviet economical sabotage during the sino-soviet split. Korea didn't have this problems, at least until the socialist block fell. Africa is a mixed bag, Thomas Sankara did relatively well.
Maybe the norks were more industrialized already? Was the population literate?
>Maybe the norks were more industrialized already?
I don't think that to be the case, they were handed basically all of their hardware, and there wasn't much more than some light industry in the region as far as I'm aware.
Can you expand on how NK fucked up less than the other command economies?
They didn't make pig iron, suck at rocketry, or make things worse than when they started.
People do realize Japan and South Korea had planned economies with 5 year plans and everything and still basically do in some regard (though to a lesser extent today) right?
North Korea consistently outgrew South Korea until the 70s, and continued to grow until the total collapse of the 90s. That marked the end of North Korea as a full-blown command economy--defectors note that the first people to die in the famine were those who unironically believed in the system. A good way to describe life now is a black market economy--almost all commerce and production is wholly unregulated and private, with a moribund state economy that is being literally stripped for parts. I've found dailyNK.com is a good source for the nuts and bolts of Nork life today. North Koreans are more candid with foreigners than you might expect--see, living outside the country, you have zero incentive to report politically incorrect behavior to state police (and zero reason to be trusted by them). This is frequently the only time in their life they will have the opportunity to speak with no fear.
It simply happens to require a lot less for a government to stay in power in North Korea than it does to stay in power in Russia.
Like, 10% of their population starved to death and they stayed in power. The USSR fell from a comparatively minor shock, because they needed to control half of Europe to remain viable.
>so when they drove us out
They didn't drive you out idiot. You have to be extremely ignorant to think that.
>african communists?
Makes no sense Just like saying African capitalists in the context of the cold war. The only difference between the two is who supported them. Most of the time each side was very similar and only took up an "ideology" for pragmatic reasons.
I'm dumb. Mind explaining?
>I don't understand the meaning of significance of your comment.
was meant to be:
>I don't understand the meaning or significance of your comment.
Chinks are already a hiveminded collectivist society with insectlike behavior and a lack of individualism, it meshes well with socialism.
>Why did the gooks fuck up so much less than the chinks, africans, and ruskies did?
Gooks aren't nips, you fucking racist.
You know almost all of the Americas are pretty devoutly Catholic, right?
And the current pope is a communist, what is your point?