Why were the Aztecs so nuts?
Why were the Aztecs so nuts?
It looks pretty sane compared to the feels shit around here.
Due to drinking foamy watery chocolate drink laced with crushed peppers thus increasing horrifying asshole burning diarrhea.
Nuts formed part of their diet.
They were Bronze age so their religion didnt evolve beyond ooga booga human sacrifice savagery.
Religion in the modern world is still ooga booga human scarifice savagery. The Aztecs just made it aesthetic.
give me 1 (one) example of a christian sacrifice in anno dominni 2017 please
The words Religion and Christian are not synonyms.
Are there any Veeky Forums guides to pre-Columbus America? Been pretty interesting in New World civilizations.
No relevant religion has human sacrifice or is ooga booga.
>religion is oog booga
>w-what no not this one and i won't explain what i mean
The cartels do Santa Muerte sacrifces whose worshippers are catholics/christians. And I personally saw a chicken being sacrificed in a church during my stay in Central America. You mentioned sacrifices in general so I threw that in.
They weren't, indios are liars and the spanish wanted to make up whatever bullshit about pagan savages to ensure they all converted to catholicism.
Bush attacked Iraq because god told him to do so in a dream.
Every single death from the war on terror onwards has been literally due to a religious evangelical nutcase.
No not really it's not
which god is that?
mexican genes
the cartels continue their practices to this day
>And I personally saw a chicken being sacrificed in a church during my stay in Central America
>mfw parents from Central America but don't do batshit crazy stuff like this
wtf, do they realize that goes against most tenants of the Christian faith?
>What is syncretism
user most of the Bible Belt it's full of cults that goes against the Christian faith
They are all Christian somehow
Veeky Forums is so fucking ignorant about any topic that doesn't include muh white genetics. Where did all the mesoamerican enthusiasts go? For your information Aztecs ate mushrooms on the reg
I'm a Mesoamerican enthusiast.
Keep in mind that they were a very, VERY new civilization. From their foundation to their destruction by the Spanish, there were only around for about 90 years.
Most people tend to be focused on their own peopel's history. Most people on Veeky Forums are white, not that hard.
Then I like you. Got any book recommendations? If you get the chance you should check out "Aztec warfare". Very thorough and it really gave me this feeling of being on the ground there, at that time
Do people actually believe this?
I'm not going to defend what said verbatim, but from the historical and anthropological perspective, all religions across time stem from superstitious belief. And regardless of the theological development of any given religion, the basis for belief in it is ultimately the same superstitions as the original cultural artifact.
Therefore, behavior informed by a superstition carries with it a meaning understood only in the context of that culture's religious belief. My sister wears a St. Christopher's necklace when she travels. The Aztecs cut out people's hearts. They both have the same logical justification, even though one is more brutal
A history of famine and droughts made them extremely superstitious. Lack of animal protein probably encouraged cannibalism.
They thought that if they didn't sacrifice people the gods would be too weak to keep the universe working, so the Tzitzimitl would descend from the stars to destroy everything.
They also believed we had 4 other worlds, all destroyed because of the gods' fault (envy, jealousness and etc.) and in that the 5th one the gods finally decided to leave their differences aside.
Basically, sacrifice some nibbas or we all die. It's good it was proven to be wrong, unless there is a hidden tribe somewhere still sacrificing people for the good of humanity.
Cactus juice
The mustache thingy makes him look like Tlaloc. So maybe Tlaloc.
I guess people seem to care about history that matters
>It's good it was proven to be wrong, unless there is a hidden tribe somewhere still sacrificing people for the good of humanity.
big if true.
There are in fact rumors of indigenous villages who still do human sacrifices in secret in remote parts of Mexico. Apparently the village selects two people from their community who are given festive moment before the elders kill them and throw them in coffins. Sometimes burying them under bridges or beneath important buildings.
Me three. I mostly lurk. But I'll share this bit of violent-ass Aztec poetry on ritual warfare for human sacrifices:
The battle is there, the beginning of the battle is in
the open fields, the smoke of the warriors winds around
and curls upward from the slaughter of the flowery war,
you friends and warriors of the Chichimecs.
Let not my soul dread that open field; I earnestly
desire the beginning of the slaughter, may thy soul long
for the murderous strife.
O you who are there in the battle, I earnestly desire
the beginning of the slaughter, may thy soul long for the
murderous strife.
The cloud rises upward, rising into the blue sky of
the Giver of Life ; there blossom forth prowess and daring,
there, in the battle field, come the children to maturity.
Let us rejoice, dear friends, and may ye rejoice, O
children, within the open field, and going forth to it, let
us revel amid the shield-flowers of the battle.
Santa Muerte is a heretical beleif
I really liked "Armies of the Aztec and Inca Empires, Other Native Peoples of The Americas, and the Conquistadores: 2 (Armies of the Sixteenth Century)" by Ian Heath. And Aztec Philosophy by Jim Maffie.
Tlatollotl put up a good reading list recently:
>Smith, Michael E. The Aztecs. John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
>Hassig, Ross. Aztec warfare: Imperial expansion and political control. Vol. 188. University of Oklahoma Press, 1995.
>Soustelle, Jacques. Daily life of the Aztecs. Courier Corporation, 2002.
>Lêaon-Portilla, Miguel. Aztec Thought and Culture. University of Oklahoma Press, 1963.
>Anderson, Arthur JO, and Charles E. Dibble. Florentine Codex. School of American Research and University of Utah, Sante Fe, New Mexico, II(1950).
>Portilla, Miguel León. The broken spears: The Aztec account of the conquest of Mexico. Beacon Press, 2006.
I don't think they used that.
the proportion of the population sacrificed was pretty small, less than the numbers of slaves killed in the arenas or niggers worked to death to provide sugar, tobacco and cotton
Unironically drugs. Mexican religion was strongly influenced by psychedelics, which are plentiful in that part of the world. This is like how Indian religion was influenced by cannabis, European paganism was influenced by booze, and Jewish "religion" was influenced by sunstroke.
Hinduism is pretty ooga booga
When I said religion I included science too since that and atheism are practically religions as well.
>atheism are practically religions as well.
You need to think beyond science, religion and atheism. Those are outdated beliefs.
That's some good stuff thanks.
Bush had a religion and it was money and oil.
>Basically capitalism
Agnostic Master Race reporting in.
Leviticus says sacrifices are pleasing to Yahweh. Even if they're not mandatory, you do want to please Yahweh, don't you?
Neat, thanks
no i dont think christians want to please "yahweh"
Santa Muerte is not Christian, it's literally an Aztec death God adapted into the 21st century. Why do you think it only exists in Mexico and Central America?
You picked the worst possible example.
Got any sources?
>tfw no history threads about the natives of Virginia
Feels bad man
Hmmmmm then why are they Christian if they don't want to please their god? Larpers with no true faith.
A bunch of hicks have died by getting bit by snakes in their churches.
>No not really it's nut
From a psychological perspective human sacrifice makes perfect sense for the time. The world the aztecs and all other bronze age people inhabited can only be described as a world with no justice, no morality, and absolute cruelty. Any serious contemplation of the state would drive people to insanity.
So the only option is to embrace the truth that the universe is basically an evil place full of suffering. And the best way to do that is to voluntarily increase the amount of suffering in the universe by sacrificing them.
The Aztec religion makes a hell of a lot more sense than Christianity with it's delusions of the moral triumph of 'goodness' and hope that you will eventually be free'd from suffering. Ritual sacrifices affirm the fundamental truth that all strives in life are based on the misery of others.
Are Americans able to be Christian without fucking it up?
the uh
the entire religion is built upon the image of a human sacrifice
fuck off marvin harris
Could it be
these kinds of answers are the reason i come to this board
>Carving out people's hearts is acceptable because muh heartless world
>It makes perfect sense to make others suffer to bring grain yields and open new temples
The other Amerindians seemed to do pretty well without it. Some of them even made scientific advancements
are there actually quotes about human sacrifice which did not come from the Spanish?
I remember a quote where the Spanish told the Aztecs that they burn heretics at the stake and the Aztecs thought that was nuts and savage.
Are there any neutral sources on human sacrifice? I doubt the Aztecs were as violent as we were told.
Millions of these are sacrificed each year by muzmuz
We have archeological evidence but they aren't even that many for the supposedly tens of thousands the Spaniards said which is very likely an exaggeration which was common in writing at the time. There are native accounts of it including the infamous 80,000 in a day for a temples opening. But this was again propaganda but that was pro aztec in their worldview to make their power seem grandiose.
Classic liberal apologism, can even justify literally ripping people’s hearts out as long as it’s the staging point for some condescending lesson about the evils of Europeans. Straight from the American school system this one, no mistaking it.
That would make one hell of a tv show.
>The last secretive Aztec cult in the Americas is destroyed by government authorities. All members are killed in a crazy last stand defending their temple.
>Their religious texts and temple are preserved, but kept under wraps by the government while being studied in relation to all the murders they committed.
>A month or so later, people going about their lives when suddenly Huitzilopochtli comes falling down to Earth, barely able to stand, and in his booming voice demands to know why the people of Earth have forsaken their protectors.
>Just as he says this, hordes of skeletal Tzitzimitl begin descending from the stars amid screams of horror and begin devouring humans.
>Gods of the old Americas trickle back into our reality, both offering their protection and demanding our sacrifice to feed their strength.
>Nations around the world are in turmoil as armies struggle to fight off the endless hordes of skeleton women, while also trying to stop their populace from rioting and practicing human sacrifices in the streets.
>Scientists and historians are forced to look into the texts retrieved from the Aztec cult for answers, but find only hopelessness, as the texts speak only of how to temporarily prevent the end times, but not how to stop them once they've come....
Could at least make a sick Netflix series.
Mesoamerica in general is ripe with potential for good stories but there aren't many good ones out there.
I eat spicy food all the time and rarely have a burning asshole. I think it only affects some people, take a probiotic.
I don't practice santeria
What about the history they inherited from the Mayans, and Olmecs?
Aztecs>Mexicans>future majority population of the USA
Doesn't matter?
So that's why we haven't all died off yet.
They didn't inherit much from the Maya. The Toltecs, Mixtecs and Veracruz civilizations if anything. And the Olmecs are so far in the past, it would be like linking the ancient celts to renaissance italy.
Well yeah burning is a horrible way to die. At least cutting out the heard is relatively quick. I mean, if you just gotta do it.
I aint got no crystal ball
All central American civilizations picked up where the last one left off. One couldn't exist without the one that came before. Even without a direct relationship, they had similar technology and beliefs. Like how the Romans copied the Greeks who copied the Egyptians, etc.
Kinda neat, I'd say. If it can't be turned into a TV series, I guess a tabletop game would do the job.
Cry more, spanimoor
Nothing wrong with wearing a fedora.
"Insane" people found in the U.S. and perhaps in other Americas.
I do not know. Mexicans do have some mutuality with death, Mexico celebrates day of the dead. The only culture with that sort of UNIQUE grasp. Even Guillermo Del Toro said recently that Mexicans have some sort of liaison with death. It might be the land or gene heredity as you say.
Idk why but his reminds me of Red Dead Redemption DLC of undead nightmare. You literally have to kill some sort of aztec diety or somthing.
ughhhh... would of been a good PC title WHY ROCKSTAR
Yeah dude it is called cursed.
plot twist, Tzitzimitl is the antichrist and satan worshippers were not the bad guys, they were appeasing him to keep him at bay, the protagonist of the series, a qt latina, must switch sides and work against the government after an epic season finale
Could someone please make this?
Also, another user posted some sources for mesoamerican history but what's a good starting point for someone who's interested but has learnt fairly little from before?
Tons of cultures celebrate and honor the dead though.
This korean parents didn't allow her daughter get surgery because they thought the power of Jesus would cure her.
The girl eventually died, so I guess that's a "sacrifice".
I'm triggered. Those people banged on the drumms and entered in a trance. The people NOT BEING ABLE TO ENTER IN A TRANCE BY DRUMS (who represented a low % of the pople in the tribe) was then fed shrooms and then joined them in the trance.
The thames and hudson books on Mesoamerica are good starters.