I'm simply looking for a level of consistency regarding racial ID politics.
>Pic related
I'm simply looking for a level of consistency regarding racial ID politics.
>Pic related
I'll never get over how weird racemixed people look
This is humanities, and an important discussion.
This just proved that race is not a social construct.
countries aren't people
associating every nationality to a race is in fact retarded
see america, brazil
>Ancient Egyptians
>Modern Egyptians
I'm just trying to figure out why one of them is considered "white"?
No. I'm not American. I'm just a curious brit.
Neither of those people is white. The one on the left is a mulatto, and the one on the right is a negroid.
Right could be a very dark Arab, like Omar Bashir of Sudan. These people are not niggers although an untrained eye might think they are.
This is how people in ancient Egypt looked. They are not white, but also not subsaharan black, their skin is dark but not to the extreme.
>ancient egypt was homogeneous for its entire reign
You can actually correlate Egypt's relevance to how Eurasian it was at any given time. During the Kushitic period for example they weren't even a regionally relevant power, just a cumrag for the Assyrians.
>This is how people in ancient Egypt looked
No it wasn't, except for ethnically Nubian Egyptians and Egyptians living in the very very south.
Egyptians were not always concerned with total realism when depicting themselves in art, therefore you shouldn't take whatever skin tones they used as a 1:1 with reality.
user Sudanese Arabs are Black AND Arab.
Outside of Sudan they are Blacks and MENA views and discriminates them as such.
They ain't black, they fucking hate niggers.
The one on the right is an Egyptian
This is what the ancient Egyptians looked like in large part. Though they were multi-ethnic for much of thier history.
Nubians and ancient Egyptians have the same cultural origins. Evidence suggests that they were not truly distinct and different people. No more than say an American from new York and one from Georgia are "different".
Looks white
It's mixed race country.
Their best modern equivalents are Palestinians and Bedouins, autosomally. Ironically better than modern Egyptians
Notice how the painting has the same exact skin color as the woman above
obvious reproduction, post the original
>bronze is the same as black
Yeah no.
Well she unironically looks like my grandmother when she was young.
>Implying either are literally black
There are people in the vicinity of ancient Egypt that look exactly like the paintings, the fact that this is completely scoffed at indicates some form of white inferiority complex, fueling revisionism.
Oh really? Is that why the Egyptians clearly denoted the Nubians as a separate ethnicity from them like they did with Libyans and Asiatics? Nubian culture and Egyptian culture rose alongside one another, and intermingled constantly, but that doesn't mean that they weren't distinct people.
>the only type of white person is a blonde Nordic who has never been out in the sun
>white inferiority complex
Nigger I swear to god I’m gonna fucking lynch you
>Implying there aren't people on this very board who would unironically agree with that statement
If that was the case then there has never been such a thing as white American.
It's hypocrisy when people use the blackest of congoids as the only definition of "black" then complain when the inverse is applied to them.
>implying their opinion matters
>it’s hypocrisy
Try to learn not to listen too stupid people then
Blacks are far more phenotypically diverse because of the one drop rule standard, and the purity spiraling that is used to define White.
>40 post
>16 posters
Stop samefagging you fucking nigger
I'm not claiming they were white you assumptious brain dead moron. I'm saying they weren't niggers.
>one rule standard
You told me you aren't American so why are you using American standards?
>Implying "black", is only defined by one shade. The blackest of the black. I guess will Smith isn't black then?
In this pic notice how many of the Nubians are the same shade as the Pharaoh.
Because the world follows the American standard of racial ID politics. I've seen straight up africans be called african-americans.
>Because the world follows the American standard of racial ID politics
No it fucking doesn't. Not even close. Go to Mexico or Brazil and see if the people there even know what the one drop rule is. Different countries follow incredibly varied racial ID politics.
>Because the world follows the American standard of racial ID politics.
That's not true.
>"If you squint he's white"
not an sjw but tbqh it might as well be a social construct in muttmerica because the lines are so blurred there
>because the world follows the American standard of racial ID politics.
It doesn't