
I've seen it on this board multiple times so I'll dispel the Myth that Muhammad is a pedophile. The evidence fore this is Aisha's sister Asmā. She is recorded to be 10 years older than Aisha, and a year before Aisha and Muhammad married Asmā was recorded to be 28 years of age. 28-10+1=19. Thus Muhammad married Aisha at the age of 19. And just so we're clear by "recorded" I mean the historians Ibn Kathir and Ibn 'Asakir recorded Asmā's age in relation to her sister Aisha.

Other urls found in this thread:

how's the goat ahmed?

muslims refuse to accept their own history and so they are doomed to repeat the humiliations of the ottoman empire. Genocides, being conquered, opression of minorities, fall of central atuhority, stagnant and unsucessful wars, deaths of their leaders in increasingly bizzare and violent circumstances etc. Until they understand their shortcomings the muslim world is doomed to suffer.

I know this isn't a serious response but I'll also take this opportunity you gave me in your infinite wisdom to dispel the Muslim bestiality myth too. This is something I got online "Bestiality is a grave sin and a reprehensible misdeed. Allaah, The Exalted, says (what means): {And do not approach immoralities – what is apparent of them and what is concealed.} [Quran 6:151] The Prophet , said: "Cursed is he who curses his father; cursed is he who curses his mother; cursed is he who dedicates an animal sacrifice to other than Allaah; cursed is he who meddles with the borders of someone's land (unjustly alters the landmark to encroach upon that land); cursed is he who misleads a blind person away from his path; cursed is he who has intercourse with an animal; cursed is he who does the act of the people of Loot (sodomy)." [Ahmad - Al-Arnaa’oot said its Isnaad (chain of narrators) is Hasan (good)]

The Prophet , also said: "If someone engages in sexual intercourse with an animal, kill him and kill the animal." [Ahmad and others - Al-Arnaa’oot said its Isnaad is Hasan]"

t. Imam Omar bin Mullah Husam al Din

Become Christian. Now.

>Cursed is he who curses his father; cursed is he who curses his mother;
slave morality

t. goatfucker

Yes the middle easterners are am unintelligent bunch, and I'm a Kurd so I'm obviously not much smarter, but Islam isn't to blame for our retardation.


Thank you for the genius input Kaffir


Yeah we literally call ourselves slaves of God. Your point?

Images of Jesus are blasphemous

Christianity is alright and all but we're actually Monotheistic

its a crutch

Christianity is no less monotheistic

Sorry but I don't know what that means

I know you believe the Trinity is three in one but another thing is that God would never lower himself to our level in the flesh.

islam's appel to fear of God are a crutch to become pious. Which means they'd be better off if they walked on their own two feet instead of three.

>I know you believe the Trinity is three in one
Yes, and the Quran does not know that. It also misrepresents who the "three" are supposed to be.
>another thing is that God would never lower himself to our level in the flesh
Would not or could not?


I'm sorry but are you a faggy Atheist?

His becoming a man was to glorify Himself.

none of your business you shade throwing moron

Also I was saying that you believe the trinity is one in three, but in the end if you represent God as three entities it doesn't really matter whether or not they're three in one or not

Why not?

I'm sorry it's just that I was curious seeing as that's an argument they tend to make because people "shouldn't be slaves to their imaginary friends" and all that.

Because God is one single entity and he begot none. Saying so, giving God a family is similar to making a pantheon. God is alone in his perfection.

Yeah, and a muslim accusing random people who are actually educated on matters of ecclesiastisy of atheism is more proof that you're all too fuckign stupid to own a single qoran.



Ok, I now seek to correct your misunderstandings and I request an open mind. We believe God is a most pure act, He is all that He could be and all that He could be He is. God is not extra-dependent or self-dependent, God simply is. This means that all that which is within God is the fullness of God, God does not properly have attributes, rather, He is His attributes. It is an improper predication to say God is loving, because love is a human concept that only barely relates to the magnitude of what God is. When a creature experiences God's love, what they really experience is God Himself, which they as mere creatures rationalize as love (since that is the closest thing of which they are aware). This is relevant, because of what we mean when we say the Son is eternally begotten. Since God is so self-sufficient for His being, it is impossible for perfection to be added to any attribute, He is entirely perfect by nature. Thus, since love is more perfect when it has an external object, the Son was "begotten" (by which we merely mean that the Son came from the Father, and is of the same substance). And since love is more perfect still when it has more than one external object, the Holy Spirit proceeded from the Father and the Son. These three persons are so utterly similar and united, that they are the same distinguishable only by these relations to one another, as begetter and begotten, spirator and proceeding. They are the same being, with the same subjective will.

>thinking brownskin muslims actually are relevant anymore

Who here White Neoplatonic Muslim master race?

Chinese Philosophy, more specifically Confucianism, is vastly superior to Greek Philosophy.


We all know that if there is any ideology embracing the one true god that we know and love, it's Daoism, not Confucianism.

I'd rather preserve the order and hierarchy than "naturalness", and withdrawing from society to become a hermit gains you nothing.

Also vegetarianism is actually the dumbest thing ever

That's not what Daoism is.

Also, I did want you to understand that the relationship between the 'King and God' are mentioned repeatedly which is why Daoism goes very well with monotheism.

In light of Daoism, the people who say eastern religions weren't monotheistic were retards, plain and simple.


As a liberal and a transgender otherkin who hates Trump and his Russian fascism, I like totally agree with you OP. Muhammad was a social progressive a liberal of his time. He gave women the right to vote, he was tolerant of all religions and practices and he was very multicultural and he even allowed women to be free and be tolerant towards LGBTQ+ people of color. That's why I hate it when intolerant right wingers like Trump and conservative Russian puppets are racist against Muslims and Islam. ISIS isn't even real Islam and it has nothing to do with Islam.

I once saw a twitter account of a trans muslim.


Which is obviously blasphemy.

Take the mean!

I know that the Koran prohibits homosexuality and bestiality, but the reason why so many Muslims engage in those is because they are prohibited from interacting with women outside their immediate family until they are married, and many of them can’t manage to secure a marriage. So indirectly, the constraints placed on amen by the Koran lead to child and animal abuse.

You laugh the tears away user your philosophers were shit

>Didn't hurt a single person in his entire life
What would you call using a scourge to chase people away from their place of livelyhood?

Why can't christians into math?

>Usury Pharisees

That's the lowest post I've ever seen

Iq* yes I'm phone fagging

>here' the thing...

Jesus was literally a virgin, unlike Mohammed

Haha, I like your sarcastic post which mocks SJWs and regressive leftists, I think it’s very funny!


>Eat rice be nice
>People can be food to
>Also respect your faggot parents ok
So this is the power... of Slanteye philosophy

Yes, because a virgin can be a Chad and vice versa, nice shipost, cuckstian, now go back to licking my feet.

Absolute state of this board. Not a single argument. This is what happens when you give seppos internet access

>so many Muslims engage in those
citation needed

This desu senpai

>literally victim blaming