tell me about the hussars. why do they wear the wings?
Tell me about the hussars. why do they wear the wings?
TURK/Steppenigger influence.
To be specific. The Polack Hussar is a copy of the Hungarian Hussar who in turn was a copy of Balkanlar cavalry who in turn were copies of these weird bois, Ottoman Light Cavalry called the Deli Cavalry, who ranged ahead of the main army and did lots of damage to the countryside. Basically Eastern Euros copied these cunts to counter them. Except the Polack copy became heavy cavalry instead.
nobody cared who they were untill they put on the wings
if i put these on, would you fly?
The wings is a very old steppenigger meme. Nobody is really sure why they did it. One theory goes because the main gods of Steppenigs were skygods (i.e. Tengri), and in addition to the relevance of eagles & falcons in their culture, they sought to emulate them as totems in the battlefield. There's another one that goes they were intimidation factor. Another one says it prevents the wearer from being Lassoed in battle.
Hell that Wings thing was done by other cultures influenced by Steppenigs, like the Chinese and Koreans. Albeit they stuck theirs on the barding of their horses instead of the trooper.
you'd have to be pretty crazy to charge into battle with a lasso when everyone else have sabres, spears, and bows
I've heard that the wings would flap in the wind and make an intimidating sound, kind of like the siren on a Stuka. Is there any truth to that?
he didn't fly so good
Myth, but it has some basis in fact. The serbian exiles who formed the precursor units had a traditonal battle cry when facing turkish armies, it's been described as a sort of "reeeeee" sound, which was initially taken up by the later Polish Hussars. The practice seemed to have died out by the late commonwealth, though.
Lassos often came out during pursuits of routing enemies. And Steppenigs didn't want to be some captured and enslaved cunt.
>it's been described as a sort of "reeeeee" sound
what a sec are you trying to meme me?
well all in good fun innit
>you'd have to be pretty crazy to charge into battle with a lasso when everyone else have sabres, spears, and bows
I think I am baited, because I don't want to believe that people think it works like in video games and you can carry only one weapon to battle.
With sabre you will have a hard time hurting heavy armoured opponent. The same with spears and bows. But catch that guy on lasso and he is done for.
Meme troops but it's all the Poles got so we let them have it.
Identification. Same as pickelhaube
Wait, thinking about it wouldn't pic related help you tell wind direction when standing still? Maybe it was a visual aide for estimating wind speed when you're trying to shoot some fuckers with your bow. Like one of these fuckers could test for wind direct rotate and fire downwind at their enemy while running them down and get some better shots off.
It's time to stop posting, retard.
Thats not true. Is very common. In example gauchos and south american indians used lances, boleadoras (bolas, as a kind of "morning star" and as a throwing weapon) ans lazoes in skirmish and warfare.
>why do they wear the wings?
Lowering enemy's morale
Feather rustle scaring off enemy's horses
Prevention of Tatatrs throwing lassos on hussar's head behind his back
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This scares the g*Rmanoid subhumans.
Why the hell is he wielding a glorified long stick? It isn't even sharpened to a point
You forgot the pierogi
They're clearly trying to capture that guy alive. Might be he just turned his spear around.
Because they are chickens, like all p*lacks
Fuckoff luke
Meme troops?
cuz they are angels of war.
but i wonder prime siwss mercenaries vs prime winged hussars, who would win?
wings were ceremonial, they did not wear them in battle
Polack mad that his special snowflake unit isn't so white.
>never run away from fight or battle, rather die than surrender
>start fights in western countries, criminals n shit
>hunt down muslims in western countries and forcibly baptise them
lmao wut
Polacks aren't wh*Te but BLACK you dumb piece of illiterate shit.
Winged Hussars were a heavy cav, not light.