>"so this is our sons room, he's quite the budding historian!"
"so this is our sons room, he's quite the budding historian!"
>"Wonderful! So do you think he'll enjoy working at McDonald's for the next fifteen years?"
>"Huh... quite a lot of Anne Frank posters..."
>So uh...did he know Stalin killed 100 million people?
>"w-wait why is she pregnant?"
>Why is Tsar Nicolas II's face on his pillow?
>"Why is he screaming about imaginary socialism in there?"
>Is that semen?
>"Oh what a nice poster... is he a down syndrome activist as well?"
>Why does he only talk about WW2, the Holocaust, and how Africa never created a civilization of value?
This cancer is spreading from /pol/ to Veeky Forums
Glad I made myself comfortable in Veeky Forums a month ago
>not knowing this is an Veeky Forums meme
>being this new
i thought battlestation threads were a /g/ thing
H-hi mom
>the room of every man if women didn't exist
it is actually an old meme, saw it on /r9k/ and /tv/ and most memes come from those 2 boards, /pol/ used to be a powerhouse of memery but after Trump they became a circlejerk and lost much of their creativity
Imagine being this much of a newfag
01 Mar 2012
Wed 09 Jul 2014
the oldest reference I can find is from /a/, it was then memed heavily on /tv/, not a newfag, I have been here since 2005, merely not omnipotent and on Veeky Forums everywhere all the time
>tfw my mom's friends mocked me because my bookcase was "too full"
>"haha, he's a bit of nerd isn't he? Did you buy all these books for him? How much did that cost?"
>"how do you even time to read all of this? Does this really interest you? All these people are dead, you know?"
>"You should force him to go outside more"
Joke's on me, they were right, I should have read less and gone out more, now I'm miserable. My parents always supported me and even encouraged me to study it in college, though, bless their souls but they should have listened to them.
Huh a Veeky Forums historian
A poster of Caesar, a banner from the legion that first crossed the Rubicon with him, a pair of little bronze looking statuettes(Fortuna&Minerva), a 4inch bust of Alexander the great, a 3 inch 3D printed buts of Marcus Aurelius, and more
user, what do you have 3d printed butts of Marcus Aurelius for?
I make no apologies.
because I cant type for shit and my phone uploads upsidedown
Fucking aussie wasted quads
xDDDD low paying jobs so.funi
What do you expect when you get a degree that means "yeah, I read some books".
It would be funny if it wasn't sad.
Only truth hurts.
t.master in Medieval History who has given up on trying to find a job in the field, is "too educated" for entry level jobs, and has "not enough experience" for anything else.
I literally only got a shit job thanks to family.
My nigga. I have a bust of Augustus with a hat from my friend, a bandana and eyepatch from a Halloween costume, and a lei I got from an uber when I was hammered.
blimey thats nice. I was looking up fullsize busts of Caesar and they are expensive as fuck.
Best I could do was taking a caligula bust/flower planter for 40$, stripping its rough outdoor paint, doctoring it up with papermache and plaster, painting it, and installing lamp hardware. I call it my Caligulamp
thats quality
How much is too expensive for you? The one I have is from Design Tuscano, it only cost like $200-$250, and it is almost too big. They had one of Julius there, too, but it's a too realistic of a representation for my taste. Dude looks like he's undergoing chemo.
That lamp is sweet, though.
>I was looking up fullsize busts of Caesar and they are expensive as fuck.
Order a simple $15 3d print, create a plaster mold, and then pour in fine cement, polish with sand blast and put on an epoxy coat if you feel like it.
Cheap full size bust.
the planter lamp was also design tuscano, though now its up to 70 i see.
I am at a point now where between watch collecting, and trying to buy parts for a new PC build I cant drop that kind of coin on that.
I should look into that, thanks mate.
>Glock "perfection"
>aftermarket barrel
>aftermarket slide
>aftermarket frame
Probably new sights too
you should write a book
>'Oh, those head-shaped indents on the wall with the traces of dried blood on them? Ah, yes, that's from when we had the German exchange student over a few months ago. We...uh, we aren't doing that again next year...'
>Do you want to hear about the Danzig massacres
That's why I keep history as only a hobby. I'm a STEM student (bio and chem), but I absorb dozens of history books and biographies each year. It's basically my #1 personal interest. It seems that more people need to learn how to separate personal hobbies and viable career paths. It doesn't help that high schools basically indoctrinate students with the mantra of "Study whatever interests you!" despite it being a horribly unhelpful and harmful one.
Its so annoying whenever I reveal any interest in anything to my mother for example, and she goes "Well user, you sure have a lot of interest in that! Maybe you should get a job in that field!"
Thinking that a book saying that the word motley changed from being an aristocratic and positive word to a negative and common word DOESN'T mean that I want to become a linguist for fuck's sake, maybe I just find things interesting and know that I'm not smart or qualified enough for it or the field is a useless one. Sometimes /pol/ and /r9k/ opinions have convinced me that it is a woman problem and that they can't see that people can have multiple interests while not trying to get a job in the field, but to be frank I don't have the breadth of opinion to know.
I'm fairly certain that's a 100% freedom approved 80% glawk frame and slide.
thats a nice poster user
Did the Great War channel sell that poster
Ahahaha you won't be safe on Veeky Forums for much longer. Went on there yesterday and saw 3 /pol/ threads.
fuck i came so close to that with the entirety of career advice through school and from everywhere being DO WHAT YOU ENJOY tm
This IS good advice with only the caveat is that you have chase your dreams responsibly. Enjoying it is often not enough in that you have to force yourself to slog though what you have to "start with the greeks" style. I have a more practical background in art so for you theory folks I can only image you guys going on youtube or writing with a history background.
>practical background
>master in Medieval History
with that you can easily get a job though, you just need to market yourself differently. For example, while getting your master you should have gained ample skills at taking information from multiple sources and critically analyzing it and compiling it. Market yourself with those skills and whatever else administrative that you learned and you'll have a cushy job (for example a commissioner) in no time! God speed, user
You just described a law degree
>being so insecure you try to put a law degree on the same level as a history degree
History and archaeology get you a job in most of Europe, if you're not a normie and don't care about muh building a family you're fine with that pay
>tfw have a passion for economics and math
>tfw get to do what I enjoy and have high-paying bank job lined up
>ftw friend us a computer buff and is guaranteed a programming job
Nothing wrong with "Do what you enjoy" unless you're a worthless humanitiesfag
>tfw history phd candidate
>tfw do not have to worry about finding a job due to a-being single child (dem inheritence) b-parents being engineers making good money
>tfw asian parents so they are shamed into looking after me
>tfw mooch off them as a neet after I graduate
Go become a STEM major so you can cuck yourself to upper middle class only to give autismbux to your 30 year old son studying memehistory.
IT is like the most in-demand job in the world right now, so anyone that's interested in it is hugely in luck.
Enjoy having nothing to offer a woman, user.
>Muh women
Pathetic beta bucks cuck
Oh okay, I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were an actual faggot. My mistake.
Wooow he called me a faggot, enjoy spending your life doing something you don't like doing, so that a gold digger whore who's only interested in your money can suck you off for a few minutes and cheat on you as soon as she finds a man who actually likes his life and is attractive to her
When did I say I didn't like what I was doing?
Then if you do why do you want to force other people to do the shit that you do?
Didn't it cross your mind that people have different interests and talents?
Well you taken out of my mouth so kudos to you sir
I'm the original guy you responded
If your life purpose is to be a provider to some ungrateful woman than I feel sorry for you.
Not that it is hard to get laid, if you lower your standards. Cucking yourself in stem making low 6 figures only to get laid is pathetic
Didn't mean to offend. God bless!
>skull flask
I've never seen a history teacher/prof/Museum curator that didn't have a family and I am in Europe. What the hell are you on about. It's actually more likely you will create a family if you are a humanitiesfag, since you will not be phasing that for later because you don't care much about muh career
I am also in finance, but i enjoy history. Most people enjoy more than one thing at a time my man
Wow sure showed me, you are to one to imply no women will look at you if don't have a good pay, you are the one who needs to do STEM so that MAYBE a woman will like you (will like your money*), you belong to r9k, I have nothing against women, just against the type you're looking for since you are desperate for sex
What's he going to do with all that money?
Stop this, you are only making me insecure because i am studying international affairs