was hitler a white supremacist? or strictly a german nationalist?
Was hitler a white supremacist? or strictly a german nationalist?
Hitler was black
That's why all the white boi's ganged up on him
Germanic supremacist with Germans being bestest of the Germanic
I recommend reading Hans Gunthers' "Racial Elements in European History" if you really want to know what Hitler thought (as long as you're mature enough to recognize it for what it is and just give up reading after the sixth retarded WE WUZ KHANS claim in five sentences), he explicitly based most of his beliefs on Gunther and cited him several times.
Short version: Hitler was not a white nationalist, and I'd argue true white nationalists never existed to any notable extent outside of the meme fringes of the USA. He was a Nordicist and German nationalist. He regarded Mediterraneans (most Italians, Greeks, Spaniards) and Alpines (most southern Germans, French, Austrians, Slovaks, Irish, etc.) as slightly inferior to Nordics, and Inner Asiatics (Tatars, Siberians, Finns, some Hungarians, some Russians and Poles) as far inferior, and East Baltics (most Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians) as even more inferior. Several of the things Gunther says about "East Baltic" Poles is basically white nationalist screed with the words swapped up, complete with characterizing Poles as inherently intellectually inferior and incapable of long term civilization without a Nordic head, and blaming the high homicide rate of East Germany on race mixing with the inherently savage Poles.
The concept of white supremacy wasn't relevant in pre-WWII Germany, because everyone there was white. Hitler probably never saw more than a handful of blacks or Arabs in his entire life.
Here's a quote from Mein Kampf:
>The fundamental racial elements are not only different in different districts, but there are also various elements in the single districts. Beside the Nordic type we find the East-European type, beside the Eastern there is the Dinaric, the Western type intermingling with both, and hybrids among them all. That is a grave drawback for us.
Note: Gunther often shortened "East Baltic" to simply "Eastern" (or called it "Easteuropoid"), and occasionally called Alpine "Western" instead (because it was the predominant type in Western Europe).
He was a German supremacist.
He murdered millions of Europeans/Whites. He's clearly a German supremacist.
>I'd argue true white nationalists never existed to any notable extent outside of the meme fringes of the USA
the Confederacy was a white nationalist movement, no? that's not fringe
Were the Nazis ISIS?
It was. But the Confederacy at its peak was still only about 20% of the USA's whites. Maybe fringe was the wrong word though, what I meant to say is that it was never a big movement outside of the US and even in the US had a relatively brief heyday.
ISIS is actually pretty multiethnic despite being extremely bigoted in manners of religion, sex, sexual orientation, political belief system, etc. Their's a preference for Levantine and Mesopotamian Arabs but they've got fighters and commanders from everywhere from Xinjiang to Chechnya to Tunisia.
not to mention that they weren't even the majority in some Southern states and had to supress the nigger vote in order to stay on top of things, shit they even screwed over poor whites over with shit like literacy tests and even the Grandfather clause. In short, the ruling class in the South were some sore fucking losers
Some excerpts from Gunthers' work that may be useful in determining how the Nazis saw things (he was appointed to a new chair of racial theory at Jena and was the only leading racial theorist to join the party before it assumed power in 1933).
>The five races of Europe as defined by their physical characteristics are:
>The Nordic race: tall (average 1.75 meters), long-headed, narrow-faced, with prominent chin; narrow nose with high bridge; soft, smooth or wavy light hair; deep-sunk light eyes; rosy-white skin.
>The Mediterranean race: short (average 1.60 meters), long-headed, narrow faced, with less prominent chin; larger narrow nose with high bridge and slight curve; soft, smooth or curly brown or black hair; deep-sunk brown eyes; brownish skin.
>The Dinaric race: tall (average 1.73 meters), short-headed, narrow-faced, with a steep back to the head, looking as though it were cut away; very prominent nose, which stands right out, with a high bridge, and at the cartilage sinks downward at its lower part, becoming rather fleshy; curly brown or black hair; deepsunk brown eyes; fair to brownish skin.
>The Alpine race: short (average 1.63 meters), short-headed, broad-faced, with chin not prominent; flat, short nose with low bridge; stiff, brown hair; brown eyes, standing out; fair-yellowish skin.
>The East Baltic race: short, short-headed, broad-faced, with heavy, massive under jaw, chin not prominent, flat, rather broad, short nose with low bridge; stiff, light hair; light eyes, standing out; light skin with a grey undertone.
Hitler never mentioned anything about Alpines and Mediterraneans or any of that shit. Those were various Anglo authors.
White nationalists were almost non-existent, but white supremacy was pretty mainstream in Europe and North America.
Thats some heavy grade autism, didn't he want to physically remove people from the Baltics for muh Lebensraum? I thought the Baltic people were as European and Blonde as it gets
The guy you're replying to is lying.
On mental characteristics:
>In accordance with this picture we may take judgment, truthfulness, and energy to be the qualities which are always found marking out Nordic man. It is by a certain mastering of his own nature that he comes by his power of judgment and keeps it, standing as a free man over against himself, and still more over against the influence of others. He feels a strong urge towards truth and justice, and shows, therefore, a practical attitude, an attitude of weighing, which often makes him look cool and stiff. He is distinguished by a highly developed sense of reality, which, in combination with an energy that may rise to boldness, urges him on to far-reaching undertakings. Together with this he has a decided sense for competitive achievement, and develops a characteristic passion for the real, while passion in the usual meaning of the rousing of the senses or the heightening of the sexual life has little meaning for him. His inclinations are always towards prudence, reserve, steadfastness, calm judgment.
>The Mediterranean race is painted by all observers as passionate and excitable. It has less depth of mind and is easily aroused, and easily reconciled; loves strong, vivid colours, and vivid impressions of all kinds; tends to take a deep, often childish interest in its fellow-men (which must not, however, be long strained); takes great joy in the spoken word and in pleasing and lively movements; and is inclined to find suppleness and craft particularly worthy of interest and praise. With all these qualities the Mediterranean man looks on life with merry eyes more as a play, whereas the Nordic lives it more as a set task. The Mediterranean man is eloquent, often a skilled orator, not seldom he is (at least for the Nordic observer) talkative and somewhat superficial. His spirits are quick to rise, and quick to sink; he is very ready, too, to fall into hot strife, and forgives sooner than the men of other races.
>The Mediterranean man is not very hard-working, often he is lazy; he likes to enjoy life the more. He is not very drawn to money-making; anyhow, he does not exert himself much over this. A disposition to cruelty and animal torture, a not unfrequent inclination to Sadism may perhaps stand in relation to the stronger sexuality
>The members of the Dinaric race are characterized by a rough strength and downrightness, by a peculiar trustworthiness, by a feeling for honour and love of the home, by bravery and a certain self-consciousness. The Dinaric man is characterized by a warm feeling for nature, a strong love of the home, and a spirit of creativeness in fashioning the surroundings to be the ordered expression of himself in houses, implements, customs, and forms of speech. He does not, however, turn his gifts so much to the vaster undertakings, to leadership in the most varied spheres of life, or to restless progress and strenuous competition. He lives more in the present than does the provident, foreseeing Nordic. But it is not mere chance that the predominantly Dinaric south-east of the German-speaking area (like the East with its East Baltic strain) is marked by a particularly high percentage of convictions for dangerous bodily wounding, and in general by a relatively high percentage of criminal convictions... For mental capacity I
would put the Dinaric race second among the races of Europe.
>The Alpine man may be called reflective, hard-working, and narrow-minded. The two latter are the qualities which have struck most of those who have had to do with the Alpine, together with reserve, sullenness, mistrust, slowness, and patience when he is dealing with strangers. We have here a type which on the whole shows those very qualities that are generally found in the bourgeois, using this word for a mental outlook, not for a class. The Alpine man is sober, a hard-working small business man, who patiently makes his way by dint of economy (not of enterprise).
>In any nation, the Alpine section (which is not that of the leaders, but of the led) will, by its plodding industry, temperance, and thrift, by a certain 'sober, sound common-sense,' most likely make up a peaceful bourgeois element, appearing in every calling and class (decreasing gradually as we go upwards). Fraud (?), blackmail, and threats would seem to be more frequent in the predominantly Alpine parts of Germany.
>The East Baltic man man cannot decide either for good or for evil, and so ends by leaving his surroundings as they were; he shows himself averse from all change, and at last puts everything into 'God's hands,' ending with a dumb belief, a belief very often of unrelieved gloom, in some destiny hanging over him. His disposition being such, particularly with its lack of resolution, the East Baltic man does not come very far even with all his industry, stubborn and determined though it often is. He can bear much suffering, privation, and oppression from those in power; and often shows great steadfastness. But there is a lack of any real creative power. Opposed to all individuality, and always cultivating a dead level of thought for all, the East Baltic man is generally a patient and long-suffering subject. He has a particularly lively sense of patriotism; but needs to be led.
>What is particularly striking about the East Baltic man is his quick change of disposition: he may have been in a violent rage with a man a moment before, then comes repentance, and he is ready for a boundless reconciliation, and to give himself up to every kind of self-reproach. He springs in a moment from dejection to unrestrained high spirits, from a dull indifference to fanaticism. After weeks of dreary toil he will often heedlessly squander all that he has earned. His boisterousness may turn to a blind lust of destruction. 'Nihilism' lies deep in the East Baltic soul. He seldom knows how to keep the wealth he has earned; riches make him extravagant and fond of show.
>The East Baltic man's mind is not capable of quick decision, but with all its slowness it is penetrating... He inclines to brutality in his sexual relations, and, indeed, to brutality in general. The German districts with most East Baltic blood have 'a heavy proportion of crime'.
He was a neurotic self-hating Jew. His ancestors were of the notorious Judeo-Dutch merchant Schicklgruber family, a name which literally means Shekel grubbler, someone who likes to grab gold coins and hold them in their hands because they covet them greatly.
>The German districts with most East Baltic blood have 'a heavy proportion of crime'.
The German districts with the most East Baltic blood are the ones that united your country, Gunther you silly goose.
Finally, on the predominant race in each country, taken from various chapters:
Britain and Ireland: Nordic.
>We may adopt the following proportions for these [British] islands: Nordic blood, 55 to 60 per cent.; Mediterranean, 30 per cent.; Alpine, 10 per cent
France: Alpine (central), Mediterranean (south), Nordic (north)
>The proportion of Nordic blood in France at about 25 per cent., the Alpine and the Dinaric together at about 50 per cent., the Mediterranean at about 25 per cent.
Germany: Nordic
>The amount of Nordic blood in the German people may be reckoned at 50 to 55 per cent. The Nordic strain in Germany seems to be rather more distributed over the whole people than in England, where it seems to belong far more to the upper classes.
>South Germany shows the strongest strain of Alpine blood; indeed, in the Black Forest, in western Switzerland, in the more mountainous parts of Württemberg, and in the midlands of Bavaria there is a certain preponderance of Alpine blood.
>North-east Germany, particularly East Prussia, shows itself as the region where the East Baltic strain is strongest; but there is nothing like an East Baltic predominance
>North-west Germany and north Holland, especially where the Lower Saxon dialect is spoken, are seen clearly to be the regions where the Nordic race is most strongly predominant. Starting from here, the Nordic strain grows weaker as we go south, south-west, and east. East of the Oder we can no longer (except for the Baltic coast to about the Vistula) speak of a predominance of the Nordic race, nor south of the Main.
Italy: Mediterranean
>Italy on the whole shows an Alpine-Dinaric northern half with a Mediterranean and slight Nordic strain, and a Mediterranean southern half with a weak Hither Asiatic strain. The Nordic race is no longer found living in continuous, unbroken areas of settlement; the Nordic strain (which is perhaps 15 per cent. of the whole) is most evident in Piedmont, about Milan, and in Venetia.
that gunther guy sounds like autism prime.
Spain and Portugal: Mediterranean.
>SPAIN belongs almost wholly to the Mediterranean race, and is therefore, racially, a relatively homogeneous land. The Alpine race appears in the northwestern boundary mountains, in the upper districts of the Asturian-Cantabrian range, especially about Oviedo, and follows the range as far as the northern Portuguese frontier. A certain Nordic strain, however -- Ploetz estimates it and the Alpine strain at about 15 per cent. each -- is unmistakable
>Scandinavia: Nordic, except Finland, which is Inner Asiatic/East Baltic
>NORWAY is predominantly Nordic, except for the districts inhabited by the Lapps, who are predominantly Inner Asiatic (?), with an East Baltic and Nordic admixture.
>Owing to the relations with Finland a good deal of East Baltic blood has soaked through from there, while on the other hand, much more Nordic blood has flowed from Sweden to Finland. We may, perhaps, take the Swedish blood to be over 80 per cent. Nordic, the Norwegian blood about 80 per cent.
>If we except the districts settled by Lapps and Finns,14 to whom, as in Norway, a certain Inner Asiatic (?) and East Baltic strain in the population is due, Sweden is perhaps still more Nordic than Norway, and, therefore, the relatively purest Nordic land of all
>Denmark as a whole is not so relatively pure Nordic as Schleswig-Holstein, and therefore
not to be compared with Sweden and Norway. Jutland is the relatively purest Nordic
region of Denmark. The Danish islands especially have an Alpine and East Baltic
admixture, to such an extent that the general average for Denmark looks less Nordic than
Scandinavia on the one hand and Schleswig-Holstein on the other
Poland: East Baltic
>The east of Europe shows a gradual transition of the racial mixtures of Central Europe into predominantly East Baltic and Inner Asiatic regions... Owing to the likeness between East Baltic and Inner Asiatic characters it will often be hard to fix a boundary between these races
If he was alive today, he'd be a white nationalist. Case closed
Russia: East Baltic
>Central and north-western Russia are (with the exception, perhaps, of the somewhat more Nordic regions at the boundaries of the Baltic States) on the whole predominantly East Baltic. Going southward, the East Baltic race gradually grows less, though the East Baltic strain still shows itself clearly... Inner Asiatic blood shows itself as a more or less strong admixture all over the east of Europe. It is said to be very evident in the Russian district of Yaroslav.
>The Nordic blood in the Russian-speaking regions, however, may be reckoned at 25 per cent to 30 per cent. In Poland the decrease in Nordic blood and the increase in East Baltic, Alpine, and Inner Asiatic as we go east seems to gather speed.
That's all the relevant ones.
This is really nothing compared to his we wuzzism (we wuz khans, we wuz Romans, we wuz Chinese, we wuz Greeks, we wuz Egyptians, etc.) which he justifies with circular logic (Genghis Khan was Nordic because he acted Nordic, and we know the way he acted is Nordic because people who act that way are Nordic).
What is this pokedex shit?
Even though I don’t trust this as reliable science, these are very interesting to read.
Sometimes I wonder if there isn’t a small shred of truth to some of these conclusions. For instance, I’m mostly ethnically Southern European, but also a fully assimilated American. I have a high IQ and managed a SAT score of 1480 without studying. However, I’m also extremely lazy, impulsive, hot-headed, and libidinous. Same goes for a lot of Italian Americans I know. Maybe Northern Europeans are naturally less impassioned and more suited to delayed gratification than Southern Europeans. But I think what little geneticists know about the genes governing such abstract personality characteristics isn’t conclusive enough to have an answer for that.
Although there was a great deal of discrimination based on national origin, with Saudis at the top.
>The Nordic race
>average 1.75 meters
Probably more German supremacist. He held the Japanese and Chinese relatively highly and maybe also Turkish as well, not sure. His views towards Slavs discredits the idea of him being a white supremacist.
Hitler thought that the Japanese and middle eastern arabs had a strain of aryan genetics but thought poles and russians were sub humans. 1940s United States was more white nationalist than nazi Germany
we wuz fuhrers und sheeeiß
Hitler was a German supremacist
One of the justifications that the Southern gentry used for slavery was that it prevented the underclass from turning to crime and shiftlessness by essentially making class warfare on black slaves (i.e. you might be low on the scale but at least you're better off than the niggers)
This is why I hate /pol/. It is clear that hitler was a german nationalist yet americans who are 1/200th germans ans 1/2th black worship him as the savior of the white race.
he wanted to completely exterminate certain balt ethnic groups like latgalians.
it's mostly ironic shitposts and infographics created by trolls who know everything they made is demonstrably false, but it gets eaten up by retarded people who think it's legitimate and came too late to realize it was initially created as a joke. that's why it's hard to tell when people are baiting or not, because the veterans are expert at baiting and the newer people are just so retarded it's infuriating.
Australians also whined about racial purity to avoid Chinese people taking over.
>Fuck all Slavs, except ones we don't border and are not strong, these are cool and can have own legions.
>Hey, we need extra allies in east Asia, but they're not white. Let's declare them honorary Aryans to solve the problem.
>Hey French and English, I know you are Jew-controlled scum, but we plan to open the second front, so maybe peace?
How can people still follow such meme ideology as hitlerism?
This. Poles and Balts united Germany. Polish-Baltic genocide when?
funnier part of it is that people think the nazi power structure was so solid and great and the army was tactical genius.
hitler purposefully set up multiple different agencies/persons to have overlapping jurisdiction so that they'd get into eachother's hair and inevitably hate eachother. the army, navy, and airforce all fucking hated one another. every general hated a general. every field marshal had some other retard managing a similar sector. it was a logistical nightmare. hitler made it this way so his opponents could never really only focus on ousting him, they'd have to worry about getting backstabbed by some random admiral or general from a different division. that is not a sustainable form of government. had germany won, it almost certainly would've collapsed as soon as hitler died.
>exterminate latgalians
I mean, who doesn't?
Don't even know what a Latgalian is.
He was a German supremacist who believed that Germany's greatness came from its Germanic and volkish appearance and that lesser races such as Jews, Slavs, Russians, Poles, etc. were to be physically eliminated and the east colonized by German speaking settlers replacing the previous people that use to live there. Pretty pathetic for a white nationalist desu.
He was a BLACK TURK.
There were no death camps.
Inshallah my BLACK brother. Burkahtlerenci was the greatest BLACK TURK to ever live, killing an unprecedented amount of filthy wh*toids.
Irony and cynicism are the two manifestation of ideology today.
Total idiot post.
Actual Nazi retard replies seriously with Holocaust denial bullshit, doesn't realize he's talking with a troll
The IQ of this place gets closer to the single digits every year.