Heh heh, ya know Jimbo, the ovens at Treblinka would have had to burn over 8000 bodies per day to make the purported death figures accurate! Yet no ashes or bone fragments have ever been found at the site! Now ain't that just quacking crazy?!
Heh heh, ya know Jimbo...
this is some low effort reddit tier posting
based flipping year old meme poster
Heh heh, ya know Dad, the man Franciszek Honiok was a German catholic who was arrested by the Gestapo, executed, and then blamed for the Gleiwitz incident, in order to justify the invasion of Poland.
Heh, bet ya didn't know that? Did ya Dad?
Heh heh, ya know Jimbo, only about half a million African slaves were shipped to what we nowadays call the United States. On the other hand, the Arab slave trade was responsible for the castration, rape and bondage of over 15 million Africans and Europeans alike, and goes on in many countries to this day! Now ain't that just quacking crazy?!
Hey, Jimmy Jim. Jimbo. Jimmerman! Did you know the Allies had aerial photographs of Auschwitz throughout WW2? And that none of them showed any signs of a massive gassing operation taking place? Isn't that just completely quackers?!
Hey Jimbo, did you learn a lot in school today? You learned about WW1, huh? Did they tell you the Jews held key positions of economic and political power during the Weimar Republic, and started the communist revolution of 1918? Now ain't that just QUACKING crazy?!
>throughout the war
>the earliest photo was taken in September 1944, (5 months before it was liberated by Red Army)
So let me figure out what you're saying.
You're saying that Jews not only controlled the Weimar Republic, but they also orchestrated a coup to attempt and overthrow said Republic. In which the republic put down said rebellion.
Stormtards truly make me ponder
>my ass
wow, great arguments user!
keep it up!
He is right.
>implying all jewish cabals coordinate with each other and there are never power struggles between cabals
Get a load of this conspiracy theorist and/or faggot.
(read as: stop being intellectually dishonest you niggerfaggot)
I never realised just how hideous the animation for this show was.
As opposed to the sourceless post they are replying to?
>aerial photography can see inside buildings
Why would they compete? I thought those scheming kikes were all about le Jewish supremacy.
>he thinks that the German navy was entirely manned by Jewish communists
>he thinks the Spartacist Uprising happened in 1918
I know this is shitposting, but come on.
The Spartacists werw put down by the Freikorps, not Weimar, you stupid kike shill
Freikorps acting on the orders of who?
Hey Jimberino, you know Jews have been expelled from over a hundred different regions since their temple was burned down? Now those are just quacking FACTS Jimbo.
So have Christians.
I hope the stormtard learns something. Probably 95% of them don't even know what the SPD is.
On the orders of the non-Weimar government.
XD! Shadilay!
>On the same day, Ebert ordered theFreikorpsto attack the workers.
>Friedrich Ebert President of the German Reich (Weimar Republic)
>He thinks the freikorps were anti-weimar
lmao, /pol/ 55 IQs are hilarious
*gets HIV AIDs*
>Nobody has even disputed this
Holohoax shills eternally BTFO
>he thinks the freikorps weren't anti weimar
????? what would give you cause to suppose this, they called the flag red black and shit
Why can't we nuke these threads ?
It's provides nothing historical and is just /pol/ niggers posting disinformation.
Veeky Forums has as much disinformation as Veeky Forums, just substitute shilling and counter-shilling for respective crypto with shilling and counter-shilling for whig/nazi/commie bias, following real life trends with whig in the ascendancy