What were the Nazi's ultimate plans for Europe in the east and west?

What were the Nazi's ultimate plans for Europe in the east and west?

Would they keep France occupied?

Would they take Britain's and France's colonies or free them?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Austria, Sudetenland, Alsace-Lorraine, Luxembourg, Eupen-Malmedy, Polish corridor, Carniola
Directly annexed. Non-Germans here (other than Poles) were considered inferior but not subhuman and would have been forcibly assimilated/restrictions placed on reproduction.
>Eastern Europe
Annex all of Poland, the Baltic states, and the Soviet Union west of the Urals. Over half of the native population killed, the rest deported east, forced into slavery (ranging from forced labor to housekeeping) or serfdom with the most "Aryan"-appearing among them forcibly assimilated into German society from a young age.
>Belgium, Netherlands, parts of eastern France, Bohemia
Annexed over time, inhabitants forcibly assimilated
Split with Italy and France after invading it (after beating the Allies)
>Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland
Protectorates, annexation/assimilation planned over a much longer period
Divided mostly between Italy, Bulgaria, and Hungary, rest split into Serbia and Croatia
>rest of Europe
Made into friendly client states with varying degrees of autonomy, though some might end up fighting wars with each other (e.g. Hungary/Romania)
>European colonies
Would have been kept by collaborator governments if possible, but may fall to governments in exile, independence movements, or to US occupation

Why was Hitler such a blobbing faggot?
>Eastern Europe
>Annex all of Poland, the Baltic states, and the Soviet Union west of the Urals. Over half of the native population killed, the rest deported east, forced into slavery (ranging from forced labor to housekeeping) or serfdom with the most "Aryan"-appearing among them forcibly assimilated into German society from a young age.
Could you go into a bit more detail about what you mean by annexing? I thought this land was going to be split into various dominions represented by the flags in the OP. Seems like too much to swallow as annexed land.

What were they going to do with the Americas?

Nothing. Hitler didn't want anything in the Americas.


Like the American Frontier but with white natives in the East. This is how the Nazi leadership described it.

And a Germany run EU/NATO thing in the West.

>Would they keep France occupied?
They wanted to keep France a rump state with no military resources to permanently neuter them. Hitler saw them as Germany's greatest threat after the USA and the Jews, as well as racially inferior. There were also plans to deport about 1/5 of France's population, annex what used to be their home territory, and settle it with Germans.

Giant cross continental cold war with the Americans, including the construction of a massive fleet with the resources of occupied Europe.

think roman provinces, for eastern europe think cleansed roman provinces.
that kinda thing.

They planned on gassing anyone using apostrophes for plural forms.

Likely nothing, Germany had no means to reach it and would just make peace with them.

Oh, look, stupid fantasy flags. Neat.

For Estland: esties were deemed lucky and to be 'lost' germanics with potential for adopting true Haute Cultur and for easy germanization. Only 1/3 of esties were supposed to be removed from the genepool, about 1/3 be deported to the work camps in the russias, and the remaining third would have enjoyed a 2nd class citizen life under germans and over slav slaves. They were expected to germanize in a generation or two.

I think it was similar for Latvians, except the Eastern Catholic region.

agricultural colonies with native fascist governments

>"Tens of thousands were murdered in the German campaign of extermination of the Polish intelligentsia and other elements thought likely to resist (e.g. Operation Tannenberg and Aktion AB). Catholic clergy were commonly imprisoned or otherwise persecuted and many ended up sent to their death in concentration camps.[55][56] Tens of thousands of members of the resistance and others were tortured and executed at the Pawiak prison in Warsaw.[57] From 1941, disease and hunger also began to reduce the population, as the exploitation of resources and labor, terror and Germanization reached greater intensity after the attack on the Soviet Union.[43] Poles were also deported in large numbers to work as forced labor in Germany, or taken to concentration camps.[41] About two million were transported to Germany to work as slaves and many died there.[52][i] Łapanka or random roundup, on streets or elsewhere, was one of the methods practiced by the Nazis to catch prisoners for labor.[58] Several hundred Wehrmacht brothels, for which local non-German women were forcibly recruited, operated throughout the Reich.[59] In contrast to Nazi policies in occupied Western Europe, the Germans treated the Poles with intense hostility and all Polish state property and private industrial concerns were taken over by the German state.[60][61] Poland was plundered and subjected to extreme economic exploitation throughout the war period.[62]"

>"Mass rapes were committed against Polish women and girls including during punitive executions of Polish citizens, before shooting of the women.[88] Additionally, large numbers of Polish women were routinely captured with the aim of forcing them into serving in German military brothels.[89] Mass raids were conducted by the Nazis in many Polish cities with the express aim of capturing young women, later forced to work in brothels attended by German soldiers and officers.[89] Girls as young as 15 years old, who were ostensibly classified as "suitable for agricultural work in Germany", were sexually exploited by German soldiers at their places of destination.[89]"

>"As part of the plan to destroy Poland, the Germans engaged in cultural genocide in which they looted and then destroyed libraries, museums, scientific institutes and laboratories as well as national monuments and historic treasures.[106] They closed down all universities, high schools, and engaged in systematic murder of Polish scholars, teachers and priests.[107] Millions of books were burned, including an estimated 80% of all school libraries, and three-quarters of all scientific libraries.[108] Polish children were forbidden from acquiring education beyond the elementary level with the aim that the new generation of Polish leaders could not arise in the future.[107] According to a May 1940 memo from Heinrich Himmler: "The sole goal of this schooling is to teach them simple arithmetic, nothing above the number 500; writing one's name; and the doctrine that it is divine law to obey the Germans. I do not think that reading is desirable."[107] By 1941, the number of children attending elementary school in the General Government was half of the prewar number.[36] The Poles responded with the "Secret Teaching" (Tajne Nauczanie), a campaign of underground education."

>"Germany planned to completely remove the indigenous population of Poland beginning with the newly created Reichsgau Wartheland territory in 1939. According to the Lebensraum aim and ideology, formerly Polish lands were to be taken over by the German military and civilian settlers including Eastern European Volksdeutsche. The "Germanizing" of occupied territories by the Reich was repeatedly condemned by Nuremberg Tribunal which stated that the practice of expelling civilians was "not only in defiance of well-established rules of international law, but in complete disregard of the elementary dictates of humanity."[60] During the occupation of Poland, the number of Poles evicted by the German authorities from their homes is estimated at 2,478,000.[61][62] Up to 928,000 Poles were ethnically cleansed to make way for the foreign colonists.[63]"

>"Himmler promised to eventually deport all Poles to Russia. He envisioned their ultimate end by exposure, malnutrition and overwork possibly in the Pripet Marshes where all Poles were to die during the cultivation of the marshy swamps. Plans for the mass transportation and possible creation of slave labor camps for up to 20 million Poles were also made.[67]"