Would Bitcoin still have value in a potential SHTF/WW3 situation? How?
Let's assume everything *doesn't* get fried in EMPs, then what use would Bitcoins be?
Bitcoin if SHTF
user I don't know how to tell you this but I'm afraid your computer has disappeared
i would use my bitcoins at the decentralized local anarcho capitalist bazaar and trade them for bitbeans and then use my nanoledger 0x to pay for ammunition with bitbeans because the guy down the road would probably only take beans as payment since he was an original adopter and diefies the bean mascot
What could people do with *coins in such a scenario though?
you stake them and trade them in decentralized exchanges or peer to peer barters
Hell, some people even collect them for fun
dude if everything gets fried by EMPs cash would be your last problem, you wouldnt be able to get food in 1 week
Buy the dip, go to the local pub, have a pint and wait for WW3 to blow over
>"wait for this to blow over"
>Shaun of the dead raising a glass.jprg
man what the hell is the point of living in the US and spending like half of your tax on the defense budget if we get attacked anyway.
No, neither would cash or shiny metals. Not sure why muh doomsday people bring this up lime it's a legitimate argument against crypto. If you're really worried about that horde guns, bullet, seeds, dried food, kerosene, alcohol, and cigarettes.
We're fucked if the north Koreans launch an EMP and take down the grid
> (OP)
>man what the hell is the point of living in the US and spending like half of your tax on the defense budget if we get attacked anyway.
Live free or die.
It's simple: No internet - no bitcoins.
Assuming that we have a WW3 and still internet, then everyone who is going to be genozided will sell their stuff for Bitcoin and flee their country, so BTC would moon.
But that's not a desirable future at all, so I'm just going to pretend that we will have internet for the rest of our lives.
>WW3 situation
All it would do was reinforce/create new super powers, government won't ever disappear, ever. Not until the human race is wiped out.
This is why I put 50% of my stack in sandcoin, and the other 50% in food. Guess who'll be laughing when my rices 100x in price.
>Mommy why does uncle user have a bunker full of rice?
>He's a crazy neckbeard virgin, dear.
I shaved my neck this morning thankyou very much.
Also, do you want to buy some sand?
Yes, because in that situation FIAT would be useless.
OP already clarified that EMPs aren't a factor.
you will need physical gold, bullets or food to sustain yourself. all forms of currency will be none existent
It would if we ACTUALLY stopped using the fucking centralized internet and made a truly decentralized one with Bitcoin on it.
Then sure. But the ISPs and every other company in the world basically would never fucking allow it.
What is EMP coin? Where can I buy?
Because obviously we would be much less fucked than everyone else. Imagine yourself if we ended every military operation overseas and used the full force of the US military for rebuilding.
they would be useless
cryptocurrency is just an extension of an overly convoluted capitalistic system that must continuously complexify to stimulate growth.
when shit hits the fan 95% of the economy will become utterly irrelevant and we shall return to a barter system where medicine, shelter, food, and ammunition bear the most value. As things begin to stabilize we can move forward once more.
Taxes are too high, but you need some tax. Our country is too big to not have an income tax. When this country was founded we didn't need it, but technology exploded and there's so much infrastructure that we need it. I think 20% is enough to cover all of that, including defense. The problem is we have all of these bloated unnecessary government bureaucracies that are just eating up money. I'm not money bags so I only pay 40ish% in taxes, but that's still 20 cents out of every dollar I earn going to some idiot who's not doing anything useful.
You're aware the defense budget is basically jews voting laws to give themselves your money to buy the weapons you make for them and then send your children die for them, right.
Do you think it's a coincidence all countries the usa go to war with don't have a jew-owned central bank, but do after the war ?
Ah yes, the great Jewish bank of Afghanistan
we have to become the isp's
Everyone should have their own server
>Our country is too big to not have an income tax.
JIDF detected.
Why can't we have a flat tax, hm?
t. randlet
The best use would be for transferring wealth out to a new location that is still functioning if and when you're able to escape death and destruction in another region.
It's probably best to also have some gold coins for this strategy (especially since you may need to pay off certain people along the way). But there are limitations and risks that go along with trying to carry that much physical wealth. If you've got a stash of crypto on the blockchain, all you need is the private key or recovery seed to access it in any new location where connectivity is possible.
There are plenty of scenarios where this wouldn't work out, but at least some where it could make a huge difference. I'd say it makes sense in terms of diversifying one's resources to cover the widest possible set of potential outcomes.
Not the user you're responding to, but just wanted to say: you're retarded.
don't waste your time on the brainlet
yeah the cities aren't going to allow you to run cables outside of your property to connect to your peers.
wireless would be shot down by the fcc.
you can also use them as a decentralized immutable communication system using micro-transactions encoding messages with the tx amounts.
Satellites will be broadcasting the blockchain soon. EMP strong enough to wipe out electronics on earth would only be possible with a nuclear explosion string enough to blow up the earth. Bitcoin would be very useful.
I said we should have a flat 20% tax, are you dumb?
Agreed. I just want to build a nice enough place in the mountains in a good community before SHTF.
I think if the right circumstances arose, crypto could easily be used as long as computers still work. But i think people will resort to walking dead style clan warefare. That show is conditioning for you mind to accept it one day. it did mine
oh hey i have that case