What does /biz think about IOTA? Does it have potential, or is it a shitcoin? I've heard a lot of people on both sides give good arguments. The feeless transactions are awesome, but the Coordinator thing seems to be an issue.

too early, lot's of problems all the time
check back in six months

worthless shitcoin over a trillion coins and retards like you eat it up

>inb4 muh /pol/

was telling you stupid fuckers this since it was 1$. them going full retard was just icing on the shit cake.

When it's dead and last bagholders dump their bags for a pack of cigarettes? This shitcoin has been in free fall for three months straight.

How does number of coins matter? Ultimately it should be Market Cap / Circulating Supply = Price

What in particular do you think makes it worthless?

hoping it stays at $0.40 so i can continue accumulating lol

not a pnd coin

hurrrrrdurrrr you mean a trillion coins valued at 1$ isn't overvalued? thanks you fucking subhuman. thanks god I don't listen to non whites like you for my investment advice.

well in that case, short? yeah it's been falling but following news I'm looking for an entry point. IF it works out it's going to be yuge for some specific use cases

This. I'd rather buy Ripple than this no purpose shitcoin that has an alpha underdeveloped wallet and rumors that big companies are going back it up and actually use.

They are sold as MIOTA so at $1 it would be a $2,779,530,283 market cap. A much more reasonable number when you do proper math and research.

It won't. Devs hang out at slack 99% of the time and can't be arsed to care about the project since they received a huge grant from the government on top of scamming idiots by dumping the foundation tokens on bitfinex.

If you ask around here you're going to see the same nonsensical arguments thrown in your face time and time again. Rest assured they've all been refuted in previous threads by the few who have thoroughly researched what they are buying. Still better than us all just going down on each other like the fucks r/Iota. The reality is that despite all of the partnerships and projects being developed by the foundation, DAG is still pretty much in its infancy relative to block chain DLT tech. It's hard to look ahead now and tell where this specific tech will be in a few years. There are much more viable opportunities to invest and grow your btc/alt stacks before you will see big action here, but it's one to keep an eye on due to the enormous potential for data and IOT.

>t. Gi holder

سوف يوتا تدمير جميع الكفار باسم محمد

it's your money. I'm keeping it on my watch list to see where it goes, not buying until at least new years either way

You're delusional if you think this shitcoin will receive a billion buy order anytime soon to make it $1.2. It will never pump even with reasonable buy pressure as there are millions of tokens to be liquidated by the whales who don't give a shit about IOTA and already got 1000x gains from ICO.

You're clearly confused. the 0.36$ is for Miota, MEGA Iota, which is 1 milliion Iota.

So 1 iota is like 0.00000036$, it's comparable to satoshi.


iota is priced in MIOTAs, nothing else

bitcoin will never be priced in satoshis either

stop coping, you bought into a overvalued coin with a massive supply

You do realize that Iota is potentially better than any blockchain currency?


This combination is nice. Only downside that it sounds too complicated to smallfolk and so the adoption will be slow. But billionaires on average are pretty smart so they'll soon start buying.

Also you don't need to put in 1 billion $ to increase the marketcap by 1 billion $. That's not how valuation works. If some whales would put in buyorders totalling 100million$ then the price would move up rapidly and people will refuse to sell for lower.

Even if it's priced in Miota, which is completely fine, it at least allows people to realize the smallest unit easily.

Why would it be overpriced simply because of the supply? Bitcoin's supply is like 210 trillion satoshi. Supply doesn't mean shit.

bitcoin's supply is 16,637,775 BTC


No wonder it's sub 1$ huh. I guess the price is low because "smart billionaires haven't bought", and not because the demand for this is in the shitter.

I'm talking about the total supply, because even if they're not mined yet, they're technically already there.

166 trillion satoshi for now then, sounds like a lot, doesn't matter though, supply doesn't say much.

Who cares about the price per unit. It's about Marketcap, it's doing pretty well, and bitcoin didn't go to 1 billion marketcap in 2 years, just saying.

It will catch up with Ethereum soon enough, even smart contracts are possible on the tangle.

It's still fucking worthless as a coin since you can create 0 value transactions and companies don't really need to stock up the supply. I don't think many people will be happy reattaching tangle a few hundred times to find their wallet balance or bother with flawed security that decreases when you use your address more than once for withdrawal.

Circulating Supply: 2,779,530,283 MIOTA

total supply is 21,000,000 BTC

Iota's supply is 13.8 million units if you count a unit as 200 MIOTAs. This would put the price at $74 per unit with roughly 17% less of a supply than bitcoin. Now factor in that there are no fees, very fast transactions, and the tangle can always handle as many transactions as you can throw at it. Still think its overvalued?

>Iota's supply is 13.8 million units if you count a unit as 200 MIOTAs

yeah and bitcoins supply is 1 if you count a unit as 16,637,775 BTC

are you retarded or do you really need to believe that kind of mental gymnastic to justify buying into a coin with such a big supply

I'm from brazil and let me tell you this

only brazilians shill this shitcoin, it's unbelievable. It's like a cult, they will open an Iota/BRL pair exchange here next year I think.

Everything brazilians touch turns into shit. Decred is going the same way, despite being a better Litecoin. I sadly bought into DCR before knowing the huge brazilian fanbase it had. Will dump my bags at 700k and never look at it again

This is the first I've heard about IOTA being loved by brazillians.

IOTA seems like such a good technology when I read about it, but I guess there's a lot of people that disagree

>the circulating supply meme

I work in finance, if someone said market cap should be calculated off publicly traded shares vs overall shares they would be cleaning up their desk


Isn't that the Chainlink of a few months ago?

People were saying it would be the new BTC. It's been pumped and dumped already.

Regardless of where you are on the internet; any time IOTA gets discussed objectively, the IOTA bagholders will arrive and shitpost it all into oblivion.

Case in point.

Once the IOTA cultists discover a negative comment, they notify their brethren so they can "refute" the post (using only ad hominems) until nothing else gets discussed. Occasionally, the developers appear and threaten to sue everyone.

At the end of the day, the IOTA cultists will say it was a victory over white supremacy. Then it will get swept under the rug on all IOTA channels. They will ban anyone who mentions what actually took place.

Shortly afterwards, the devs will write a lengthy blog post detailing their heroic struggle against hate and intolerance. The IOTA cultists will celebrate another victory for their shitcoin, while everyone else is left scratching their heads.

The IOTA internet gestapo NEVER sleeps. Their crusade won't end until EVERYONE takes their shitcoin seriously.

If you encounter an iotie, just smile and give them encouragement. Tell them it will all be ok. It's not worth causing an incident

I'm still kinda new to this stuff so thanks for the correction, that makes sense as well. I figured things like lost coins don't really count for determining price because they never move around.

> bitcoin will never be priced in satoshis either
opinion discarded


I'm one of the big fans of this coin, and I agree. However buy in the 30s

Allah akbar friends, we must buy all the iota for the glory of Allah and his prophet muhammad

Ripple is a shitcoin senpai

Crypto noob detected

I mean.. Iota and Bosch literally just opened a joint office in Chicago like three days ago... Bosch being the leader in rolling out self-driving cars... But yeah, probably nothing

>a trillion coins valued at 1$ isn't overvalued?
You cant even do simple math! You shouldn't even be listening to yourself for investment advice TOP FUCKING KEK

It’s pretty clear niggers in this thread haven’t done their research. Iota is pretty fucking amazing tech, but like the rest of crypto, it hasn’t had any solid use cases (except for the fact that you know, they partnered with Bosch........) so of course it’s been tanking.

Same situation as LINK..........r-right? :))
t. LINK bagholder of course

But I actually don’t own any iota, due to it just plain not being good for day trading and speculating atm. But cmon guys. Look at the fucking tech. Instant, free transactions due to the fact that, through the directed acyclic graph (DAG) that it uses instead of a heavy fucking blockchain, each new transaction must verify 2 other random, previous transactions. Hence, the tangle.

I’ve actually been thinking about using IOTA to transfer funds (like BTC) that would otherwise be a pain to transfer with the fees, between say binance and bitfinex.

Now if only the founder can keep his fucking shit together when it comes to his PR fuckery, this thing might actually have a bright future.