So Veeky Forums, given your extensive studies of past events, what can you predict for the future?
So Veeky Forums, given your extensive studies of past events, what can you predict for the future?
People will keep doing the same thing over and over, each time insisting that it'll be different now.
You can somewhat predict the future of countries like Russia, China, Germany, Iran, Japan looking to his history
The only thing I have learned from history is that no-one ever learns anything from history.
meatsack downfall is imminent
>The pursuit of profit will eventually be the primary priority of every human being, anything else can be disregarded as unessential or completely irrelevant (e.g. morals, empathy, compassion, charity, love, decency, honesty, etc.)
>Decadent behaviour will become the norm
>Corporations will supplant the role of the state
>The gap between the rich and the poor will become so great that society will evolve into neo-feudalism.
>EVERYTHING will be commoditized, even air
>The masses will eventually turn into proles from the novel 1984 by George Orwell
>And of course there will be the collapse of the earth's biosphere.
Call me schizo, edgy, crazy, retarded a betafag or whatever, this is how I envision how the future of humanity will be. I don't like it myself, not in the slightest, but there's no stopping this.
Can someone please provide an argument against this, I would dearly love to have an answer that states otherwise, that there will be hope for humanity.
well, nationalism is growing everywhere. A lot of them dislike individualist consumerism. (eg Bannon)
society how we know will be destroy.
Western Europeans will lose all influence they once had, they won't go away or go extinct if they continue the way they are we'll see a demographic shift in their countries. I think Eastern Europe or Asia are going to be major players in the coming era, pretty much the future belongs to anyone whose not afraid to "get their hands dirty" per se, something that Western Countries cannot stomach doing anymore.
I have doubts about eastern europe, But clearly it will be China that will become the dominant superpower in the near future, surpassing even the United States. The idea scares me.
Based on sociology, nothing good.
You forgot African population hitting 6 billion by 2050 and becoming the underclass of the world as their countries collapse under corruption and climate change.
Expect that new Pakistan to China mega highway the Chinese built for resource extraction to bite them in the ass when millions of Africans decend upon it for a better life in China. They already have a huge African influx in their city construction sector and they'll work for nothing.
6 billion by 2150
4 billion by 2100 by UN estimates. The high estimates are 6 billion by 2100.
Eastern Europe with it's own worse demographic collapse is going to get BLACKED hard when Western Europe falls.
This seems true but i heard in the 70s and 80s the Japanese were going to take over the US and then Japan hit a wall. I think China will eventually slow and then China and US will have kind of mutual superpower status for a long while. It does seem like Africa will be the next place to exploit resources from both sides.
Regarding your first point... one could argue that never before in human history has the average person in the world's leading economies cared so much about being moral. That's why we have so many anti-racism, anti-sexism, animal rights movements, and so on. Never before in human history have there been so many people living in a societies that protect human rights.
Regarding your second point... what do you mean by decadent behavior? So-called "degeneracy"? Well, I don't see much that is bad about it.
As for the rest of your points, I don't know, and heck, it's possible we've already fucked up the biosphere beyond a critical point (I hope not, of course). But, at least, many people are aware of these potential problems and are working to prevent them from happening.
On your point about the environment, our technology is going to get better to make cleaner energy and also to clean up our past messes imo. I agree about the moral implications. It gets harder to just go into a country and take their resources. They will have to show that they are somewhat helping the country in question or will be ostrisized by the global community.
>pretending Eastern Europe will ever accept Africans
I'm going to assume you live in a developed country so good for you.
>That's why we have so many anti-racism, anti-sexism, animal rights movements, and so on. Never before in human history have there been so many people living in a societies that protect human rights.
Poor people don't care about these things, they are too distracted by the bread and circuses corporations constantly spew to generate more profit (yes, I may be delusional. Also I am not bashing poor people.)
>what do you mean by decadent behavior? So-called "degeneracy"? Well, I don't see much that is bad about it.
You cannot deny that society today is oversexualized, you can see it everywhere (I am no prude myself, I have moderate views on drug use, prostitution, homosexuality,porn), but I am against people acting like depraved animals with no other concern but instant gratification. I may put it in a way that is exaggerated but think about it for a moment.
>On your point about the environment, our technology is going to get better to make cleaner energy and also to clean up our past messes imo
I sincerely hope that this is the path that humanity will take, but I firmly believe that a few extremely powerful/wealthy (no, not muh jews) individuals will do everything in their power to hamper the development of green energy in order to squeeze out as much profit as possible from fossil fuels.
>Poor people don't care about these things, they are too distracted by the bread and circuses corporations constantly spew to generate more profit (yes, I may be delusional. Also I am not bashing poor people.)
The new circus is called video game. More fun but also easier to control people with. People with destructive tendencies can play shooters. Potentially rebellious autists with grand strategy games, as you don't have to smack them anymore for sticking out. And so on.
%50000 gain in dogecoin by mid 2018
shit gets fucked up over and over again as it always has
there is nothing to do to stop it nor should we attempt to
its the nature of man