what would America have been like if it was catholic instead of protestant?
What would America have been like if it was catholic instead of protestant?
check every country south of america
french and spanish with irish and german enclaves
New Orleans would have been the capital and main metro area
New England would be fully basque and portuguese
They would be a lot less focused on freedom and less pluralistic, America was first colonized by religious minorities who were not tolerated in the old world, that's why you have shit like hippie communes and amish even today while no states in Europe will accept to sell your lands for that kind of things.
I'm european and a bunch of families wanted to build some ecolo semi-communal neighboor and the local authorities backed off at the first complaint about that lifestyle being weird. (And they were far from being full hippie)
America became catholic in the mid twentieth century.
Result: massive mexican/south american immigration and pedo scandals in every town.
Less individualist autism.
Doesn't matter. America became a great power and then super power due to waves of superior and mostly Catholic west German and Irish migration.
Even prior, Scots were over represented in the noteables of the early years.
American success was never about Protestant work ethic or Anglo culture.
It's about the genetic superiority of Celts. Everywhere the Celts settled becomes developed and peaceful.
Ireland got dominated by England due to a much much smaller population, but has since roared past them in economic development.
Whoa. It's like a map of every place worth anything.
Not very different cause secularism
the north would be like Quebec and the south like Brazil
The south is like Brazil even without Catholics
tell me more about celtic superiority user, I like feeling better than everyone else
Weak. Ineffective. Overrun.
>what would have America been like if it was colonised by someone other than England
Third world shithole
Still a superpower, but with less religious fundamentalism and probably a lot less focused on freedom and less pluralistic. Things like mormon adn amish towns and certain cults wouldn't be legal.
The Hibernian Conspiracy is real/
Where did the Celtic roaches go?
>Religion hasn't had a big impact on the history of the United States
Probably would have been a sparsely populated backwater that became divided into several nations before a cohesive system of infrastructure between different settlements could be developed. So like a colder Amazon. The center of would power would probably still be port cities in the southern hemisphere.
*vanishes off the face of Europe*
They're superior at getting BTFO'd by all their neighbors
>All their neighbours
Sure is easy when you have one neighbour and it's Rome.
You could say the same about the Phoenicians but nobody ever does because they are le exotic and all goodboy weirdos love to suck Leb knob, bit like Persians actually.
make a better pope place so he come live here
this thread is beyond retarded, the united states never was a specific religion, in fact from the very beginning some of the largest majority in many regions of the colonies were in fact catholic
it doesn't matter which was in majority anyway, because religion has never been important in matters of state here anyway
fuck this thread
What if america was norse pagan?
The bigger implication of that is what would the world be like if England remained Catholic
>Ireland got dominated by England due to a much much smaller population
This is probably a bait post, but the population of England and Ireland was virtually the same up until the Industrial Revolution when the population of Britain exploded.
This (same thing basically).
Also, unironically, it would have been a less religious country nowadays. Without plurality of puritan and protestant traditions to choose from, and a centralized Catholic church instead, the 20th century secularization wave would have hit America much harder.
tabula rasa ITT
Every president is now a saint