What is the deal with Amerimutts hating the French for not invading Iraq?
Is that a thing? Cause I'm an Amerimutt and this is the first time I'm hearing about this supposed butthurt. To be quite frank I (along with 99% of the American population) didn't even know that the French didn't invade Iraq with us. In fact I'm pretty sure if you asked most Americans they wouldn't think that anyone else had joined America in our invasion of Iraq.
As an older millennial, being in high school in the mid 2000s, i was knee high in America propaganda. People were constantly digging at the French, it was strange.
Honestly it was probably the biggest example of group think I’ve ever witnessed.
And then we found out later we had no reason to be in either country.
Operation “American freedom demorcracy eagle” or whatever was our dumbest accomplishment.
This is so true, all 12 years of school I had maybe 3 history classes without someone saying something about the French being cowards, women, rude, etc.
Here's an article from 2003 that talk about francophobia during that time
Nah it was a hot-button issue back during the invasion
keep in mind that 9/11 was still somewhat fresh and folks were baying for blood
its dead now because even most conservatives will freely admit iraq was a mistake
>Two Republican congressmen convinced the House of Representatives' cafeterias to change "French fries" on their menus to "Freedom fries," and "French toast" to "Freedom toast."
Who was in the wrong here?
Good question. Germany opposed the invasion of Iraq as much as France, why did they not get nearly as much hate from mutts?
french are sandnigger loving pussies
the world would have been better without them
Because asking Germany to deploy troops outside its borders has been a controversial issue since WW2.
The French were an easier target.
The single good thing that administration did was telling the US to go to war w/o German help.
Funny since they're not even french, they're belgian.
Because Germany didn't exactly have an army to send, while France still has one of the largest in the world?
I think it's because France used their veto on the resolution which normaly should have prevented the war, america was just like "fuck you, you cheese eating surendering monkeys" and went in anyways.
Honestly I never liked the idea of an "illegal" war. Aside from it going against national sovereignty, we're just supposed to suddenly pretend that over 5,000 years of human conflict is supposed to just completely stop because now we have the ability to btfo of each other really hard?
Germany bent the knee on all other fronts:
>BND supplied target information
>provided logistical support
>sent 4200 soldiers for guard duty on US bases
>completely opened the airspace
>sent NBC defense tanks to Kuwait
>leased Patriot systems to the Netherlands who then stationed them in Turkey
German behavior wasn't exactly neutral. Fischer's passionate speech served mainly their re-election
Tell that to Poland.
That was before nukes came into the picture.
literal 13 year old confirmed
25 year rule