That first meal of the day

>that first meal of the day

What am I supposed to eat for breakfast? I can't seem to get more than 500 calories in. Pic related

then don't fucking eat breakfast and take some high protein snacks with you throughout the day.

My brother lives with me and he doesn't eat eggs so I stopped making them in the morning. Now we just eat oats.

4 eggs cooked in butter or olive oil
2 pieces of toast or some oatmeal
A glass of milk

That's ~ 680 calories

If you can't eat that then you are a baby.

It's not that I can't hold it down, I just exhaust all my foods. I eat 3 eggs, a bowl of cereal with whole milk, a banana. Can't do oats because they taste like shit. Sometimes I add bacon but that's only an additional 200 calories. I'm sure there has to be more calorie dense foods out there.

>eating meme meal

dont fucking force feed yourself, eat what you can then just bring protein shakes, cooked chicken/pork/beef, yogurts, wholemeal sandwiches with lots of meat, etc as mid-meal snacks to meet your caloric needs if you're bulking.

you have 16 hours of being awake.

here's what I had for breakfast:
>10g instant coffee + 350g milk + 25g honey
>50g raw oats + 125g milk + 30g honey
>250g garlic-chicken mac and cheese I made yesterday

total came out to 1025 calories, p cheap too

Eating between 8pm and 1pm


that's more than 500 calories you dope

they dont taste shit with a scoop of honey and some fruit or berries


That's at least 550 depending on what cereal you're eating.

It sounds like OP doesn't know how to count calories.

It's more like 650, there are 96 calories in 8 oz of whole milk. Plus I bet he didn't count his OJ

>240ml of whole milk
>86 calories

wow, someone badly needs a nutrition crash course.

Tfw overslept

Eat a fucking croissant

Cook your eggs in oil in a frying pan? I dunno lol

eat more cereal and add an egg

more eggs


>4 Eggs



Buy some sausages, throw in a chunk of butter and olive oil. Cook those sausages in those juicy and fatty oils and you'll have eaten 1k calories.

How do you guys eat so many eggs? If I go over 3 eggs my farts smell like a dead horse

4 eggs isn't even that much food

I'm cutting now.
I normally eat 6 when I'm gaining. I'll eventually cut it down to 2.

Cup of walnuts is 800 cals.
Put that in some oatmeal, along with some protein powder, and you got yerself a 1200+ calorie meal.

A cup of walnuts? Are you fucking made of money man?

I was going to make eggs and stir fry beef this morning but opted for something faster

>Bowl of cheerios
>Protein Shake
tbsp organic peanut butter, 1/4 cup large flake oats, 2 cups whole milk, 1 scoop lean mass gainer (at roughly 250 kcal per scoop)

Eggs is a lot of work to clean up sometimes, oatmeal and greek yogourt was a staple I used to eat also.

Im a fat fuck dickhead

Im cutting calories :(